Report a problem or send feedback

Need to report a technical issue or send feedback about ChromeOS? If so, try these options:

Before you report: Ask the experts

Before reporting an issue, try posting your question to the community help forum, where our Product Experts and other Chromebook users can help you.

Send a feedback report

  1. Open the page or location where you experience the error.
  2. On your keyboard, press Alt + Shift + i.
    • If you don't have a keyboard, hold the Power button for 3 seconds and tap Feedback .
  3. In the "Tell us what's happening" field, add any important details, including the steps to follow to reproduce the issue you're experiencing.
    • As you describe the issue, check the "Suggested help content," section below the text box. Results will appear and refresh as you type.
    • If "Suggested help content," doesn’t give helpful results, select Continue.
  4. Include relevant information in your report that can help investigate and solve the issue.
    • If you report an issue about a specific file, attach any relevant, non-confidential documents to the report.
    • To add a screenshot, check the "Screenshot" box.
    • To include attachment, select Add file.
    • Enter an email address if you would like to include one, or select the down arrow and choose "Do not include email address."
    • Under "Share diagnostic data," if you'd like to share a URL or data, check the boxes.
  5. To submit the report, select Send.
  6. To submit another report, select Send new report. You can also:
    • Find helpful articles: Select Explore.
    • Run tests for hardware issues: Select Diagnostics.
    • Connect with others on a Chromebook forum: Select Ask community.
  7. To close the Feedback window, select Done.

We appreciate your help! In most cases, we won't be able to send you an individualized response, but we'll investigate your report and use the information you provide to improve ChromeOS.

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