KPMG Finland

KPMG Finland

Business Consulting and Services

Inspire Confidence. Empower Change.

About us

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax, Legal and Advisory services. We have over 265,000 outstanding professionals working together to deliver value in 143 countries worldwide. We work closely with our clients, helping them to mitigate risks and grasp opportunities. In Finland and Estonia, we have over 1800 employees and local offices in 21 cities. Audit is an independent service that enhances the reliability of information used by investors and other stakeholders. Attitudes to tax are changing. Organizations of all sizes are ever more exposed to new trends in tax regulation, not just locally but globally. Advisory works with clients to tackle challenges in transactions and restructuring, performance and technology, strategy and risk and compliance. We will build and sustain our reputation as the best firm to work with by ensuring that our people, our clients and our communities achieve their full potential. As an employer we are one of the world’s leading organizations offering professional services. We can offer an employment with competitive and diverse possibilities for personal development and career progress. To view career opportunities in Finland, please visit

Business Consulting and Services
Yrityksen koko
1 001 – 5 000 työntekijää
PL 1037, 00101 Helsinki
Privately Held


Työntekijät KPMG Finland


  • KPMG Trainee ’25 -hakumme syksylle on nyt käynnissä! 🤩 Oletko valmiina liittymään huippuasiantuntijoidemme joukkoon ja ottamaan ensimmäisen askeleen urallasi konsultoinnin tai tilintarkastuksen parissa? Tehtäviä on auki niin neuvontapalveluissa, tilintarkastuksen ja varmennuksen kuin vero- ja lakipalveluidenkin puolella. Tutustu avoinna oleviin tehtäviin ja hae mukaan 19.1.2025 mennessä. Kannattaa myös vierailla meidän @kpmgfinland instassa, jossa pääset seuraamaan aiempien Traineedemme työpäiviä sekä saat hyviä vinkkejä hakua varten. #kpmgcareers #kpmgtrainee #makeyourmark

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  • As the holiday season approaches, it is soon time to unwind and spend time with loved ones. But for Santa’s little helpers, this is the busiest season of all! Traveling from country to country and spreading joy wherever they go. But what do Santa’s little helpers need to consider when working internationally? 🌎Discover KPMG Global Immigration Expert: Your trusted partner for navigating immigration requirements across borders. Explore our tech solution that provides instant pre-assessments for over 70 countries! ✨ Learn more about KPMG Global Immigration Expert here: #globalmobility #immigration #relocation

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  • We want to thank all our employees, clients, and collaboration partners for the successful year and wish you all a relaxing holiday season and a Happy New Year! 💙 Watch the video to find out about our Leadership Team's favorite holiday traditions and their wishes for 2025. 🎄✨ KPMG’s long-standing tradition has been to donate to charity voted for by our people during the holiday season. This year, our people voted to share the donation amount between SOS Children’s Villages Finland, Cancer Foundation in Finland and The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation. In addition to the local donations, KPMG has also allocated a separate donation to UNICEF's general emergency relief fund, through which the aid reaches the most vulnerable children and their families around the world.

  • KPMG Deal Advisory & Strategy and KPMG Tax & Legal Services together acted as the sole financial and legal advisor to City of Kemi in a sale of a 60% stake in Kemin Energia ja Vesi to Oulun Energia for EUR 71 million. Kemin Energia ja Vesi operates electricity and district heating distribution and water supply network in City of Kemi. Oulun Energia is owned by City of Oulu. The transaction aims to strengthen the infrastructure for energy-intensive industries in the region, such as hydrogen and ammonia sectors, by addressing existing bottlenecks in the electricity network. Read more about our services:

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  • KPMG:llä on kunnia toimia Sport Fund -pääomasijoitusrahaston pääyhteistyökumppanina. 🤩 Yhdessä Sport Fundin kanssa tuemme nuoria urheilijoita ja viemme urheilijayrittäjyyden sanomaa eteenpäin. Rahasto on sijoittanut yhteensä 18 urheilijaan, joista yksi on sulkapalloilija Joakim Oldorff. Joakim on ollut mukana Sport Fundissa vuodesta 2021, ja hän on saavuttanut menestystä EM-kilpailuissa, series-tasolla sekä sijoittumalla rankingissa noin 50 parhaan joukkoon. Kuuntele videolta Joakimin ajatuksia urheilijuudesta sekä hänen tavoitteistaan. ⤵️

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: KPMG Finland, kuva

    30 133 seuraajaa

    KPMG toteutti Private Company CEO Outlook -kyselytutkimuksen, missä selvitettiin, miten yksityisen sektorin johtajat hallitsevat taloudellisia paineita, hyödyntävät generatiivista tekoälyä operatiivisen tehokkuuden parantamiseksi ja priorisoivat työvoiman dynamiikkaa houkutellakseen ja pitääkseen huippulahjakkuuksia. Lue tutkimuksesta lisää: #CEOoutlook #PrivateCompany

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