🤝 Representing The University of Law, and the benefit of synergy.
Hello network!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but with the start of ‘reading week’, it's time to start paying off what I will call my ‘LinkedIn debts!’
😁 Let’s start with my last few weeks as the University of Reading’s ULaw Campus Rep:
This has been a truly enriching experience!
What stands out about the role is the level of responsibility that comes with it. Sometimes, I will take up a supporting role at a local event like an Open Day, and it’s important to adapt to an existing plan. More often though, it’s been solely up to me to figure out how best to support students and deliver results.
- And that’s where the title of this post comes in.
🤔 While working alone can bring its own benefits in terms of creative control, I’ve learned that working in a team can create synergies that otherwise may not be possible. Indeed, I could point to this week’s ‘Meet the Ambassadors’ event at Reading for a recent example.
🗣️ With a similarly engaging event held last year, it was only right to continue tradition and come together to represent some of the top legal organisations in the UK. Managing the event together - from conception to conclusion - showed me how professional synergies can increase efficiency, provide diverse ideas, and accelerate individual development.
To (virtually) guarantee success, every member needs to be bought in and uphold a culture of mutual respect – which was certainly the case with this event!
As such, it was a privilege to work this event and gain insights from my fellow Reading Ambassadors for law:
- Isabella Santos, Kirstin Wong, Ruth Noruwa, Tanya Mehmet and Pratima Mishra.
Also, shout out to the University of Reading’s Women in Law Society, who stopped by and were as supportive as always!
* If you haven't already, check out their Behind the Books series - it's been a must-read for me over the last few weeks, and I can’t speak highly enough of their members!
😅 I’ve got a few more things to post about, but I’ll try to keep this post brief for now.
A special thanks to Adam White, Vlad Manic and ULaw's Campus Reps team for making this job a genuine pleasure.
School of Law University of Reading
#theuniversityoflaw #universityofreading