Datblygiadau Egni Gwledig (DEG)

Datblygiadau Egni Gwledig (DEG)

Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

Caernarfon, Cymru 415 followers

About us

DEG is a social enterprise supporting community led action across northwest Wales to increase our area's ability to cope with the rising cost of fossil fuels and improve the natural environment Our work provides communities with the confidence, knowledge and ambition to take ownership of their future through projects such as: • Reducing energy use, fuel costs and dependence on unsustainable fuels • Strengthening the local economy • Generating sustainable electricity and heat DEG provides information on what is possible, what has been achieved elsewhere in our area and best practise from community energy groups across Britain. We can help with: • Identifying opportunities for your community • Getting people involved • Project planning and development • Locating expertise • Raising finance to make projects happen DEG's work is underpinned by our vision and values: Vision We see North West Wales as a collection of vibrant, connected, local economies collaborating to bring home the benefits of our natural heritage. Values i. We believe that re-localising our economies will make us less vulnerable to rising energy prices and give us more power to create the world we want. ii. We contribute to communities becoming stronger, more self-supporting and resilient by generating their own energy and using it efficiently. iii. We see the sustainability of the natural environment, fulfilling employment opportunities and the Welsh language and culture as interlinked. iv. We want people to feel confident that they can contribute to creating a positive vision of future and work together to achieve it. v. We promote a collaborative approach where individuals and communities recognise their interconnectedness and support each other through sharing skills and resources for mutual benefit. vi. We seek to understand and work alongside communities to identify solutions which are right for them, leaving a lasting legacy of skills, knowledge and capability

Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
Company size
2-10 employees
Caernarfon, Cymru
Localism, Community Energy, Strengthening Local Economies, Network Facilitation, Event Management, Community Engagement, and Project Planning & Management


Employees at Datblygiadau Egni Gwledig (DEG)


  • Dychmygwch Gymru lle mae cymunedau yn cynhyrchu ac yn berchen ar eu hynni eu hunain, gyda'r holl elw a buddion yn llifo’n ôl i’n cymunedau. Imagine a Wales where communities produce and own their own energy, with all profits and benefits flowing back into our communities. -- (Scroll down for English) Dyna'r darlun y mae Ynni Cymunedol Cymru wedi'i baentio yn eu hadroddiad "Cyflwr y Sector 2024", ac y weledigaeth DEG yn ceisio ei wireddu trwy brosiectau fel Cyd Ynni. Eisoes mae 47 o grwpiau ynni cymunedol a sefydliadau ymbarél wedi'u lleoli yng Nghymru, gyda chyfanswm o 32.4 MW o gapasiti o dan berchnogaeth cymunedol. Rydym yn falch o weithio ochr yn ochr â nifer o'r grwpiau hyn, ac rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed eleni i gefnogi creu rhai newydd ac adnewyddu eraill! Mae ynni cymunedol yn chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth gyflawni targedau ynni adnewyddadwy Cymru a chreu system ynni fwy cynaliadwy a theg. Mae’n golygu biliau ynni mwy fforddiadwy i gartrefi a busnesau lleol, gydag elw yn ariannu prosiectau sydd o fudd i gymunedau lleol. Darllenwch yr adroddiad: https://lnkd.in/e4EtybhG ---- That's the vision Community Energy Wales has painted in their "State of the Sector 2024" report, and the vision DEG is working to make a reality through projects such as Cyd Ynni. There are already 47 active community energy groups and umbrella organisations based within Wales, with a 32.4 MW total of community-owned capacity. We are proud to be working alongside several of these groups, and we have been working hard this year to support the creation or renewal of a few new ones! Community energy plays a crucial role in achieving Wales's renewable energy targets and creating a more sustainable and equitable energy system. It means more affordable energy bills for households and local businesses, with profits funding projects that benefit local communities. Read the report: https://lnkd.in/euEqrh6T #ynni #ynnicymunedol #energy #communityenergy #cymunedoli #cymunedau

  • Dyma Osian, un o'n Swyddogion Ynni, yn esbonio pa fath o help sydd ar gael i chi. Os ydych eisiau cyngor ar arbed ar eich biliau ynni, eisiau gwybod am pa gymorth sydd ar gael i chi neu i siarad am sut allwch wneud newidiadau i'ch tŷ i'w wneud yn fwy ynni-effeithlon... dewch am sgwrs hefo ni! Byddwn yn Y Bedol, Bethel Dydd Sul (8fed o Ragfyr) o 1-3yp fel rhan o'r Caffi Trwsio... dewch a dillad, beiciau neu eitemau trydanol sydd angen eu trwsio, cymrwch banad a cacen, a dewch i drafon sut fedran ni eich helpu... i gyd am ddim! Cysylltwch hefo ni ar ynni@deg.cymru neu ffoniwch ni ar 07495 237 679 am fwy o wybodaeth! - This is Osian, one of our Energy Officers, explaining what kind of help is available for you. If you want advice on saving on your energy bills, want to know what help is available or to talk about how you can make changes to your house to make it more energy efficient... come and have a chat with us! We will be at Y Bedol, Bethel on Sunday (8th December) from 1-3pm as part of the Repair Cafe... bring clothes, bikes or electrical items that need repairing, have a cup of tea and some cake, and come and discuss how we can help you... all for free! Contact us on ynni@deg.cymru or call us on 07495 237 679 for more information! #tloditanwydd #biliauynni #ynnieffeithlon #energyefficient #fuelpoverty #energybills

  • Rydym yn hapus i bartneru gyda Tecstiliau i gynnig sesiwn Cyngor Ynni yn y Caffi Trwsio yn Y Bedol, Bethel ar Ddydd Sul yr 8fed o Ragfyr, 1-3yp. 🪡👚🧑🔧️ We're excited to be partnering with TECSTILIAU to offer an Energy Advice session at the upcoming Repair Cafe at Y Bedol, Bethel on Sunday the 8th of December, 1-3pm. - (*Scroll down for English*) Mewn Caffi Trwsio, gallwch gael rhywun i drwsio eitemau sydd wedi eu torri (fel dillad, beiciau neu electroneg) am ddim - beth am ddod i sgwrsio â ni tra byddwch yn aros? Gall ein Swyddogion Ynni gynnig cyngor ar sut i wneud eich cartref yn fwy ynni-effeithlon, pa grantiau/buddiannau y gallech fod yn gymwys i'w cael, a gallwch fynd â bwlb LED adref gyda chi 💡+ mwynhau paned a chacen - i gyd am ddim! 🍰🫖 -- At a Repair Cafe, you can have broken items (such as clothes, bikes or electronics) fixed for free - why not come to chat to us while you wait? Our Energy Officers can offer advice on how to make your home more energy efficient, what grants/benefits you might be eligible for, plus you can take home an LED bulb with you 💡+ enjoy some tea/coffee and cake - all for free! 🍰🫖

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  • Amcangyfrifir bod bron pob cartref incwm is yng Nghymru mewn tlodi tanwydd. 💡Gall ein Swyddogion Ynni roi cymorth ymarferol ar leihau costau a defnydd ynni yn eich cartref, cynghori pa grantiau sydd ar gael a rhoi cyfle i bawb sy’n gymwys ymuno â’r gwasanaeth a’r rhestr flaenoriaeth gyda’u dŵr, trydan a cyflenwyr nwy. Cysylltwch (ynni@deg.cymru) neu cadwch olwg am ein sesiynau galw heibio nesaf! - Virtually all lower-income households in Wales are estimated to be in fuel poverty. #FuelPovertyAwarenessDay 💡Our Energy Officers can provide practical help on reducing costs and energy consumption in your home, advise what grants are available and give everyone who is eligible the opportunity to join the service and priority list with their water, electricity and gas suppliers. Get in touch (ynni@deg.cymru) or look out for our next drop-in sessions!

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  • Mae gan Gymru rai o’r cartrefi hynaf ac oeraf yn Ewrop, sy’n eu gwneud yn ddrutach i’w gwresogi a’u cadw’n gynnes. ❄️ Wales has some of the oldest, coldest homes in Europe, making them more expensive to heat and keep warm. ❄️ (*Scroll down for English*) Gall ein Swyddogion Ynni sgwrsio â chi neu ymweld â'ch cartref i roi cyngor ar sut i'w gadw yn gynnes dros y gaeaf, a helpu chi wybod os ydych yn gymwys am unrhyw grantiau neu fudd-daliadau. Gallwn hefyd ddarparu asesiadau ac adroddiadau manwl ar sut i wneud eich cartref neu adeilad cymunedol yn fwy ynni-effeithlon - cysylltwch â ni heddiw i ddarganfod mwy! ynni@deg.cymru - Our Energy Officers can chat to you or visit your home to provide advice on how you can better keep your home warm over the winter, including whether you're eligible for any grants or benefits. We can also provide in-depth assessments and reports on how to make your home or community building more energy efficient - contact us today to find out more! ynni@deg.cymru #FuelPovertyAwarenessDay #tloditanwydd

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  • HEDDIW! Ymunwch â Gwyrfai Gwyrdd Cyf a DEG am sesiynau galw heibio arbennig! Bydd Gwenno ac Osian yn rhoi cyngor arbed ynni, ac fe allwch ddysgu mwy am waith Gwyrfai Gwyrdd a'r ddiweddaraf ar: *Sefydlu Clwb Ynni Gwyrfai, *Prosiectau solar cymunedol a gwresogi cymunol, Lleoliadau: *12:30yp - 2:30yp | Canolfan y Capel, Caeathro *5:00yp - 7:00yh | Y Ganolfan, Waunfawr Galwch draw – croeso i bawb! -- Join Gwyrfai Gwyrdd Cyf and DEG for special drop-in sessions today! Gwenno and Osian will be sharing energy saving advice, and you can learn more about Gwyrfai Gwyrdd's work and the latest on: *Gwyrfai Local Energy Club *Community solar and heating projects Locations: *12:30pm - 2:30pm | Canolfan y Capel, Caeathro *5:00pm - 7:00pm | The Centre, Waunfawr Come along - everyone welcome!

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  • Rydym wrth ein bodd cael bod ar restr fer Gwobrau Ynni Cymunedol heno - am Gydweithio mewn Ynni Cymunedol a Chymorth i'r Sector! 🥳 We're thrilled to have been shortlisted for tonight's Community Energy Awards - for Collaboration in Community Energy and Sector Support! 🥳 - Mae’r wobr Cydweithio mewn Ynni Cymunedol yn cydnabod cydweithio rhwng sefydliad ynni cymunedol a’i bartneriaid, tra bod gwobr Cymorth y Sector yn cydnabod sefydliadau ynni cymunedol sydd wedi dangos ymrwymiad rhagorol i fentora, hyfforddiant, rhannu arbenigedd neu gymorth arall o fewn y sector. Mae'r gwobrau yn cael eu rhoddi gan Community Energy England ond maent yn agored i sefydliadau ar draws y DU. Wrth gwrs, ni fedran gyflawni hyn heb ein staff, partneriaid a'n cymunedau anhygoel - felly diolch mawr iawn i chi i gyd! - The Collaboration in Community Energy awards recognises collaboration between a community energy organisation and its partners, while the Sector Support award recognises community energy organisations that have demonstrated outstanding commitment to mentorship, training, sharing expertise or other support within the sector. The awards are given and organised by Community Energy England but are open to organisations across the UK. Of course, we couldn't have achieved this without our amazing staff, partners and communities - so a big thank you to all of you! https://lnkd.in/eZmxQJyF #ceaawards2024 #ynnicymunedol #communityenergy #communityenergyawards

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  • ⚡Angen help hefo'ch biliau ynni neu eisiau cyngor ar sut i wneud eich cartref yn fwy effeithlon o ran ynni? Bydd ein Swyddogion Ynni yn Porthi Dre, Caernarfon, Dydd Llun, Tachwedd 25 o 11:30yb-12:30yp. ⚡Need help with your energy bills or want advice on making your home more energy efficient? Our Energy Officers will be in Porthi Dre, Caernarfon on Monday, 25th November from 11:30am-12:30pm. 💡Mae’r Swyddogion Ynni DEG yma i’ch helpu drwy: -godi ymwybyddiaeth o fanteision arbed ynni -roi cymorth ymarferol ar leihau costau a defnydd o ynni yn y cartref -roi cyngor i wella effeithlonrwydd ynni eu cartrefi -gynhori pa grantiau sydd ar gael -ddarparu offer arbed ynni (er enghraifft bylbiau LED) -roi’r cyfle i bawb sydd yn gymwys i ymunno a’r rhestr gwasanaeth a blaenoriaeth gyda’u cyflenwyr dŵr, trydan a nwy. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, awgrymiadau neu os hoffech drefnu apwyntiad gyda Swyddog Ynni naill ai dros y ffôn neu yn eich cartref, cysylltwch â ni ar ynni@deg.cymru neu 07495237679. - 💡 DEG's Energy Officers are here to help you by: -raising awareness of the benefits of saving energy -providing practical help on reducing costs and energy consumption in the home -giving advice to improve the energy efficiency of their homes -advising what grants are available -providing energy saving equipment (for example LED bulbs) -giving everyone who is eligible the opportunity to join the service and priority list with their water, electricity and gas suppliers. If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to arrange an appointment with an Energy Officer either by phone or at your home, contact us on ynni@deg.cymru or 07495237679

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  • 💡Tri sesiwn cyngor ynni yn dod i fyny: Tachwedd 4, Noddfa, Caernarfon, 10:30yb-1:30yp - hefo Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, Cyngor ar Bopeth, Cyngor Gwynedd ac Adra a Swyddogion Ynni DEG. Tachwedd 5 yn Caban Brynrefail o 12:30-2:30yp, a Tachwedd 11 yn Becws Melyn, Llanberis o 12:30-2:30yp - hefo cyngor am ôl-osod a GwyrddNi - 💡Three energy advice sessions coming up: November 4th in Noddfa, Caernarfon, 10:30am-1:30pm - with Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, Citizens Advice, Cyngor Gwynedd and Adra along with DEG's Energy Officers. November 5th at Caban Brynrefail from 12:30-2:30pm and November 11th in Becws Melyn, Llanberis from 12:30-2:30pm - with advice on retrofit and GwyrddNi

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  • ⚡Angen help hefo'ch biliau ynni? Bydd ein Swyddogion Ynni yn Neuadd Bentref y Groeslon, Dydd Mercher Hydref 30 o 3-4yh. ⚡Need help with your energy bills? Our Energy Officers will be in Groeslon Village Hall on Wednesday, October 30th from 3-4pm. 💡Mae’r Swyddogion Ynni DEG yma i’ch helpu drwy: -godi ymwybyddiaeth o fanteision arbed ynni -roi cymorth ymarferol ar leihau costau a defnydd o ynni yn y cartref -roi cyngor i wella effeithlonrwydd ynni eu cartrefi -gynhori pa grantiau sydd ar gael -ddarparu offer arbed ynni (er enghraifft bylbiau LED) -roi’r cyfle i bawb sydd yn gymwys i ymunno a’r rhestr gwasanaeth a blaenoriaeth gyda’u cyflenwyr dŵr, trydan a nwy. Fel arall, os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, awgrymiadau neu os hoffech drefnu apwyntiad gyda Swyddog Ynni naill ai dros y ffôn neu yn eich cartref, cysylltwch â ni ar ynni@deg.cymru neu 07495237679. 💡 DEG's Energy Officers are here to help you by: -raising awareness of the benefits of saving energy -providing practical help on reducing costs and energy consumption in the home -giving advice to improve the energy efficiency of their homes -advising what grants are available -providing energy saving equipment (for example LED bulbs) -giving everyone who is eligible the opportunity to join the service and priority list with their water, electricity and gas suppliers. Alternatively, if you have any questions, suggestions or would like to arrange an appointment with an Energy Officer either by phone or at your home, contact us on ynni@deg.cymru or 07495237679

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