How do you decide when to accept or reject reviewers' suggestions?
As a researcher, you know how important it is to publish your work in reputable journals. But getting your manuscript accepted is not always easy. You have to go through the peer review process, where other experts in your field evaluate your paper and give you feedback. Sometimes, the reviewers' comments and suggestions can be helpful and constructive, but other times they can be confusing, conflicting, or even unfair. How do you decide when to accept or reject reviewers' suggestions? Here are some tips to help you navigate this challenging situation.
Morgana Moretti, PhDMedical Writer | Scientific communication solutions for healthcare organizations
Maria MachadoSuggesting revisions before reviewer 2 demands them | Helping researchers get their scientific findings published…
Luca Orlando, PhDSenior Scientist - Team Leader - Stem Cells based Clinical Solutions