Planes, Trains and BULK CARGO SHIPS ? Watch Dan automate carbon accounting for Scope 3 Transportation & Distribution emissions with ease. Precise, activity-based calculations performed from original documents. 📋 No templates 🤯 No manual entry 🏝️ Save time 💪🏽 Save effort 💰 Save expense 🏆 Deliver better results Do you want to automate ALL 3 SCOPES with ease ? 👉🏽 Get Started
🚛 NEW DEMO: Scope 3 - AUTOMATED Transport & Distribution in 3 minutes ! Calculating the carbon emissions from freight transport can be incredibly complex. Want to know how to automate it ? 📊 Doing it by hand means manually calculating distances across multiple modes of transport (air, road, rail, sea), and trying to account for real-world factors like the Suez or Panama Canals for shipping, or using Great Circle distances for air freight. But here’s the problem: this is slow, error-prone, and relies heavily on estimates rather than precise data. 😓 That’s where Earthchain comes in. 🚀 Our platform automates carbon accounting for transport & distribution by extracting data directly from freight documents / invoices and calculating distances automatically - using the right methods for each mode of transport. We use: • Great Circle routes for air freight ✈ • Road/rail distance matrices for surface transport 🚚🚆 • Common shipping routes for sea freight 🚢 (including Suez, Panama, and more) With automation, you get fast, accurate carbon calculations based on real operational data - no more guesswork - and the results and workings are fully transparent and assurable. 🎯 Watch the video to see how Earthchain transforms this complex process into a case of drag, drop, done 📹👇 #Sustainability #CarbonAccounting #NetZero #AutomatedCarbonAccounting #TransportEmissions #Logistics #Earthchain #SupplyChain