Exciting News: Launching Terraform on Windows Server 2022! 🚀 We're thrilled to announce the release of our new product, Terraform on Windows Server 2022! This powerful combination brings you an advanced infrastructure as code (IaC) tool, pre-installed alongside Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI, on the robust platform of Windows Server 2022. With this product, you can: Automate the creation, modification, and destruction of Azure resources Ensure consistent and repeatable infrastructure management Leverage powerful scripting capabilities with Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI Enjoy enhanced command-line efficiency with CLI tab completion This comprehensive toolkit is perfect for developers, DevOps engineers, and IT administrators who need a robust, efficient solution for managing Azure resources. Start automating your infrastructure right away and streamline your operations with ease. Don't miss out on this game-changer! Explore the capabilities of Terraform on Windows Server 2022 today and take your infrastructure management to the next level. 🚀 #Terraform #WindowsServer2022 #InfrastructureAsCode #Azure #DevOps #Automation #ITManagement #CloudSolutions #TechInnovation
Belinda CZ s.r.o.
IT služby a IT poradenství
Prague 7, Prague 246 sledující uživatelů
IT service, cloudová řešení, IT dokumentace nebo moderní domácí kancelář
O nás
Ve společnosti Belinda CZ se specializujeme na Azure Cloud infrastrukturu, cloudovou migraci, automatizaci a zabezpečení. Belinda CZ je předním poskytovatelem konzultačních služeb, zakázkových řešení, nasazení a migrace, licencování, spravovaných služeb (MSP) a systémové integrace, zaměřených na maximalizaci výkonu Microsoftu a Azure pro naše klienty. Umožňujeme podnikům optimalizovat jejich cloudovou infrastrukturu a digitální provoz napříč klíčovými odvětvími, poskytujeme škálovatelné, bezpečné a odolné prostředí, které podporuje růst. Naše odborné služby zahrnují: - Automatizované nasazení a zabezpečení Azure serverů - Zakázkové Azure Server Images - Úspory nákladů a optimalizaci v Azure - Cloudovou migraci a konkurenční databázovou migraci - Pokročilou analytiku a umělou inteligenci - Zabezpečení a ochranu před hrozbami - Identity & Access Management a serverless computing - Migraci MySQL/Postgres do Azure a upgrade SQL serveru Produktová odbornost: Nabízíme řešení v oblastech Azure, Enterprise Mobility & Security, Microsoft 365, Office 365, SQL, Teams, Windows a Exchange. Odvětví, kterým poskytujeme podporu: Belinda CZ podporuje odvětví finančních služeb, zdravotnictví, veřejného sektoru, výroby a zdrojů, profesionálních služeb a maloobchodu a spotřebního zboží, mezi dalšími. Objevte, jak odborné znalosti společnosti Belinda CZ v oblasti Microsoft a Azure mohou transformovat vaše podnikání.
- Web
Externí odkaz pro organizaci Belinda CZ s.r.o.
- Obor
- IT služby a IT poradenství
- Velikost společnosti
- 11 - 50 zaměstnanců
- Ústředí
- Prague 7, Prague
- Typ
- Společnost v osobním vlastnictví
- Datum založení
- 1998
- Speciality
- Azure, Azure Windows Server, IT Consulting, CloudOps, Server Migration, Cloud Migration, Azure Cloud Consulting and Architecture, Managed Azure Services, Azure Cloud Infrastructure, Automation, Custom Solutions, Deployment & Migration, System Integration , Azure Cost Saving and Optimization, MySQL/Postgres Migration to Azure & SQL Server Upgrade, Identity & Access Management & Serverless Computing, Security & Threat Protection, Advanced Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Migration & Competitive Database Migration, Automation Azure Server Deployment and Security, Custom Azure Server Images, Enterprise Mobility & Security, Microsoft 365, Office 365, SQL a WINDOWS
U garáží 1611/1
Prague 7, Prague 17000, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti Belinda CZ s.r.o.
Discover how @Microsoft 365 Copilot enables employees at your small or medium business to experience new levels of creativity and productivity. Read the blog and reply to learn how Copilot serves as employees' generative #AI companion so they can focus on the work that matters most.@Microsoft-365
💡Authority is earned not given 💡Business structures are flattening 💡Talent can come from atypical sources These are just a few of the key trends that reflect how younger generations think about work—and inform how businesses should adapt. Important read:
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Defender Experts for XDR supports your security team with 24/7 access to @Microsoft Defender Experts via live chat plus, of course Microsoft's Defender XDR suite. Get the datasheet for more information. 👉
Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR
What do Microsoft security experts use to help them identify and resolve potential threats? Copilot for Security! Read this article to learn why. Microsoft Security Microsoft Copilot
Microsoft Copilot for Security provides immediate impact for the Microsoft Defender Experts team | Microsoft Security Blog
To understand how organizations are implementing an integrated #cloud and #AIstrategy, MIT Technology Review Insights and Infosys surveyed 500 business leaders across multiple industries. Here are their findings:
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What tech trends will hit your IT workloads in 2025? Bernard Marr shares predictions 🔮 in this Forbes Enterprise Tech article, "7 Essential Trends IT Departments Must Tackle in 2025." DM if you're interested in discussing how Belinda CZ s.r.o. can help you prepare.
7 Essential Trends IT Departments Must Tackle In 2025
💡Never Trust, Always Verify. Here's why the motto underlying #ZeroTrust is your best #cyberthreat deterrent.
Zero Trust Architecture: Redefining Cybersecurity in the Modern IT Landscape