Five Star Alliance Groups & Meetings
Please provide us with the following information so that we can get to work sourcing your needs with our Groups & Meetings Specialists.
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Main Contact Name *
Organization Name
Email Address *
Phone Number
Would you consider your group one of the following? *
Destination *
Preferred destination as well as any alternatives if those are known
Hotel or Resort
If you have a specific hotel or resort that you are interested in, please provide that here
Are your travel dates flexible or exact? *
Dates *
Please provide your exact or estimated dates of travel.
Number of Nights
Number of Guests *
This does not need to be exact, please just estimate the range of travelers or attendees - even if it may change or be determined later. There will be the option to provide us with comments and more detail before submitting your full request.
Number of Guest Rooms
This response is optional, but please provide if you know how many guest rooms would be necessary
Estimated Nightly Room Cost *
In USD $  - please estimate the average nightly guest room rate for the group
Airfare & Flights *
Would you like to include Airfare & Flights for any of the travelers?
Please let us know if you will need any of the following services
Provide any additional comments or notes here:
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