We're excited to announce that MW Group, through its subsidiary MW Forest Sense, has acquired a majority stake in Arbonaut, a leading Finnish geodata company. This marks a significant milestone as we deepen our collaboration, with plans for MW Group to acquire full ownership by January 2025. "This transition will empower Arbonaut to take on larger projects and strengthen its presence in the Nordic market. I am also pleased that our new owners are committed to preserving Arbonaut’s brand and its strong, collaborative corporate culture", says Tuomo Kauranne, founder of Arbonaut. Mikael Karlsson, CEO of MW Group, shares: "Under Tuomo Kauranne’s leadership, Arbonaut has developed into an exceptional leading technology company with strong expertise and innovative solutions. We are inspired by the opportunity to build on Arbonaut's successes alongside its talented management team. This merger will strengthen our combined ability to deliver high-quality services" Sixten Sunabacka, Chair of the Arbonaut Board and co-owner of Forest Sense, comments “The acquisition of Arbonaut enhances our ability to serve our clients with forest intelligence for sustainable management of a critical natural resource and opens significant opportunities to strengthen other nationally critical sectors with sophisticated geodata solutions.” Read more in Metsälehti ➡️ https://lnkd.in/d8Qk7s7h Read more in Skogsindustrin ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dan8Nx_G Read more on our website ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dUguCj3A
IT Services and IT Consulting
Leading provider of precise forest data & software services worldwide
About us
Arbonaut has been dedicated to developing tailorable solutions for private and public customers since 1994. Our experts are adept at the intelligent use of LiDAR and GIS technologies, data processing and analysis, and software development for multifunctional and sustainable forest management. We create practical yet innovation-driven and customizable solutions particularly focusing on forest and decision support information systems, timber and forest ecosystems inventories, wildfire risk management, climate change, etc. Our mission is to contribute to the responsible use of forests through building digital twins of forest ecosystems that will lead to good forest management decisions.
- Sivusto
External link for Arbonaut
- Toimiala
- IT Services and IT Consulting
- Yrityksen koko
- 51–200 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Joensuu
- Tyyppi
- Privately Held
- Perustettu
- 1994
- Erityisosaaminen
Kaislakatu 2
Joensuu, 80130, FI
Malminkaari 13-19
Malmin Nova, 4th. floor
Helsinki, Uusimaa 00700, FI
Työntekijät Arbonaut
Season’s Greetings from the #Arbonautees Team! ✨ This year, Arbonaut proudly marked 30 years of innovation. We're deeply grateful to our customers, partners, and community for being part of this journey and making 2024 so memorable. Wishing you a joyous holiday season! ⛄️❄️
We are very happy to be recipients of this water management project for our "home basin" of Lake Höytiäinen! Warm thanks to Pohjois-Karjalan ELY-keskus and Metsä Group for supporting Pro Höytiäinen and our partners in this!
Pohjois-Karjalassa sijaitseva Höytiäinen sekä Pohjois- ja Etelä-Karjalan alueella sijaitseva Karjalan Pyhäjärvi ovat saaneet EU:n maaseuturahoitusta valuma-aluelähtöiseen kehittämiseen kevään 2024 JÄSMY-teemahaun kautta. 🐟 🌍 ☀️ 💦 Höytiäiselle kohdistuvassa ValuntaKo-hankkeessa luodaan valuma-aluetasoinen konsepti maa- ja metsätalousvesien kestävään ja monimuotoisuutta tukevaan suunnitteluun ja hallintaan. Kohdealue on yhden Suomen suurjärven, Höytiäisen, pohjoisosan valuma-alue. Höytiäisen valuma-alueen inventointi- ja seurantatieto tarjoaa työtä pitkälle tulevaisuuteen ja tavoitteena on maan- ja metsänomistajien aktivoituminen metsävesienhallinnan ja laajan monimuotoisuustyön pariin. Yhteishanketta toteuttavat järviyhdistys Pro Höytiäinen, paikkatietoratkaisuja tuottava teknologiayritys Arbonaut Oy, ympäristöinsinööritoimisto Watec Consulting Oy ja Oulun yliopiston Vesi-, energia- ja ympäristötekniikan tutkimusyksikkö. Karelia AMK:n energia- ja ympäristötekniikan osasto on yhteistyökumppanin roolissa. 💦 Karjalan Pyhäjärvi on Pohjois- ja Etelä-Karjalan maakuntiin sijoittuva kirkas järvi, joka kuuluu karun luonteensa vuoksi herkkiin vesistöihin. Karjalan Pyhäjärvi-hankkeessa selvitetään valuma-alueelta järveen kohdistuvia kuormituslähteitä, selvitetään mahdollisuuksia kuormituksen vähentämiseksi ja kunnostetaan huoltotoimin olemassa olevia vesiensuojelurakenteita. Hanketta toteuttaa Saimaan vesiensuojeluyhdistys ry yhteistyössä Karjalan Pyhäjärvi ry:n kanssa. Tarkemmat hankekuvaukset löytyvät: https://lnkd.in/dntdHgY9 Monipuolista tietoa Höytiäisestä ja Karjalan Pyhäjärvestä löytyy järviyhdistysten www-sivuilta: https://prohoytiainen.fi/ https://lnkd.in/dDHqZBHK Pohjois-Karjalan ELY-keskus Kaakkois-Suomen ELY-keskus
🌍 Wrapping Up Our Journey Within the ADGT Project As our role in the African Digital and Green Transition (ADGT) project draws to a close, it's time reflect on the meaningful contributions of our skilled experts Jari Kinnunen, Katja and Martin Gunia, Raisa Sell, and Vesa Leppanen during their rotations at Tanzania Forest Service Agency/ Wakala wa Huduma za Misitu (TFS)! Together with the TFS, we created a roadmap for developing a GIS-based forest information system and conducting a LiDAR-based inventory of government-owned forests. In addition, Arbonautees provided technical consultancy that will pave the way for long-term improvements in forest assessment and sustainable management. It has been an honor to be part of this initiative, building strong partnerships while in #Tanzania and contributing to Africa’s digital and green future! The project was facilitated by HAUS kehittämiskeskus Oy / HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd and supported by Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. 🌲 Watch the video from one of our field trip, exploring a pine plantation inventory in Tanzania’s scenic mountains between Lake Tanganyika and Lake Rukwa. Rugged terrain, an off-road adventure, and on-the-ground action with TFS teams using their in-house developed tablet app for plots—this was fieldwork at its finest! ⬇️ #DigitalTransformation | #ICTTechnologies
A hero of scientific computing has passed away 😢 A month ago the former Vice President of the Center for Scientific Computing, the national Supercomputer provider for science in Finland, Juhani Käpyaho passed away. Juhani, as his former boss, was always the paradigm of human people management to Arbonaut's founder Tuomo Kauranne. It was by Juhani's shining example that Tuomo has attempted to build Arbonaut: to be a community rather than a company, and to look after its customers and employees with equal respect and care. Please find attached a In Memoriam to Juhani in Helsingin Sanomat that can be read or listened to, sadly only in Finnish.
Thank you, Adam Treschow!!
Leaving a snowy and joyful Joensuu behind with many lasting impressions At Arbonaut they put all of their 30+ years of experience from the forest industry into cutting edge technology that helps forest owners around the world make the best possible information-based decisions on their assets. Their product offering ranges from Forest inventories and environmental/ecological assessments to forest operations management and information systems. Did you know that with their Forest Operations Management system, a harvester can save more than one hour every shift, saving tens of thousands of Euro every year. At MW Group we are always on the lookout for companies exactly like Arbonaut. Passionate teams that are pioneering innovation as market leader in a distinct and important market segment with strong dual use capabilities. Thank you for the hospitality Tuomo Kauranne and team.
Are you passionate about GIS tech and the future of forestry? We're looking for a Technical Sales Manager to drive Arbonaut's growth in Sweden! Apply now ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dq66bcu5
📱 Tassu Project Completed: A User-Friendly App for Field Inspections After 1.5 years of development, our innovative mobile app Tassu is ready to support Suomen metsäkeskus - Finnish Forest Centre in field inspections! Designed to assist with monitoring legislative responsibilities in private forests, Tassu is anticipated to have 150 daily users. To celebrate the completion of the project, Arbonaut's experts joined the Finnish Forest Centre in the forest in Vihti to see the app in action! It was a great opportunity to collect user feedback: the Finnish Forest Centre experts have clearly recognized the usability and overall experience with Tassu over older field applications. Especially the user interface has got positive feedback. 📱 Why Tassu stands out: 🔹 Powered by AWS Cloud: Offers seamless offline and online access. 🔹 User-Friendly Design: GPS-enabled tools simplify creating and editing geometries. 🔹 METKA Law Compliant: Ready to collect inspection data for subsidized activities under the new METKA law, effective early 2024. Arbonaut’s long-standing partnership with the Finnish Forest Centre continues to deliver innovative solutions, with Tassu marking another significant milestone! #ArboProject | #MobileApplication | #MobileDevelopment
Arbonaut is looking for three new colleagues to join the team! Do you see yourself thriving in an international technology company that delivers high-quality intelligence for precision forestry? Applications are considered on a rolling basis, so apply now ⬇ 🔹 Senior Sales Manager: https://lnkd.in/d3ecRPnP 🔹 Technical Sales Manager (Swedish-speaking): https://lnkd.in/dq66bcu5 🔹 Full Stack Developer: https://lnkd.in/d8KRhSp5 🔹 Product Manager: https://lnkd.in/drgCnX9n ✨ Check what it's like to work at Arbonaut: https://lnkd.in/d5KJKbUH #OpenPosition | #Recruiting | #CareerOpportunities | #SeniorSalesManager | #ProductManager | #FullStackDeveloper
Arbonaut is extremely proud today of being part of Forest Joensuu! 👏
Head of Economic and International Affairs in the City of Joensuu. Passionate to generate sustainable growth to solve planetary challenges. #forestjoensuu #photonicsjoensuu
Jännittävä kunniakas hetki Forest Joensuulla! Tasavallan presidentin vientipalkinto plakkarissa! www.forestjoensuu.fi