Until Death is a surreal tale of love between Boman and Maria. Set in a remote Indian village in the 1950s, the story glorifies love as an absolute emotion that surpasses all limitations of distance, and time. The film focuses on the issue...See moreUntil Death is a surreal tale of love between Boman and Maria. Set in a remote Indian village in the 1950s, the story glorifies love as an absolute emotion that surpasses all limitations of distance, and time. The film focuses on the issue of societal values and norms of the bygone era when the the caste system was still prevalent strongly. Boman, a quirky young Parsi man, owns a watch shop in the small Indian village. It is love at first sight when Maria walks into his shop. What begins as awkward encounters, soon transforms into a deeper beautiful bond of love until one day when Maria's father comes to know of it. Her family leaves the town, never to return again. Boman returns home one evening to find a note from Maria explaining that she may never return. In his heart, Boman still holds on to his love for her. After 8 years, he returns once again to find a note hanging by his door; a note from Maria. The story narrated through Boman's perspective, shows the couple's relationship as expressed through their letters. And in spite of all the odds, their love still remains strong. Death, which is viewed as the ultimate end, only serves to bring them closer, to unify them as ONE!
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