Polonium Foundation

Polonium Foundation

Organizacje publiczne i społeczne

Turning brain drain into brain circulation. Unlocking potential of the Polish research & innovation diaspora since 2012.


We are an NGO that unlocks the potential of the Polish scientific diaspora. We connect its members at Science: Polish Perspectives events, research the community and provide policy recommendations for good science diplomacy practices. We are changing Polish brain drain into brain circulation. Some of our projects: >> Science: Polish Perspectives (SPP) series Conferences (2-3 days, ~150-350 people) are gathering Polish scientific diaspora, happening since 2012 in Oxford/Cambridge and since 2017 in Berlin. Planning for USA soon! MeetUps (1-2 days, ~40-100 people) are smaller events to foster the creation of local communities. We’ve already been to Stockholm, Delft, Florence, NYC, Zurich, Copenhagen, Singapore, Brussels, Paris. Next: UC Berkeley! In plans: whole bunch of other leading R&I hub cities! >> Research on Polish Scientific Diaspora The goal of the studies we conduct is to learn how Polish scientists spread across the world, collaborate, network and link to Poland. To date we gathered and analyzed the largest data sets based on surveys from hundreds of Polish scientists living and working across the globe, from academia and industry. Read more at poloniumfoundation.org/research >> Polonium Network (PN) Online networking platform to identify fellow researchers and innovators in your discipline, at your geographic location or sharing other points of interest (sources of funding, career stages, alma mater, etc). Your cyber-security is our priority, so PN requires verified account. Create YOUR account and network at poloniumnetwork.org today! It is awesome and it is free! Perks of Polonium Network: – Job Board – find or post a job with PN! – Database of Grants – explore global founding sources with our new grant search engine (coming soon!) >> Would you like to join our Team or organize an SPP Meetup in your local area? Talk to our team members or email us at contact@poloniumfoundation.org! More information on our website!

Organizacje publiczne i społeczne
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Organizacja non-profit
Data założenia


Pracownicy Polonium Foundation


  • We are excited to share that Mateusz Sikora, Polonium Foundation alumnus, received mobility financing from NAWA - Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)! Matt experienced first-hand how international experiences enrich science and how collaborations are key to progress. In the same time, Matt returned to Poland to continue his scientific career here, giving an excellent example of turning brain drain into brain circulation. Congratulations Matt!

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie; grafika

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    Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej ogłosiła wyniki naboru na wspólne projekty badawcze prowadzone pomiędzy Polską a Niemcami. Celem konkursu, który prowadzony jest wraz z Niemiecką Centralą Wymiany Akademickiej (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) jest wsparcie mobilności naukowców realizujących projekty badawcze. Jednym z dziesięciu tegorocznych beneficjentów programu jest dr Mateusz Sikora z Małopolskiego Centrum Biotechnologii UJ. Zespół dr. Mateusza Sikory wspólnie z naukowcami z Uniwersytetu w Bremie realizować będzie projekt pt. "Symulacje dynamiki molekularnej białek z modyfikacjami glikanowymi w gęstych środowiskach komórkowych: Wpływ nowotworowych glikanów na adhezję komórek". Większość białek pozakomórkowych jest glikozylowana, a glikany tworzą wokół białek dynamiczne osłony, które redukują interakcje białko-białko. Jednak ze względu na sposób ich ułożenia nadal umożliwiają one występowanie pewnych natywnych interakcji. Jest to szczególnie ważne w przypadku białek adhezji komórkowej, takich jak kadheryny, które tworzą odrębne, gęste zespoły, aby zapewnić silne interakcje w układzie komórka-komórka. Pomimo tak dużej gęstości, te kadheryny są silnie glikozylowane. W nowotworach stan glikozylacji białek zmienia się, a duże, bardziej rozgałęzione glikany stają się powszechne. Zasugerowano, że te duże glikany wpływają na upakowanie adhezji i zakłócają je, co prowadzi do przerzutów nowotworowych. Jak dotąd wpływ glikanów na upakowanie kadheryn i interakcje białek jest słabo poznany. Naukowcy z UJ, wykorzystując swoje doświadczenie w symulowaniu dużych kompleksów glikoproteinowych i opisywaniu dynamiki glikanów, przeprowadzą symulacje MD (dynamika molekularna) na dużą skalę. Zbadane zostaną gęste roztwory domen kadheryn zarówno bez glikanów, jak i z różnymi typami glikozylacji. Analizując dyfuzję białek, lepkość, wymianę kontaktów i interakcje w różnych warunkach i gęstościach, będą się starać zrozumieć, w jaki sposób glikany wpływają na adhezje i przyczyniają się do przerzutów. Projekt badawczy dostarczy pierwszego ilościowego opisu wpływu glikanów na interakcje białek, z potencjalnymi implikacjami dla opracowywania terapii ukierunkowanych na przerzuty poprzez zmianę wzorców glikozylacji. Dr Mateusz Sikora jest kierownikiem działającego w Małopolskim Centrum Biotechnologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Centrum Dioscuri do Modelowania Modyfikacji Posttranslacyjnych. Studiował najpierw na UJ, a następnie doktoryzował się w Instytucie Fizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie. W 2012 r. wyjechał do Austrii i rozpoczął staż podoktorski w Instytucie Nauki i Technologii (IST Austria). Od 2017 r. pracuje w Instytucie Biofizyki im. Maxa Plancka w grupie Gerharda Hummera. Powrócił do Polski w marcu 2023 r., aby kontynuować swoje badania i karierę naukową, dzięki polsko-niemieckiemu wsparciu finansowemu udzielonemu w ramach programu Dioscuri przez Towarzystwo Maxa Plancka i Narodowe Centrum Nauki. fot. Katarzyna Wrona

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  • New Year, New Possibilities with Polonium Network! As we step into 2025, we’re thrilled to announce that the new Polonium Network features are now LIVE! What’s New? Scientific Events Board – Find or promote events that shape your career. Discussion Forum – Connect, collaborate, and share with the Polish scientific diaspora worldwide. Start the year by exploring these features and taking your professional network to the next level. Let’s make 2025 a year of discovery, collaboration, and innovation! Join us now at Polonium Network. #NewYearNewPossibilities #PoloniumNetwork #ScientificCommunity #Innovation #StayConnected #NewYearNewMe #ScientificCommunity #Collaboration #PolishScience #poloniumfoundation #keepcalmandcurryon The Polonium Foundation received a grant for the project "Expansion of the Polonium Network platform with interactive tools for integrating the Polish Scientific Diaspora" through the Association “Wspólnota Polska”. The funding was provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the competition “Polonia and Poles Abroad 2024 – Regranting.” Public task name: Regranting, 3rd Edition - Polish Diaspora Media - Large Grants.

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  • 🎉 New Year, New Polonium Network! 🎉 As we say goodbye to 2024 and welcome 2025, we’re starting the year with a fresh take on connecting and collaborating in the scientific world. 🚀✨ 🌟 New Features Coming Soon: 🎯 Scientific Events Board – Find or promote events that matter to you, from conferences to webinars, all in one place. 🤝 Discussion Forum – A dynamic space to connect with the Polish scientific diaspora, share ideas, and exchange experiences. Let’s make 2025 a year of innovation, discovery, and connection! Stay tuned – it’s just the beginning. #NewYearNewMe #PoloniumNetwork #Innovation #ScientificCommunity #StayTuned #Collaboration #PolishScience #StayTuned #poloniumfoundation #keepcalmandcurryon The Polonium Foundation received a grant for the project "Expansion of the Polonium Network platform with interactive tools for integrating the Polish Scientific Diaspora" through the Association “Wspólnota Polska”. The funding was provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the competition “Polonia and Poles Abroad 2024 – Regranting.” Public task name: Regranting, 3rd Edition - Polish Diaspora Media - Large Grants.

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  • 🌍 A Space for Connection is Coming! At Polonium Network, we’re creating a platform where you can freely share your thoughts, connect with members of the Polish scientific diaspora, and exchange invaluable experiences. 💬🔬 Join us as we build a community that fosters collaboration, innovation, and open dialogue. Stay tuned for what’s ahead! #PoloniumNetwork #ScientificCommunity #Collaboration #PolishScience #StayTuned #poloniumfoundation #keepcalmandcurryon The Polonium Foundation received a grant for the project "Expansion of the Polonium Network platform with interactive tools for integrating the Polish Scientific Diaspora" through the Association “Wspólnota Polska”. The funding was provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the competition “Polonia and Poles Abroad 2024 – Regranting.” Public task name: Regranting, 3rd Edition - Polish Diaspora Media - Large Grants.

  • A Space for Connection is Coming! At Polonium Network, we’re creating a platform where you can freely share your thoughts, connect with members of the Polish scientific diaspora, and exchange invaluable experiences. Join us as we build a community that fosters collaboration, innovation, and open dialogue. Stay tuned for what’s ahead! #PoloniumNetwork #ScientificCommunity #Collaboration #PolishScience #StayTuned #poloniumfoundation #keepcalmandcurryon The Polonium Foundation received a grant for the project "Expansion of the Polonium Network platform with interactive tools for integrating the Polish Scientific Diaspora" through the Association “Wspólnota Polska”. The funding was provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the competition “Polonia and Poles Abroad 2024 – Regranting.” Public task name: Regranting, 3rd Edition - Polish Diaspora Media - Large Grants.

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  • Exciting News from Polonium Network! Do you have any information on scientific events? Want to promote the event you're organizing to the right audience? At Polonium Network, we’re working on a tool for YOU. Stay connected as we bring you a platform to discover, share, and grow in the world of science and innovation. And today, there's a sneak peek from our brand-new website Stay tuned for updates! #PoloniumNetwork #ScientificEvents #Innovation #StayTuned #Networking #KeepCalmAndCurieOn #poloniumfoundation The Polonium Foundation received a grant for the project "Expansion of the Polonium Network platform with interactive tools for integrating the Polish Scientific Diaspora" through the Association “Wspólnota Polska”. The funding was provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the competition “Polonia and Poles Abroad 2024 – Regranting.” Public task name: Regranting, 3rd Edition - Polish Diaspora Media - Large Grants.

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  • Dominika Czerniawska joined our Foundation in what she recalls as the turning point of her life. “I was living in London back then, was in the middle of moving to Mancherster. I saw a call for recruitment to design and coordinate the first study of the Polish scientific diaspora. I knew immediately it was destined to be and even though I didn’t know anyone at Polonium I decided to join” Her collaboration with Gosia, Piotrek and Rafał resulted in the Beyond recognition: Polish scientific diaspora as a source of social capital report, published in 2018. You can read it here: https://lnkd.in/dVvHx9CK Polonium Foundation is an independent non-profit NGO. We are turning Polish brain drain into brain circulation by unlocking the potential of the Polish research diaspora. We connect its members at our events, research the community, and provide policy recommendations. The public task "Active Polonia" supported by Stowarzyszenie Aktywny Dialog is financed from the State Treasury funds received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the competition "POLONIA AND POLES ABROAD 2024 - regranting". #KeepCalmAndCurieOn #volunteer #PoloniumFoundation #Polonia

  • Vanessa Bijak, PhD Eng , a Co-Lead for Polonium Network Team. She was introduced to the Polonium Foundation by one of our Founders, Karolina Mirowska, after the Biolab alumni meeting. Since 2019 she has been a part of Polonium’s USA initiatives, including #SPPMeetUpBerkley, and worked with our flagship project–Polonium Network. Polonium Network wouldn’t be what it is today without engagement and a vision of Joanna M. Kwiatek, Ph.D. and Vanessa. They coordinate, design and execute all the new functionalities of our community’s online platform. In the near future we will be launching new functionalities of Polonium Network, so stay tuned and register today here: https://lnkd.in/dXPmXnK Polonium Foundation is an independent non-profit NGO. We are turning Polish brain drain into brain circulation by unlocking the potential of the Polish research diaspora. We connect its members at our events, research the community, and provide policy recommendations. The public task "Active Polonia" supported by Stowarzyszenie Aktywny Dialog is financed from the State Treasury funds received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the competition "POLONIA AND POLES ABROAD 2024 - regranting". #KeepCalmAndCurieOn #volunteer #PoloniumFoundation #Polonia

  • Joanna M. Kwiatek, Ph.D. joined us after the virtual Science: Polish Perspectives in 2021. Apart from her career as a microscopy guru, she also co-leads the Polonium Network Team. She takes each opportunity to enhance your experience using our networking platform, so why don’t you all check it out? Polonium Network wouldn’t be what it is today without engagement and a vision of Joanna and Vanessa Bijak, PhD Eng. They coordinate, design and execute all the new functionalities of our community’s online platform. IIn the near future we will be launching new functionalities of Polonium Network, so stay tuned and register today here: https://lnkd.in/dXPmXnK Polonium Foundation is an independent non-profit NGO. We are turning Polish brain drain into brain circulation by unlocking the potential of the Polish research diaspora. We connect its members at our events, research the community, and provide policy recommendations. The public task "Active Polonia" supported by Stowarzyszenie Aktywny Dialog is financed from the State Treasury funds received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the competition "POLONIA AND POLES ABROAD 2024 - regranting". #KeepCalmAndCurieOn #volunteer #PoloniumFoundation  #Polonia

  • Turning vision for our events into reality would not be possible without our amazing partners! In this post we are looking back at #SPPMeetUP Milan 2024 and the organizations who supported us at realizing it. We are grateful to the Polish General Consulate in Milan, Polish Academy of Sciences Scientific Center in Rome and Columbus Private (Suisse) SA who have been the event strategic partners. Our thanks go to Polish Embassy in Rome for their honorary patronage. We were also supported by multiple community partners: Akademia Młodych Uczonych Polska Akademia Nauk, BioForum, CAMERA D'AFFARI POLACCA IN ITALIA - POLSKA IZBA BIZNESOWA WE WŁOSZECH, Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates II Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége || DOSZ, Gazetta Italia, Warsaw Society of Biotechnology “Symbioza”, Polacy we Włoszech, Czexpats In Science, ProScience, Polish Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland Innovative, Žijem vedu, Związek polaków we Włoszech Thank you! #Partners #SPPMeetUP #KeepCalmAndCurieOn

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