Eastern European Students Association

Eastern European Students Association


Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland 316 volgers

Eastern European Students Association at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Over ons

We are the association that unites all of the Eastern European cultures and students into a strong, open-minded and welcoming community at Erasmus University. Our aim is to strengthen multicultural ties, create a family-like environment and improve the general image of Eastern Europe in the Netherlands. We believe that a strong community can only be built piece by piece, where strength lies in our differences!

11 - 50 medewerkers
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland


  • Primair

    Burgemeester Oudlaan 50

    Erasmus University Rotterdam, PT-070

    Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland 3062 PA, NL


Medewerkers van Eastern European Students Association


  • Eastern European Students Association heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Aleksandra Ivanova, afbeelding

    BSc (Honors) Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE) at the University of Amsterdam

    I am proud to share the first collaboration between EESA Amsterdam and EESA Rotterdam: an event on the opportunities in the sustainable transition as Eastern European young professional. The event was organised in partnership with the East Meets West network, and we are immensely thankful to Leon Pulles for his support and contribution throughout the organisation. As the Chair of EESA Amsterdam, I am incredibly grateful to everyone who participated in the organisation of the event on the topic "Professional Development Opportunities in the Sustainable Transition", in particular my fellow board members from EESA Amsterdam, Sára KornyaKornelija Gruodyte, Kinga Pőcze, Marie-Majbritt Toiger, and Liana Vasile; as well as Eastern European Students Association Rotterdam and Energy Investment Management BV. The event was focused on providing insights into the professional world and the opportunities available to us as young professional in the sphere of sustainability. In particular I would like to thank the speakers, Csinszka Bene, Eryk Masiak, Oana Barabula, and Maksym Semenyuk. Their presentations were informative and their expertise was valuable to everyone who attended the event. I am looking forward to future collaborations!

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