Thrilling day spent at Westcott Venture Park networking with the next generation of rocket engineers #Race2Space who had gathered after two weeks of designing, constructing and firing their rocket engines, learning a great deal in the process and forging invaluable links with industry. Special thanks to #Airbourne, #Protolaunch and #EuropeanAstrotech for help in guiding participants and in particular to Alistair John #theuniversityofsheffield for devising and leading the event. This event is now in its second year, hosted at the rocket testing facility at Westcott Venture Park , Buckinghamshire and was made possible by sponsorship including a contribution from #BuckinghamshireCouncil through its Enterprise Zone Programme and support from the Satellite Aplications Catapult and enthusiastic presentations from the UK Space Agency and Fraser Nash. The event grew from 10 to 19 teams for this year and attendance grew from 100 to 240 over previous year. His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, the Countess Howe attended and was again actively engaged with the student teams, toured the facilities witnessed a rocket firing and presented awards at the close of the event. The ambition is to see the event grow further in 2025 developing stronger links between business and academia in a strong UK growth sector. Race to Sapce is a very special example of hosting engineering talent at test facilities in collaboration with market leading rocket propulsion companies.