Applies ToWindows 11 Windows 10

A group of people looking at a magnified computer screen

Using Magnifier on Windows 11

Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better.Ā 

Expand any or all of the following sections to learn more about Magnifier.Ā 

Toā€Æquicklyā€Æturn on Magnifier, press the Windows logoā€Ækey + Plusā€Æsign (+) . To turn off Magnifier, press the Windows logoā€Ækey +Ā Esc.

If you prefer using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€ÆĀ AccessibilityĀ > Magnifier,Ā and then turn on theĀ Magnifierā€Æswitch.

If you are using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€ÆĀ Accessibilityā€Æ > MagnifierĀ  and use the Zoomā€Ælevelā€ÆbuttonsĀ to select how much Magnifier enlarges the screen when you turn it on.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are usingā€ÆNarrator andā€Æa keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear ā€œZoom out, buttonā€ or ā€œZoom in, button,ā€ and press Spacebar to adjust the zoom level accordingly. Narrator announces the new value.

  3. Pressā€Æ Shift + Tabā€Æor the Tab key to move between the buttons and adjust the value to your liking.

If you are using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€ÆĀ Accessibilityā€Æ > MagnifierĀ and open theā€ÆZoom incrementsĀ drop-down menu,Ā and select how much the screen enlargement level changes when you zoom in and outā€ÆwithĀ Magnifier.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are usingā€ÆNarrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear ā€œZoom increments,ā€ followed by the current value.

  3. Pressā€Æ Alt + Downā€Æarrow key to open the menu, use the Up and Down arrow keys to find the zoom increment value you want to use, and press Enter to select it and close the menu.

If you know aĀ computerĀ will often be used by people with low vision, it may be helpful to have Magnifier turn on automatically.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€ÆĀ AccessibilityĀ > Magnifier. SelectĀ Magnifier, and then select or unselect theā€Æ Start Magnifier after sign-inā€Æandā€ÆStart Magnifier before sign-inā€Æcheckboxes according to yourĀ preferences.ā€Æ

If you are using Narrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear: "Magnifier, toggle switch." Press the Tab key once. You hear: "Show all settings." Press Enter, and then press the Tab key until you hear ā€œStart Magnifier after sign-inā€ā€Æor ā€œStart Magnifier before sign in,ā€ā€Æfollowed byā€Æā€œuncheckedā€ or ā€œchecked.ā€

  3. Press ā€ÆSpacebarĀ to turn the selected option on or off.

Edge smoothingā€Æis something you should experiment with to see if smoothing works better for you than noĀ smoothing.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using a mouse, select Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€ÆĀ AccessibilityĀ > Magnifier and turnĀ theā€ÆSmooth edges of imagesā€Æand textā€Æswitch on or off according to yourĀ preferences.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using Narrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear ā€œSmooth edges of images and text,ā€ followed by ā€œToggle switch, onā€ or ā€œToggle switch, off.ā€

  3. Press Spacebar to turn the option on or off.

Inverted colors may reduce eye strain or makeā€Ætextā€Æmore readable for some people.ā€Æā€Æā€ÆĀ 

Toā€Æinvert screen colors whileā€ÆMagnifier is turned on, pressĀ Ctrl + Alt + I.Ā Black color becomes white and vice versa, and other colors change to suit that.ā€ÆĀ 

To return the colors toā€Ænormal, pressĀ Ctrl + Alt + Iā€Æagain.ā€ÆĀ 

ā€ÆĀ Use the following shortcuts to change between MagnifierĀ views:ā€ÆĀ 

  • To use the full screen view, pressā€Æ Ctrl + Alt + F.

  • To use the docked view, press Ctrl + Alt + D.

  • To use the lens view, pressĀ Ctrl + Alt + L.

To cycle between the views, pressĀ CtrlĀ +Ā AltĀ +Ā M. You can use this toā€Æquicklyā€Æcompare the views and see which one works best for you in eachĀ situation.ā€ÆĀ 

To temporarily show the entire screenā€Æwhen you are zoomed in using the full screen view, pressĀ CtrlĀ +Ā AltĀ +Ā Spacebar.ā€ÆĀ 

Depending on how you navigate Windows, you may want to change theĀ defaultĀ Magnifier behavior so that it only follows theĀ NarratorĀ cursor, forĀ example.ā€ÆThese settingsā€Æare something you should experiment with to see what works best for you.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€ÆĀ AccessibilityĀ > Magnifier. Select View, and then under Have my Magnifier follow, select or unselect the Mouse pointer, Keyboard focus, Text cursor, andā€ÆNarrator cursorā€Æcheckboxes according to your preferences.ā€ÆThese settings can be selected in any combination youĀ like.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using Narrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear "View," followed by the current view setting.Ā Press the Tab key once. You hear: "More." Press Enter, and then press the Tab key until you hearĀ ā€œMouse pointer,ā€ā€Æā€œKeyboard focus,ā€ ā€œText cursor,ā€ā€Æor ā€œNarrator cursor,ā€ followed by ā€œuncheckedā€ or ā€œchecked.ā€

  3. PressĀ SpacebarĀ to turn the selected option on or off.

If you are using a mouse, selectĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€ÆĀ AccessibilityĀ > Magnifier. Select View, and then open theā€ÆKeep the mouse pointerā€Æorā€ÆKeep the text cursorā€Ædrop-down menu, and select how Magnifier behaves when the mouse pointer or text cursor move around the screen.ā€ÆThis is something you should experiment with to see which combination works best forĀ you.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using Narrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear "View," followed by the current view setting.Ā Press the Tab key once. You hear: "More." Press Enter, and then press the Tab key untilā€Æyou hear ā€œKeep the mouse pointerā€ or ā€œKeep the text cursor,ā€ followed by the current value.

  3. Press Alt + Down arrow key to open the menu, use the Up and Down arrow keys to find the pointer or cursor option you want to use, and press Enter to select it and close the menu.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

Note:Ā The instructions apply in Windows 11 too, even though the video only shows WindowsĀ 10.

Here are some tips on how to use Magnifier with a touchscreen:

  • To zoom in and out, tap on the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols on the corners of the screen.

  • To move around the screen, drag along the borders of the screen in full screen view.

  • To instantly zoom out and see where you are on the screen, tap with one finger on opposite borders of the screen simultaneously.

  • To close Magnifier, tap the minus (-)Ā symbol to zoom out, then tap the CloseĀ  button.

Open Magnifier settings

See also

Using Magnifier on Windows 10

Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better.Ā 

Expand any or all of the following sections to learn more about Magnifier.Ā 

Toā€Æquicklyā€Æturn on Magnifier, press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ  + Plusā€Æsign (+) . To turn off Magnifier, press the Windows logoā€Ækey +Ā Esc .ā€ÆĀ 

If you prefer using a mouse, selectā€Æ Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€Æ Ease of Access ā€Æ > Magnifierā€Æ>ā€ÆTurn on Magnifier.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€Æ Ease of Access ā€Æ > MagnifierĀ  and use theĀ Change zoomā€Ælevelā€ÆbuttonsĀ to select how much Magnifier enlarges the screen when you turn it on.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are usingā€ÆNarrator andā€Æa keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear ā€œZoom out, buttonā€ or ā€œZoom in, button,ā€ and press Spacebar to adjust the zoom level accordingly. Narrator announces the new value.

  3. Pressā€Æ Shift + Tabā€Æor the Tab key to move between the buttons and adjust the value to your liking.

If you are using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€Æ Ease of Access ā€Æ > MagnifierĀ and open theā€ÆChange zoom incrementsĀ drop-down menu,Ā and select how much the screen enlargement level changes when you zoom in and outā€ÆwithĀ Magnifier.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are usingā€ÆNarrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear ā€œChange zoom increments,ā€ followed by the current value.

  3. Pressā€Æ Alt + Downā€Æarrow key to open the menu, use the Up and Down arrow keys to find the zoom increment value you want to use, and press Enter to select it and close the menu.

If you know aĀ computerĀ will often be used by people with low vision, it may be helpful to have Magnifier turn on automatically.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€Æ Ease of Access ā€Æ > Magnifier, and select or unselect theā€Æ Start Magnifier after sign-inā€Æandā€ÆStart Magnifier before sign-in for everyoneā€Æcheckboxes according to yourĀ preferences.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using Narrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear ā€œStart Magnifier after sign-inā€ā€Æor ā€œStart Magnifier before sign in for everyone,ā€ā€Æfollowed byā€Æā€œuncheckedā€ or ā€œchecked.ā€

  3. Press ā€ÆSpacebarĀ to turn the selected option on or off.

Edge smoothingā€Æis something you should experiment with to see if smoothing works better for you than noĀ smoothing.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using a mouse, select Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€Æ Ease of Access ā€Æ > Magnifier and select or unselect theā€ÆSmooth edges of imagesā€Æand textā€Æcheckbox according to yourĀ preferences.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using Narrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear ā€œSmooth edges of images and text,ā€ followed by ā€œuncheckedā€ or ā€œchecked.ā€

  3. Press Spacebar to turn the option on or off.

Inverted colors may reduce eye strain or makeā€Ætextā€Æmore readable for some people.ā€Æā€Æā€ÆĀ 

Toā€Æinvert screen colors whileā€ÆMagnifier is turned on, pressĀ Ctrl + Alt + I.Ā Black color becomes white and vice versa, and other colors change to suit that.ā€ÆĀ 

To return the colors toā€Ænormal, pressĀ Ctrl + Alt + Iā€Æagain.ā€ÆĀ 

ā€ÆĀ Use the following shortcuts to change between MagnifierĀ views:ā€ÆĀ 

  • To use the full screen view, pressā€Æ Ctrl + Alt + F.

  • To use the docked view, press Ctrl + Alt + D.

  • To use the lens view, pressĀ Ctrl + Alt + L.

To cycle between the views, pressĀ CtrlĀ +Ā AltĀ +Ā M. You can use this toā€Æquicklyā€Æcompare the views and see which one works best for you in eachĀ situation.ā€ÆĀ 

To temporarily show the entire screenā€Æwhen you are zoomed in, pressĀ CtrlĀ +Ā AltĀ +Ā Spacebar.ā€ÆĀ 

Depending on how you navigate Windows, you may want to change theĀ defaultĀ Magnifier behavior so that it only follows theĀ NarratorĀ cursor, forĀ example.ā€ÆThese settingsā€Æare something you should experiment with to see what works best for you.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using a mouse, selectā€ÆĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€Æ Ease of Access ā€Æ > Magnifier, and select or unselect the Mouse pointer, Keyboard focus, Text cursor, andā€ÆNarrator cursorā€Æcheckboxes according to your preferences.ā€ÆThese settings can be selected in any combination youĀ like.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using Narrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear ā€œMouse pointer,ā€ā€Æā€œKeyboard focus,ā€ ā€œText cursorā€ā€Æor ā€œNarrator cursor,ā€ followed by ā€œuncheckedā€ or ā€œchecked.ā€

  3. PressĀ SpacebarĀ to turn the selected option on or off.

If you are using a mouse, selectĀ  Startā€ÆĀ > Settingsā€Æ>ā€Æ Ease of Access ā€Æ > Magnifier, open theā€ÆKeep the mouse pointerā€Æorā€ÆKeep the text cursorā€Ædrop-down menu, and select how Magnifier behaves when the mouse pointer or text cursor move around the screen.ā€ÆThis is something you should experiment with to see which combination works best forĀ you.ā€ÆĀ 

If you are using Narrator and a keyboard:ā€ÆĀ 

  1. Press the Windows logoā€ÆkeyĀ Ā +Ā CtrlĀ +Ā Mā€Æ to open the Magnifier settings view.

  2. Press the Tab key untilā€Æyou hear ā€œKeep the mouse pointerā€ or ā€œKeep the text cursor,ā€ followed by the current value.

  3. Press Alt + Down arrow key to open the menu, use the Up and Down arrow keys to find the pointer or cursor option you want to use, and press Enter to select it and close the menu.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

To learn how Magnifier can read text from your screen aloud, refer toĀ How to use Magnifier reading.

Here are some tips on how to use Magnifier with a touchscreen:

  • To zoom in and out, tap on the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols on the corners of the screen.

  • To move around the screen, drag along the borders of the screen in full screen view.

  • To instantly zoom out and see where you are on the screen, tap with one finger on opposite borders of the screen simultaneously.

  • To close Magnifier, tap the CloseĀ  button.

Open Magnifier settings

See also

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