As 2024 comes to a close, we at Nyrstar take a moment to reflect on our journey and set our sights on the future. This past year has been one of resilience and strengthening the bonds that tie us to our communities and stakeholders. We strive to add value to domestic production and processing, contribute to manufacturing excellence, and mitigate economic risks. Our alliances in Australia, Europe, and the US have been and remain central to our mission. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated employees, who are the driving force behind our achievements. Looking forward to 2025, Nyrstar reaffirms its pledge to source, mine, and process essential minerals, metals and other products in a way that is safe, responsible, and sustainable. We will continue advancing the energy transition, access to strategic critical minerals and metals, and the technological innovation that will help achieve a sustainable and lower carbon future. Meanwhile, we wish you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with joy, peace, and prosperity. We look forward to continuing our journey together in the coming year. Nyrstar. Resources for a changing world. #zinc #germanium #gallium #indium #criticalmetals #criticalminerals #energytransition #renewableenergy #Sustainability #SustainableEconomy
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Nyrstar is an international producer of critical minerals and metals essential for a low carbon future. With a market leading position in zinc and lead, Nyrstar has mining, smelting and other operations located in Europe, the United States and Australia and employs approximately 4,000 people. Its Corporate Office is based in Budel-Dorplein, the Netherlands. The company’s operations are located close to key customers and major transport hubs to facilitate reliable and efficient delivery of raw materials and distribution of finished products. Nyrstar’s operating business is wholly owned by Trafigura, one of the world’s leading independent commodity trading and supply chain logistics companies. Visit
- Website
Externe link voor Nyrstar
- Branche
- Mijnbouw
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 1.001 - 5.000 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Budel-Dorplein
- Type
- Particuliere onderneming
- Specialismen
- Zinc, Lead, Gold, Copper, Indium, Zinc Alloys, Lead Alloys, Silver Doré, Sulphuric Acid, Germanium en Gallium
Budel-Dorplein, NL
Medewerkers van Nyrstar
Het moet voor de #industrie aantrekkelijker worden om in #Europa te #investeren en niet elders. Voorwaarde daarvoor is dat het #investeringsklimaat op de lange termijn rendabel is. Die vooruitzichten zijn er nu niet: ❌ hoge kosten, ❌ netcongestie, ❌ trage vergunningen, ❌ meer regels ❌ én een gebrek aan marktvraag. Voor al die zaken moet een oplossing komen want het speelveld met de rest van de wereld is nu ongelijk. Bovendien is er de noodzaak om als Europa juist meer zelfvoorzienend te zijn. En willen en moeten onze ondernemingen verduurzamen. Vandaag roepen we met meer dan 70 - in #Nederland gevestigde - bedrijven, brancheverenigingen en netwerkorganisaties de #EuropeseCommissie op: ✔️ Help investeringen in een groene industrie op gang te brengen! ✔️ Creëer een markt voor meer #duurzame Europese producten, ✔️ gemaakt met eigen -schone- energie en ✔️ duurzame grondstoffen. Zo houden we onze economie overeind en stellen we banen, groene groei en een weerbare toekomst veilig. Lees de brief aan EU Commissaris Wopke Hoekstra: VNO-NCW, Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie (NVDE), VNCI, FME, Koninklijke VEMW #Europa #Nyrstar #EC #EU #Marktvraag #Investeringsklimaat #DemandCreation #Duurzaam #Zink #Lood #KritiekeGrondstoffen
Nyrstar reps were front and center during last week’s #RawMaterialsWeek in Brussels. 👉 We kicked things off at a scenario workshop on de-risking gallium, germanium, and REE value chains by 2030-35, organized by the EU Institute for Security Studies where Nyrstar’s Jasper van Zon and Trafigura’s Ursula Moreira presented our ambitions in the field of critical and strategic minerals and metals; 👉 Then on to a High-Level Roundtable on Industrial Electrification and Competitiveness, organized by Eurelectric, where Nyrstar's Inge Schildermans discussed Nyrstar’s energy cost challenges as well as industrial demand-response ambitions with CEO’s of leading EU energy producers; 👉 On Wednesday, we took part in the 11th High-Level Conference on Raw Materials – hosted by Kerstin Jorna - attending various panel debates, presentations and one on one’s; 👉 Alongside these main events, we met with key stakeholders for open, constructive discussions on what’s needed to increase Europe’s competitiveness. For Nyrstar, being part of these debates is key: ✔️ Nyrstar is an international producer of industrial and critical minerals and metals; ✔️ Zinc is a key material for the green transition and is a carrier for critical minerals and metals which are essential to the green transition, high tech and regional security; ✔️ Our almost fully electrified Zinc operations are not only running on up to 100% on renewable energy, but can also flex up and down very quickly and constantly following the pattern of wind- and solar power; ❌ However, we are very much challenged by the high energy costs in Europe and in particular the unequal level playing field between EU member states, which is putting our business significantly under pressure. Nyrstar advocates for policies which: 👍 Restore the European level playing field to support energy intensive industries; 👍 Provide funding opportunities for Europe to meet its critical raw materials needs; 👍 And that simplify regulation, improve coherence and allow European companies to do what they do best: invent, invest and operate responsibly and efficiently. We stand ready to support a European Clean Industrial Deal that will help Europe’s ambitions for a safe, secure and sustainable future. Thanks for hosting and meeting with us this past week, EU Institute for Security Studies, Steven Everts, Joris Teer, John Seaman, Eurelectric, Kristian Ruby, Kurt Vandenberghe, Ditte Juul Jorgensen, Ruud Kempener, Luc Rémont, Kerstin Jorna, Mohammed Chahim, Guy Wittich, Lieven Top, Joost N., Jazz Legen, Sharief Mohamed and many others. #EURawMaterialsWeek #RawMaterialsWeek #CriticalRawMaterials #Zinc #Lead #PreciousMetals #CriticalMinerals #CriticalMetals #Derisking #Germanium #Gallium #Sustainability #Energy #Energytransition #Electricity #Electrification #EnergyTransition #IndustrialDecarbonisation #SustainableEconomy #IndustrialPolicy #GreenIndustrialDeal #AntwerpDeclaration
Our 2024-25 summer intake of Vacation Students have just about completed their first week as part of our team in Port Pirie. For a period of three months, these university students will be under the wing of senior Engineers and Metallurgists, gaining real life exposure to a career in the resources sector. As part of their time with us, they will be working on a project of their own, before presenting their findings to site management upon completion of the intake. Students in this program are then best placed for graduate positions within Nyrstar, or other industry in South Australia. In the hard hats from left to right, between Charlton Whitcher and Marthinus Dannhauser, please welcome: Mustafa Riaz, Emmanuella Baran, Jem Autio Parke, Dylan Ridley, Ryan Finlay and Mitchell Miller. University of Adelaide, South Australian Chamber of Mines & Energy (SACOME), StudyAdelaide
Afgelopen vrijdag mocht Nyrstar Budel een delegatie van 20 leden van de Klimaat en Energie Koepel (KEK) verwelkomen. Dit netwerk, wat tot doel heeft om young professionals te verbinden, te inspireren en in staat te stellen om de transitie naar een duurzame wereld vorm te geven, had de weg naar Nyrstar Budel gevonden om meer te leren over Nyrstar's ambities - én uitdagingen - betreffende: 👉 (verdere) elektrificatie, 👉 industriële demand - response en 👉 de productie van essentiële mineralen en metalen voor de groene transitie, high tech en onze veiligheid. Door middel van een presentatie, groepsdiscussie én uiteraard een rondleiding over het Nyrstar Budel terrein, konden de bezoekers van begin tot einde ervaren hoe grondstoffen en duurzaam geproduceerde elektriciteit op efficiënte wijze worden omgezet in zink en diverse waardevolle bijproducten. Met name Nyrstar's Virtuele Batterij project ( kon op veel bijval rekening van de jonge technici........! Dank voor jullie bezoek en de prettige, constructieve dialoog: Pieter Reith, Rolf van der Gaast, Yoeri Dijkhof, Sacha S., Nando Tolboom, Leon Overweel, Rick van Staveren, Mayk Thewessen, Noah Hatakeyama, Zubin Nayak, Tim Jansen, Reon Baars, Wouter Ellis, Hein Heurkens, Michiel Theelen, Nina Braakman, Ymie Neuteboom, Quinten van Velzen, João Pedro Battistella Nadas, Georgy Grigoryev en dank voor jullie support bij de organisatie en rondleiding Wendy Basten, Britte Geraets, Inge van den Boogaert, Paul Hamers en Ruben Boeree #youngtalent #KEK #klimaatenenergiekoepel #transitie #duurzaamheid #demandresponse #flexibiliteit #bezoek #engineers #ontwikkeling #virtuelebatterij #elektrificatie #kritiekemineralen #kritiekemetalen #toekomst #rondleiding #zink #germanium #gallium
Today, the new #EUCommission begins its term. 👏 We congratulate President von der Leyen and her team as they start their mandate to enhance Europe's #competitiveness and #resilience. 👉 With this being a defining period for industry, we urge the #Commission to take the actions outlined in the #AntwerpDeclaration ( for a #EuropeanCleanIndustrialDeal. ✒️ It has been almost one year since we signed the #Declaration, as we believe it is designed to build a strong industrial foundation that supports the EU’s climate goals and economic prosperity. 👍 We at Nyrstar are contributing to this effort. Through the pursuit of refining additional essential raw materials and initiatives like our Virtual Battery, Nyrstar stays committed to supporting forward-thinking initiatives that: ✔️ expand electrification, ✔️ enable flexible power purchasing, ✔️ reduce grid congestion, ✔️ and increase domestic production of critical minerals and metals, which are essential for Europe's green transition, high tech applications and regional security. ✋ Yet there is a need for appropriate support in the coming years to maintain our economic viability and capacity for future investments. 👉 Nyrstar advocates for a robust European industrial policy and looks forward to continuing our collaboration with policymakers to ensure that we play our part in driving EU’s sustainability goals. Let's move to action! #IndustrialDeal #AntwerpDeclaration #NewCommission #GreenTransition #EU #EUCommission #Congratulations #Competitiveness #Industry #criticalminerals #criticalmetals #zinc #lead #indium #germanium #gallium
Afgelopen week mocht Nyrstar Budel een brede delegatie van het Ministerie van Klimaat en Groene Groei verwelkomen voor een werkbezoek. Zowel de Directie Energietransitie als Directie Verduurzaming Industrie waren vertegenwoordigd. Nyrstar Budel General Manager Henk Leendertse en Jasper van Zon, praatten de medewerkers van het ministerie bij over de ambities en uitdagingen, waar een al verregaand geëlektrificeerd en verduurzaamd producent van essentiële mineralen en metalen als Nyrstar in Nederland mee te maken heeft. Tevens, werd er - samen met twee vertegenwoordigers van TenneT - ingegaan op de mogelijkheden die Nyrstar Budel ziet om te helpen netcongestie in de regio op te lossen dan wel te voorkomen. ✔ Nyrstar Budel is een in de kern gezond bedrijf, maar we kunnen niet opboksen tegen het ongelijke speelveld tussen Nederland en ons direct omringende landen mbt de totale energiekosten. ✔ Wij hebben ambitieuze plannen om te investeren in onze ‘virtuele batterij’ en mogelijkheden te onderzoeken om kritieke mineralen (met name Germanium) in Nederland / Europa te produceren, maar daar zal wel het juiste investeringsklimaat voor gecreëerd moeten worden. ✔ We voelen ons gesterkt door de kabinetsplannen om het gelijk speelveld betreffende energiekosten tussen Nederland en ons omringende landen te herstellen. Maar willen nogmaals benadrukken dat het voor onze economische viabiliteit / investeringsvermogen voor de toekomst, noodzakelijk is om de komende jaren (gepaste) steun te verlenen. Dank voor jullie bezoek Ilona van Zandvoort, Laurette de Heus, Hugo van der Heijden, Olaf van Egmond, Maarten Neelis, Elisa Kahl, Mark Schmets, Ivar Letschert en Korin Slegers en voor de ondersteuning Eugene Baijings en Stefan Arntzen We zien ernaar uit om verder op te lijnen met het ministerie - en andere stakeholders - om onze gezamenlijke ambities en doelen te realiseren. #werkbezoek #elektrificatie #verduurzaming #minkgg #kgg #overheid #politiek #passendesteun #netcongestie #kritiekemineralen #zink #germanium #gallium #samenwerking #ambities
Nyrstar’s highly flexible and fully electrified Zinc operations were front and center earlier this week at two leading Energy events where Nyrstar’s Global Category Manager Energy Philip Eyckmans shared Nyrstar’s ambitions and challenges around grid tariffs and congestion management. On Monday, Philip joined a high level panel discussion at the Dutch Energeia Energy Day ( to discuss grid tariffs with Hans-Peter Oskam of Netbeheer Nederland, Manon Leijten of the The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets and Antoinette Sol of Tata Steel Nederland. 👉 Nyrstar agrees that – in order to enable further electrification and decarbonization of our economy and society at large – significant investments in the grid are much needed. 👉 But high grid tariffs stand in the way of that same electrification as they negatively impact companies’ ability to invest, with the biggest impact on frontrunners in electrification such as Nyrstar. 👉 Philip called on the panelists and audience to consider ways to reduce and/or more evenly distribute grid costs e.g. by offering appropriate incentives for flexibility and seeking alternatives to finance the transition so that electrification pays off and electro-intensive companies can remain competitive. On Tuesday, Philip participated in two panel sessions at the Management Productions ENERGIZED-Netcongestion congress ( Rotterdam. In the morning session he contributed to a discussion with Olof van der Gaag of Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie (NVDE), Ronald Huikeshoven of AM Gebiedsontwikkeling / NEPROM, and Renz Bassant of DHL eCommerce Nederland on the challenges and opportunities for the built environment, mobility and industry. In the afternoon, the focus was solely on the (energy intensive) industry, with a panel discussion on grid congestion with Jeroen Buunk of BlueTerra Energy Experts, Andre Bosman of Uniper Benelux, Peter van Asperen of PwC Nederland and Martin Martens of Stedin. 👉 Everyone agreed that grid congestion is an urgent problem. 👉 Although by no means all industrial processes can be made flexible, there is certainly a lot of potential in certain industries already to contribute to reducing grid congestion. 👉 It is urgently needed to work with those companies which have significant potential now, to pave the way for others to follow. Through initiatives such as its Virtual Battery ( Nyrstar looks forward to continue to support future-oriented activities to expand electrification, enable flexible power purchase, reduce grid congestion and further domestic production of critical minerals and metals, essential for the green transition. #events #seminars #electricity #flexible #grid #congestionmanagement #electrolysis #workingtogether #tariffs #offtake #electrification #criticalminerals
Last week, we warmly welcomed a Critical Minerals Research & Development group from the Australian Government which featured representatives from Geoscience Australia, the CSIRO and ANSTO. Their visit to our multi-metals facility in Port Pirie included a tour which ventured into our TSL Plant and through the Refinery, as our teams demonstrated the range of critical minerals that are within our existing production processes. Nyrstar looks forward to continuing the discussion and working together with all levels of government to best support Australia's critical minerals strategy, that is crucial to the energy transition. Thank you to our Port Pirie team who helped bring this visit together: Simon Dent, Mark Eaton, Buks Kruger, Jason Anderson, James Oakley, Katherine Hicks, Ryan Allen, Jake Muller and Luke Sale. #CriticalMinerals #Germanium #Antimony #Zinc #Lead #Australia Australian Critical Minerals R&D Hub
Eerder deze week had Nyrstar Budel het genoegen Koen Becking de onlangs benoemde (zie persbericht: nieuwe Voorzitter van Koninklijke VEMW, welkom te heten voor een werkbezoek. 👉 Nyrstar’s Guido Janssen, Henk Leendertse, Philip Eyckmans en Jasper van Zon maakten Koen bekend met Nyrstar’s ambities op het gebied van – nog - verdere flexibilisering van onze al bijna volledig geëlektrificeerde productieprocessen en mogelijkheden om kritieke mineralen (met name Germanium) in Nederland / Europa te produceren. 👉 Daarbij werd het belang aangegeven om aandacht te blijven vragen – bij de Nederlandse Overheid en andere stakeholders - om daar wel het juiste investeringsklimaat voor te creëren. Als nieuwe VEMW-voorzitter wil Becking zich richten op betrouwbare energie, waterverduurzaming en het ondersteunen van bedrijven in de energietransitie. Hij streeft naar een schone leefomgeving, economische groei, en strategische autonomie voor Nederland. Thema’s waar Nyrstar zich volledig voor inzet. #VEMW #Voorzitter #bezoek #transitie #groenegroei #verduurzaming #energie #autonomie #zink #kritiekemineralen #overheid #samenwerking
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