Project Sunflowers

Project Sunflowers

Organizacje non-profit

The concept of a network of entities collecting information concerning crimes committed during the war in Ukraine.


The concept of a network of entities collecting information concerning crimes committed in Ukraine since 24 February 2022, while protecting the confidentiality of sources. Our priority is the security of the information entrusted to us. We obtain and store it in order to pass it on to the competent authorities with the power to prosecute crimes committed in Ukraine since 24 February 2022 and to the authorities that will develop reparation programmes for the victims of these crimes in the future. No information entrusted to us will be used for any other purpose. The Foundation Sunflowers based in Warsaw processes your personal data in order to respond to your message. For more information on data processing and your rights please see our Privacy Policy.

Organizacje non-profit
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Organizacja non-profit
Data założenia


Pracownicy Project Sunflowers


  • 🇺🇦 Діліться інформацією та сприяйте правосуддю: ⚖️ Якщо Ви стали свідком події, яку можна розглядати як міжнародний злочин, та/або є постраждалою особою внаслідок війни в Україні, надайте цю інформацію до нашого банку пам’яті 📥 Проєкт «Соняшники» передасть цю інформацію компетентним органам та інституціям, відповідальним за підготовку програм відшкодування для тих, хто пережив війну, щоб було здійснено правосуддя і відшкодовано завдані збитки 🌐 🇬🇧 Share information and enable justice: ⚖️ If you have witnessed an event that can be seen as an international crime, and/or are a person affected by the war in Ukraine, deposit this information in our memory bank 📥 Project Sunflowers will pass this information on to competent authorities and institutions responsible for preparing reparation programs for survivors so that justice is served and damages are repaired 🌐

  • We are proud to announce that Dr. Yevheniia Bondarenko has joined the Executive Board of the Foundation Sunflowers 🌻 ! Welcome to the team, Yevheniia! Dr Yevheniia Bondarenko is a legal expert with over 17 years of experience specializing in human rights, rule of law, and support for vulnerable populations. She is specialised on providing legal support and advocacy for the protection of rights of women, minors and persons with disabilities. She has created targeted training materials to effectively support vulnerable groups, including victims of CRVS, gender-based violence, internally displaced persons, and children. Her extensive background encompasses both academic research and the practical implementation of legal frameworks, focusing on judicial reform and legal education. Dr. Bondarenko has a proven track record in project development and management, capacity building, and ensuring compliance with EU and international standards. Within Ukraine's judiciary, she is specialized in establishing services, training judges and court staff on gender-based violence and civil registration issues and disseminating EU practices. Moreover, Dr. Bondarenko as a part of evaluation team has produced comprehensive report and actionable recommendations for the OHCHR and the Government of Ukraine to enhance HRMMU's effectiveness, with a particular focus on gender, disability, and human rights.

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  • On December 5, 2024, during the Cooperation Plenary of the 23rd session of the ICC Assembly of States Parties, the Coalition for the International Criminal Court—of which we are proud to be a member—participated in a pivotal panel discussion: “How can States Parties strengthen their support for the Court?” The Coalition underscored the crucial role of political support and cooperation from States Parties in delivering justice for victims and ensuring the Court’s effective functioning across all situations. We’re pleased to share the full text of this important intervention, which highlights the essential obligations of States Parties under the Rome Statute and their shared responsibility to protect the Court and the Rome Statute from any form of attack or sanction. See more:

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  • #FundacjaSunflowers🌻, realizująca Project Sunflowers, pięknie dziękuje Naczelnej Radzie Adwokackiej za udzielony patronat nad konferencją o odpowiedzialności za zbrodnie międzynarodowe popełnione w Ukrainie i wspólnych wysiłkach na rzecz przywrócenia sprawiedliwości! Celem konferencji było zainicjowanie dyskusji na temat uruchomienia przez Polskę jurysdykcji uniwersalnej w kontekście zbrodni popełnionych w Ukrainie oraz zwrócenie uwagi na konieczność opracowania holistycznego programu zaopiekowania się uchodźcami z Ukrainy, którzy w Polsce znaleźli bezpieczne schronienie a którzy wymagają natychmiastowej pomocy medycznej, psychologicznej, prawnej i socjalnej.   Naczelna Rada Adwokacka jest organem Adwokatury Polskiej, powołanej do udzielania pomocy prawnej, współdziałania w zakresie ochrony praw i wolności obywatelskich, a także współdziałania w kształtowaniu i stosowaniu prawa. #NRA sprawuje pieczę nad należytym wykonywaniem zawodu adwokata – w granicach interesu publicznego i dla jego ochrony. Do zadań #NRA należy udzielanie opinii o projektach aktów prawodawczych oraz przedstawianie wniosków i postulatów w zakresie tworzenia i stosowania prawa.  

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  • Today, on #HumanRightsDay, we honor the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)—a transformative document adopted by the UN on December 10, 1948. The UDHR affirms the fundamental rights of all people, regardless of identity or background, and remains the most translated text in the world, underscoring its universal significance. The theme for 2024, "Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now," highlights human rights as essential to building peaceful, equal, and sustainable societies. Human rights empower individuals and communities, offering a path to solutions that address today’s challenges. This day is a call to action: to challenge hate, combat misinformation, and advocate for the principles that protect our shared humanity. Let’s stand together to reinvigorate the global movement for human rights, paving the way for a better tomorrow. See more:

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  • Project Sunflowers ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Ewa Hofmańska, Ph.D.; grafika

    Project Manager at 🌻 Project Sunflowers🌻 lawyer 🤝 Awarded for Justice and Advocacy 🏆

    Last Friday, 6 December, Professor Piotr #Hofmanski was presented with a Jubilee Book on the occasion of 45 years of academic work.  The Book presentation ceremony was attended by numerous Polish and foreign lawyers. The Book is entitled Hominum Causa Omne Ius Constitutum Sit. The publisher is Wolters Kluwer Polska. The tradition of presenting #JubileeBooks is inherent in academic custom. Their purpose is to honour those scholars whose activities have had a significant impact on the development of the discipline, the scientific community, as well as to highlight the merits of a given scholar in the field of organisational activities of faculty and university, as well as regional and international dimensions. In the case of Professor Hofmański, a long-serving judge of the Sąd Najwyższy (Polish Supreme Court) and a judge of the International Criminal Court, the aim was also to highlight his merits in the area of domestic jurisprudence and his role in shaping ICC jurisprudence. 

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  • Project Sunflowers ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Ewa Hofmańska, Ph.D.; grafika

    Project Manager at 🌻 Project Sunflowers🌻 lawyer 🤝 Awarded for Justice and Advocacy 🏆

    Last Friday, I had the pleasure of listening to an extremely interesting lecture by Professor Volker Nerlich of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on the Condition of the International Criminal Justice, which was given at the invitation of the #KrakówCenterforInternationalCriminalJustice, a research unit of Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Jagiellonian University). The meeting was moderated by Professor Piotr #Hofmański, who heads #KCICJ. Volker Nerlich is a honorary Professor at #HumboldtUniversitätzuBerlin and Professor of the #UniversityoftheWesternCape, Belville, South Africa. He is a member of the editorial committee of the Journal of International Criminal Justice (Oxford University Press), member of the Board of Editors of the Leiden Journal of International Law and published several books and articles on International Criminal Law. Professor Nerlich is also an international judge. From 2021 to 2023, he served as a judge of the Appeals Chamber of the #CARSpecialCriminalCourt in Bangui – a court with jurisdiction over international crimes committed in the Central African Republic since 2003. Professor Nerlich's most important function is that of Head of Chambers of the International Criminal Court, the person who coordinates the work of all legal experts who assist the judges of this Court with their work. 

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  • News from the International Criminal Court: The Assembly of States Parties successfully concluded its 23rd session, held from December 2 to 6, 2024, at the World Forum Convention Center in The Hague. Participants included representatives from States Parties, Observer States, international and regional organizations, as well as civil society. See more:

    Assembly of States Parties concludes its twenty-third session

    Assembly of States Parties concludes its twenty-third session

  • #CallForVolunteers [English below] Приєднуйтесь до нашої справи! Ми шукаємо волонтерів для подальшого розвитку нашого проєкту. Якщо ви поділяєте цінності нашого проєкту та бажаєте допомогти українській громаді, запрошуємо приєднатися до нас. Зв'яжіться з нами: Більше інформації: Join our cause! We are looking for volunteers to further develop our project. If you identify with the values of our project and want to help the Ukrainian community, we invite you to join us. Contact us: More info:

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