Conference test:fest

Conference test:fest

Tworzenie oprogramowania

#testfest one of the best software quality conferences in Poland!


The Test:Fest conference was dedicated to software quality assurance (SQA) professionals. TestFest was an opportunity to share and acquire expert knowledge and make new acquaintances with your peers.

Tworzenie oprogramowania
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Organizacja non-profit
Data założenia
Conference, Software tester, Manual testing, Automation testing, Security, Load testing i Penetration testing


Pracownicy Conference test:fest


  • Conference test:fest ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Last night’s test:fest meet:up at the Ocado Technology office was absolutely amazing! 🎉 The atmosphere in the room was incredible, and it was especially heartwarming to see so many people join us despite the busy pre-holiday season! We got to enjoy two fantastic talks that sparked some great 💡 discussions and gave us plenty to think about. Wojciech Lizakowski shared inspiring insights on Shift Right Testing, how to implement it, when it's a good idea to use it, and examples from his experience, while Dariusz Olszewski gave an in-depth look at alternatives to REST, focusing on GraphQL, and highlighted the differences in testing it compared to traditional REST APIs, using practical examples. The festive touch in Darek’s presentation, both on stage and in the atmosphere, added even more charm to yesterday’s meet-up! 🎄 The informal pizza chat session afterward was the perfect opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and just just enjoy great conversations. It’s moments like these that remind us why we love being part of this passionate community. It’s not just about learning, it’s about growing together, building connections, and igniting new ideas. Thank you to Ocado Technology for hosting us so generously and to everyone who joined - your energy and curiosity made the evening really special! Mark your calendars, our next meet-up is on 23rd of January. Stay tuned for more details! 😊

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    • Brak alternatywnego opisu tekstowego dla tego zdjęcia
    • Brak alternatywnego opisu tekstowego dla tego zdjęcia
  • Last night’s test:fest meet:up at the Ocado Technology office was absolutely amazing! 🎉 The atmosphere in the room was incredible, and it was especially heartwarming to see so many people join us despite the busy pre-holiday season! We got to enjoy two fantastic talks that sparked some great 💡 discussions and gave us plenty to think about. Wojciech Lizakowski shared inspiring insights on Shift Right Testing, how to implement it, when it's a good idea to use it, and examples from his experience, while Dariusz Olszewski gave an in-depth look at alternatives to REST, focusing on GraphQL, and highlighted the differences in testing it compared to traditional REST APIs, using practical examples. The festive touch in Darek’s presentation, both on stage and in the atmosphere, added even more charm to yesterday’s meet-up! 🎄 The informal pizza chat session afterward was the perfect opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and just just enjoy great conversations. It’s moments like these that remind us why we love being part of this passionate community. It’s not just about learning, it’s about growing together, building connections, and igniting new ideas. Thank you to Ocado Technology for hosting us so generously and to everyone who joined - your energy and curiosity made the evening really special! Mark your calendars, our next meet-up is on 23rd of January. Stay tuned for more details! 😊

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    • Brak alternatywnego opisu tekstowego dla tego zdjęcia
    • Brak alternatywnego opisu tekstowego dla tego zdjęcia
  • Our second presentation also wil be held in Polish. Dariusz Olszewski He is engaged in testing and quality assurance. Started in mobile devices testing when phones had physical numeric keyboards (and no touchscreens). For the last several years taking part in customization and development of e-commerce in different projects and roles. Currently part of a team implementing and evolving GraphQL API for an e-commerce platform. Give REST a rest REST API jest nadal najpopularniejszym stylem architektonicznym dla interfejsu programowania aplikacji. Przyjrzyjmy się pokrótce alternatywie w postaci GraphQL i dowiedzmy się, jak i kiedy jej używać. Jakie są różnice w porównaniu do REST i jakie potencjalne wyzwania mogą się pojawić podczas testowania?

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  • Today's meet:up speach by Wojciech Lizakowski from Ocado Technology will be held in Polish: Wojciech Lizakowski Swoją karierę testerską zacząłem w 2008 roku, w ówczesnym Nokia Siemens Networks, gdzie miałem okazję testować fizyczną warstwę połączeń radiowych dla telefonów komórkowych. Kolejne kroki testerskie naturalnie skierowałem w stronę urządzeń mobilnych, które weszły przebojem do codziennego użytku. Testowałem na "mobilkach" całe stado różnych aplikacji w systemach Windows Phone, Android, iOS. Kolejne stopnie wtajemniczenia to były testy bezpieczeństwa oraz automatyzacja testów UI we wszystkich mobilnych środowiskach. Obecnie związany jestem z Ocado Polska gdzie zajmowałem się testowaniem mobilek, następnie różnych aplikacji webowych, aby znów związać się z mobilkami. Shift Right Testing. Czy przenieść testy na produkcję? (talk will be in PL) Obecnie bardzo popularnym trendem jest shift right testing, czyli monitoring aplikacji, głównie webowych. Nie są to tylko testy, w ramach całego procesu mamy deploy, alerting, różne sposoby deploymentu czy na samym końcu dopiero testy. Jest to na tyle wygodne rozwiązanie, dające szybki feedback na “żywym organizmie” z realnymi danymi, że często wypiera klasyczne testy przed releasem. Chciałbym opowiedzieć o trendach, opisać kilka narzędzi oraz zagrożenia, które to podejście niesie za sobą.

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  • Yesterday we had a fabulous evening during test:fest meet:up in Capgemini Wrocław office. So many people came, that we had to add more chairs to the already big room! We've had 3 inspiring lectures by Klaudia Nowak (about contract testing), Daria Stolarska (about accessibility) and Anna Kovalchuk (about checklists) and also an opportunity to chat over pizza afterwards. Big thanks to Capgemini for inviting us! And big thanks to you all for being there and complying to security requirements. Let's meet again on 11th of December - stay tuned!

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    • Brak alternatywnego opisu tekstowego dla tego zdjęcia
    • Brak alternatywnego opisu tekstowego dla tego zdjęcia
    • Brak alternatywnego opisu tekstowego dla tego zdjęcia
  • Please, remember to bring you ID/mObywatel or passport with you to today's meet:up - for security reasons we would like to confirm your identity. If you forget... you won't be able to listen to Ania's speech! Anna Kovalchuk As a software tester for more than ten years, she places great importance on improving testing processes and enhancing quality within agile teams, believing that close collaboration between testers and developers brings the best results. She advocates for transparent testing strategies, early problem detection, and a proactive approach. In her private life, she practices yoga, rides her bike, enjoys good coffee, organizes test:fest and loves traveling, which allows her to discover new flavors. Topic: The power of simple tools Everyone is obsessed with AI and the latest technologies, but sometimes the simplest solutions can bring the most benefits. Ordinary, well-known checklists can significantly improve work organization, help avoid mistakes, and save time. It's a simple and accessible tool that anyone can easily incorporate into their daily work.

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  • Meet our second meet:up speaker! Daria Stolarska - Capgemini Poland employee and Conference test:fest co-organizer Had terrible math grades at school but managed to get into IT anyway. Works as Software & Accessibility Tester for Capgemini Financial Services Business Unit. Loves to learn new things and teach them to other people. Topic: Works on my machine How to make more money and help humanity in one go? Get on a journey to discover some facts about disabilities, accessibility and… Microsoft Office documents!

    • Fortune teller's hands holding a crystal ball with a face of woman inside. The woman has short, blue hair and orange jacket. In addition there's logo of Capgemini, test:fest meetup and date 27 of November 2024, 6 pm.
  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Conference test:fest; grafika

    1794 obserwujących

    Meet our first speaker! Klaudia Nowak from Capgemini I am a test automation engineer. In Capgemini I have worked on several projects in the automotive in logistics industry where I dealt with different technologies and test techniques. Topic: Sealing the deal: ensuring microservices reliability with Contract Testing As microservices architectures continue to gain prominence in software development, organizations face unique challenges in ensuring reliability, stability and scalability. One of the means to face said challenges is contract testing. This approach enables teams to detect integration issues early, enforce service contracts while fostering collaboration between development, QA and DevOps teams. This presentation will show the impact of contract testing on improving the quality and efficiency of testing microservices projects.

    • Fortune teller's hands holding a crystal ball with iface of young, blonde wonam inside. In addition there's logo of Capgemini, test:fest meetup and date 27 of November 2024, 6 pm
  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Conference test:fest; grafika

    1794 obserwujących

    Czy wiecie, że mieliśmy silną reprezentację na konferencji TestWarez? Były tam Żaneta Nawrot, Stefania Winkel i Anna Kovalchuk jako PRELEGENTKI! Dziękujemy wszystkim za miłe rozmowy i pytania o Conference test:fest 2025. Możemy już potwierdzić, że 10. Jubileuszowy test:fest odbędzie się nie (jak zwykle) w marcu, tylko poźniej. Możecie więc śmiało planować marcowe wyjazdy na na narty, tudzież w ciepłe kraje! ps. Dariusz Olszewski dzielnie wspierał swoją Partnerkę dbając o to, żeby prezentacja wypadła jak najlepiej

    • Czworo uśmiechniętych ludzi (trzy kobiety, jeden mężczyzna) uczestniczących w konferencji TestWarez. Dwoje z nich ma na sobie czarne koszulki z logo konferencji test:fest.

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