The winners of the 2024 SOM Occupational Health Awards were announced on Thursday at our Awards Reception in Manchester, huge congratulations to: - Outstanding Occupational Health Team, sponsored by Meddbase - Joint Winners: PAM EKFB People Asset Management Ltd and Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - Outstanding Occupational Health Initiative - Highly Commended: Wye Valley NHS Trust; Winner: Kirklees Council - Outstanding Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion, sponsored by NEBOSH - Winner: Prof Harj Kaul - Outstanding Contribution to the Development of OH Globally - Winner: Professor Dingani Moyo (FRCP, FFOM, MFOM, MOHS, MAppMgnt, MBChB) - Outstanding Contribution by an Employer to Workplace Health and Wellbeing, sponsored by NEBOSH - Special Mention: Enerjisa Üretim; Highly Commended: Cadent Gas Limited; Winner: Wales & West Utilities - Outstanding Occupational Health Practitioner - Special Mention: Lee Stenson; Special Mention: Gregor Cleland; Highly Commended: Linda Nicholas; Joint Winners: Emma Persand RN QN 🇬🇧🇲🇺 and Prof Harj Kaul - Outstanding Contribution to Occupational Health Research - Special Mention: Southern Africa Miners Association (SAMA); Winner: Professor Dingani Moyo (FRCP, FFOM, MFOM, MOHS, MAppMgnt, MBChB) - SOM Lifetime Achievement, sponsored by Meddbase - Special Mention: Lyndsey Marchant; Winner: Elizabeth Murphy Thank you to everyone who entered, all our guests, and our generous sponsors! Anıl Akpınar Aleyna Dönmez Faruk Ceylan BAINES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES #occupationalhealth #occupationalmedicine #healthatwork #healthyworkplaces #healthandwellbeing #diversityandinclusion