Bridge India is a progressive non-profit think tank dedicated to discourse on public policy. Sign up to our newsletter:
India represents an ancient civilisation, united by a shared history and sustained by a pluralist democracy. The idea of India is one that is inclusive, secular, and with a Constitution that provides for the vast diversity of its composite culture. The idea of India is the idea of embracing the many.
India’s national identity has been built on unity in diversity, and it has long celebrated the commonality of major differences amongst its people. It offers many truths, each of which give shape and substance to the idea of India.
But the ‘India Story’ abroad is often presented through a narrow lens, be it focusing only on business and the economy, society or policy landscape. Given its diversity, everything about India, and its polar opposite, is true in unison. Bridge India seeks to highlight and celebrate this nuance, to help India-watchers understand India better.
Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Public policy, India, Public diplomacy, Government, Policy analysis, and Diaspora engagement