Privaterium is proud to share highlights from the first CyberSec workshop - The Day after Production, organized by BeyondMachines and hosted by - Base42. We are honored that our very own Blashka Gligorov was invited to participate as a panel speaker at this innovative and highly engaging event. Viktor Ivanovski's original post captures the energy and impact of the workshop perfectly, and we couldn’t agree more with his words! We deeply appreciate Bozidar Spirovski for his incredible efforts in organizing this workshop and to the panelists, Wekoslav Stefanovski, and Viktor, for providing participants with such a rich and interactive experience.
Senior Software Developer || CyberSec & GameDev hobbyist || Comedian || Jack of all trades, master of some || Dog Lover || Self Taught Tech Wizard
The Day after Production Follow up The first CyberSec workshop - The Day after Production - created by BeyondMachines has concluded. The turnout was epic and the responses were overwhelming. Thanks to everyone that attended. Big thanks to - Base42 for hosting the event. Furthermore, thanks to Bozidar Spirovski organizing and masterminding this workshop, as well as selecting me as a panel speaker for the event - it was an honor and a privilege, and certainly a new experience for me. Let's not forget my co-panelists Blashka Gligorov and Wekoslav Stefanovski, which taught me many things I didn't know and elevated the things I did know to a new level. Last, but not least, thanks to my family, that had to listen to my rants and preparations without understanding a word I am talking about, it must've been boring and confusing. For the event, we had planned a scenario where each of us took the role in a company, CEO (Blashka), CISO (Bozidar), CTO (Weko) and Pentester (Viktor) and we'd guide the new employees (the attendees) as their first day in a company that just recently launched a new product riddled with bugs, exploits, vulnerabilities and overall bad practices. Each of them got to experience the real pressure and uncertainty when dealing with such a scenario, while also practicing their skillset in a gamified experience. The follow up would result in a teaching moment for everyone involved, including, but not limited to, best practices, tips, tricks, and workarounds for every problem, as well as the legal implications and consequences when such a platform is compromised, finalized with a vulnerability report that judges the severity of the situation and the future of the platform. I hope that everyone that attended had a good fun and learned something new. If you still have any lingering questions about the concepts, tools and approaches we demonstrated, feel free to reach out and discuss it with me. Also there were kitkats. For those with FOMO, this is the best I can do to relay the experience. For future events, go to where we await whatever Bozidar concocts with eagerness and anticipation. While you're there, join the discord and connect with the rest of the community that made this all possible. p.s Bobby Tables sends his regards.