You don't need everyone, you need the people who care. Here is Bernie J Mitchell 👋
🌐 Coworking Strategist & Creator | I help coworking spaces go from unseen to thriving community hubs
One lesson stands out: you can't please everyone when building a community—whether it’s a coworking space, a local group, an online course, or an underwater polo squad. And that’s a good thing; it's excellent news and will save you tons of energy. Trying to please everyone is why many coworking spaces feel "a bit shit and soulless" even though they 'look like they have everything' - they are pandering to the non-existent mainstream. The 'can't please everyone' came up during a recent conversation on the Coworking Values Podcast with Mark Masters, during which we discussed Seth Godin’s First 10 concept. There is a link to Mark's post in the show notes and on You Are The Media. If you’re unfamiliar, the idea is simple but transformative: The first 10 people who show up—whether it’s for your coworking space, restaurant, or online course—are the ones who will shape how your community grows. How you connect with them sets the tone for the long-term success of your project. Here’s the kicker: the more niche and specific you are, the better. Sure, you’ll leave some people behind—but the right people will love it. That’s what makes a community thrive. Seth’s point, which we explored deeply in the podcast, is that trying to please everyone waters down one's vision. I'd like you to focus on clarity and connection with the few who get it. In today’s video, I explain how to apply this idea to running a coworking space, starting a project, or building your crew. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Who are the “first 10” people you want to build your community around? Please reply below and let me know. #coworking #communityisthekey #coworkinglondon