Some really concerning news from our partners Homebaked Community Land Trust in Liverpool who have spent years developing this community led renovation scheme.
Save the terrace! Homebaked CLT Over several years our friends at Homebaked CLT in Anfield, Liverpool, have been working to bring an unoccupied terrace back into community ownership and use. The terrace was initially slated for demolition as part of Housing Market Renewal - a programme which tore apart communities in Liverpool and many other northern towns. Since that was halted, the CLT have worked determinedly to secure the terrace and bring it back into use, providing warm and affordable homes and business space under community ownership. This has involved many years of negotiations with Liverpool City Council, and the input of a dedicated CLT, design team (including the community) and many other stakeholders who want to see this scheme happen. In a recent and surprise development, Liverpool City Council have listed the Oakfield terrace for disposal on the open market. You can see more on the background to that in this short blog here: There’s also a good summary of the CLT argument by Paul Kelly here: This project is close to many of us at Carbon Co-op and People Powered Retrofit who previously worked at URBED, and supported the scheme from concept designs through to securing Planning Permission. The designs were rooted in high quality, energy efficient and healthy homes - and if realised could be a brilliant precedent. As all the hard work on the terrace continued behind the scenes, Homebaked have continued their work in the community - continuing conversations about energy, raising awareness of retrofit, all with the ambition to secure warm, affordable homes for all. We’ve been proud to support their Cosy Homes Club work in small part. This is not just about the terrace, it’s about catalysing a whole neighbourhood approach to healthy homes and thriving communities. The Liverpool City Council Cabinet meet today, Tuesday 10th December, to approve the decision to put Oakfield terrace on the open market list. We stand with Homebaked CLT and call on Liverpool City Council to reconsider this decision.