Vi kan med stor glæde oplyse, at The Scandinavian har sikret os en dygtig og kompetent klubsekretær med tiltrædelse pr. 1. februar 2025. Byd velkommen til Susanne Toft, der medbringer de helt rette administrative kompetencer, en stor passion for golf og sidst men ikke mindst, en mangeårig erfaring fra service- og fitnessbranchen. Susanne er tilmed en dygtig golfspiller, der spiller på Simon’s seniordivisionshold, og vil qua dette samt tidligere virke i Welcome Fitness, være et ansigt som flere af vores medlemmer og gæster vil kende. I nedenstående link har Susanne sat nogle ord på ansættelsen og hvad vores medlemmer kan forvente af hende: Stort velkommen til i det nye år fra alle os på The Scandinavian ⛳️😊l
The Scandinavian
One of the few golf clubs with both courses consistently ranked in the best 50 golf courses in continental Europe.
Om os
The Scandinavian is only a 25 minute drive from Copenhagen, and is one of the only golf clubs with both courses ranked in the Top 50 in Continental Europe. At The Scandinavian, we have two top quality courses with a total of 36 very different holes. Both courses are designed by the American golf design company Robert Trent Jones II. Regardless of your level the courses at The Scandinavian are guaranteed to stimulate your senses.
- Websted
Eksternt link til The Scandinavian
- Branche
- Tilskuersport
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 51-200 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2010
- Specialer
- Golf, Membership, Food & Beverage, hospitality, Sport, Meetings and Events og events
Oldvej 3
Copenhagen, 3520, DK
Medarbejdere hos The Scandinavian
Vi er meget stolte af at blive nomineret til Erhvervslivets Kulturpris - ikke mindst set i lyset af de virksomheder vi er nomineret sammen med. Læs mere om nomineringen her:, hvor vores CEO Christian Tage Nyvang Hansen udtaler sig om vores kunstværkers betydning for klubbens særegenhed og position i golfverdenen ⛳️👌🏻
MØD DE NOMINEREDE...... Med Erhvervslivets Kulturpris anerkendelse, ønsker vi at inspirere flere virksomheder til at støtte og integrere kunst og kultur i deres forretningsstrategier, samt inspirere og ruste kulturlivet til at indgå flere partnerskaber med erhvervslivet. Første år nomineres 50 private virksomheder, der som rollemodeller integrerer og bruger kunst bevidst. Listen over de nominerede virksomheder bliver afsløret løbende frem i mod 8. maj 2025. Se flere her: Her er 3 af de 50 nominerede: Civitas Advokater - v/ Anders Valentiner-Branth - JP/Politikens Hus v/ Stig Kirk Ørskov – Office Club® v/ Andreas Karberg Udvælgelsen af de 50 nominerede virksomheder er sket på baggrund af en større analyse, herunder samtaler med ledende gallerier, kunstfaglige personer og nøglepersoner som beskæftiger sig med koblingen imellem kunst og erhvervsliv. Udvælgelsen af virksomhederne er foretaget i samarbejde med Cristina Buck Bramsen, strategisk rådgiver og stifter af Partfolio, som hjælper virksomheder med at transformere kunstsamlinger og styrke kulturen. Der uddeles priser i 5 kategorier samt en Ærespris til prisuddelingen 8. maj 2025.
After an amazing season with more rounds played by members and guests than ever before, it’s satisfying to see both of our courses ranking 1st and 2nd in Denmark on Golf World Top 100 courses for Continental Europe in 2024. We’re ambitious for the future and in the search for improvements… Hang on - there’s a lot more to come ⛳️☀️🤩 #titleistprov1range #getbettereveryday #no1golfclub Simon Denwers Christian Tage Nyvang Hansen Elias Knudsen, Frederik Sebastian Czyz Bendsen Bruce Charlton Tonny Gottlieb Patrick Sass Kent Højlund 59club Nordic Clere Golf Dansk Golf Union
Very proud to see both of our courses at The Scandinavian ranking as 40th (New Course) and 47th (Old Course) on the Golf World Top 100 for Continental Europe. These positions ranks us 1st and 2nd in Denmark - and we’ve only just begun the journey for continuous improvements! Many exciting initiatives to come in the upcoming years to make our courses even more enjoyable and fun to play. Really looking forward to this task together with the talented Bruce Charlton and Russell Anderson. ⛳️💪🏻 Looking forward to the journey with a wonderful team that looks to become even stronger in 2025. 🌟 Magnus Leopold Banzon Bastholm, CMDip Emil Lindvig Filip Bendix Magnus Kofoed Madsen Marianne Anderson
Scandinavian Business Network Wonderful morning with valueable insights from Søren Kjeldsen in our lovely settings. Insights that the network could use both on and off the golf course. Golf, networking and business goes so well hand in hand. Our network consists of 35 members that all have a passion for golf and making durable and long term business relations. Contact us at for more information ⛳️☀️ Henrik Fog Martens - Billeasing med dig i centrum Mikkel Emmerik Trine Cart Steen Theill
Strategiske partnerskaber • Salgsstrategier • Netværksfacilitering • CRM • Forretningsudvikling – med fokus på oplevelsesindustrien
We are proud to be part of a growing community of clubs, developments, and tournaments demonstrating how golf integrates with nature, environmental responsibility, and strong communities. As the second club in Denmark to achieve GEO certification, we highlight: Efficient Lighting: Energy-saving LED implementation. Sustainable Woodland Management: Ongoing efforts to protect biodiversity. Water Security: Landmark reservoir project ensuring sustainable water supply. Explore our journey here: Sustainable Golf #GEOCertified #SustainableGolf #EnvironmentalStewardship #GreenGolf #TheScandinavianGolfClub
Celebrating Professional Growth at The Scandinavian! We are thrilled to announce the remarkable achievements of two of our dedicated team members. Filip Bendix has concluded his PGA winter training, further honing his expertise in golf, likewise, Magnus Leopold Banzon Bastholm has successfully completed the CMAE MDP2 program. These accomplishments reflect our core values of continuous learning and excellence. Join us in congratulating Magnus and Filip on their professional development, which not only enhances their skills but also elevates the standard of service at The Scandinavian.
Congratulations Magnus Leopold Banzon Bastholm, it makes us all proud to see you pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and making the effort to develop yourself, grow and bring the new skills back to The Scandinavian.
I’m super grateful to have participated in the Club Management Association of Europe (CMAE) MDP2 program last week. It was a challenging week, but the rewards were significant. A big thank you to the amazing individuals I met during the course. Your insights enriched my learning. Special thanks to The Scandinavian for their unwavering support throughout my journey. Over the next couple of weeks, I will spend my time working on the work-based assignment and hopefully turn in a great report to gain my Club Management Diploma. Here’s to continuous growth and seizing new opportunities! 🚀 #Gratitude #MDP2 #ProfessionalDevelopment #TheScandinavian
Thanks Jacob Sjöman, we are also pretty proud of our amazing clubhouse!
The Scandinavian Clubhouse, Denmark. Designed by Henning Larsen Architects. This is one of the most beautiful clubhouses in golf that I have ever come across. It is the centerpiece of the whole property and overlooking both courses. When I first arrived here I instantly fell in love with this design and admired how different it looks from all angles. It's really interesting to see how the clubhouse looks throughout a day, seeing these photos gives you an little idea, however I strongly recommend you to see it in person. What do you think about this clubhouse? Have you visited The Scandinavian? All Photos: Jacob Sjöman (C)/ The Scandinavian #golf #clubhouse #golfcourses #architecture #denmark #architects #exterior #construction #golfindustry #thescandinavian #golfbusiness #design #architects #denmark #danishdesign #golfclub #golfclubs