We've talked for years about the importance of "hard to fake" signals in marketing, or in the world of generative AI, "hard to replicate" signals and information gain.
I.e. content infused with expert insights, original data, personality, lived experiences, and stories that AI can't fabricate.
Katie Kelly (a content strategist I admire) shared an example in our conversation on The Long Game about a piece on sequential testing.
Expert interviews informed the angle, fact checked the accuracy, and added unique value on top of an otherwise dry subject (to most...I love reading about sequential testing)
Without expert input, content can easily fall into the “SEO checkbox” trap—technically fine, but boring and generic, and with zero moat or reason to allocate one's finite attention to reading it.
The magic of expert interviews lies in:
1️⃣ Exposing blind spots you didn’t know existed.
2️⃣ Elevating your piece with insights no AI could intuit.
3️⃣ Creating something human—engaging, valuable, and steeped in real-world expertise.
If you want your content to stand out, one way to do so is to index on expert interviews.