保誠人壽於2024年啟用Command Center(科技監控中心),用創新技術和即時監控打造穩定的系統環境,主動為客戶提供更快速的服務。這項創舉讓保誠人壽在2024「國際創新獎」中脫穎而出,由亞洲企業商會(Enterprise Asia)頒發「服務與解決方案類別」大獎 🏆 Command Center 充分應用多項AI科技,預測可能的系統風險,在問題發生前即快速介入處理,並監控多項業務指標,提供業務策略的調整依據。本次得獎不僅是肯定我們在客戶服務上的貢獻,更是體現我們以客為本的精神,未來,我們將繼續以科技創新確保誠人壽在市場中的領先地位。👏👏👏 #保誠人壽 #保障每個人生誠就每個未來 In 2024, PCA Life Taiwan launched the Command Center, a technology monitoring hub that leverages innovative technology and real-time monitoring to create a stable system environment, providing faster and more proactive services for customers. This groundbreaking initiative earned PCA Life Taiwan the prestigious “Service & Solutions” award at the 2024 International Innovation Awards, presented by Enterprise Asia. 🏆 The Command Center fully leverages multiple AI technologies to predict potential system risks, enabling rapid intervention before issues arise. It also incorporates business metrics into its monitoring system, enabling data-driven strategy adjustments. This award not only recognizes our contributions to customer service but also reflects our commitment to customer-centricity. Moving forward, we will continue to leverage technological innovation to ensure PCA Life Taiwan’s leadership in the market.👏👏👏
PCA Life Taiwan is a subsidiary of Prudential plc and officially entered Taiwan's life insurance market in 1999. It is well known of high-quality customer service and innovative solutions. PCA Life Taiwan has been diligent in optimizing customer experience and growth in the market. PCA Life Taiwan maintains sound finance and has long-term development prospects, providing customers with comprehensive and trustworthy financial and protection planning in conjunction with multiple channels. PCALT continues to practice Group's purpose to help people get the most out of life by providing Accessible, Affordable, Approachable, and Actionable products and services, allowing people to fulfil their health, education, asset, and retirement planning needs. 保誠人壽隸屬於保誠集團,於1999年正式投入台灣的壽險市場。秉承著母集團在退休規劃、投資型與保障型保險商品的領先優勢,一直以來,以無比的熱忱、不懈的努力,結合台灣市場的成長脈動,不斷提昇品牌的整體滿意度,並持續投入資金與技術,確保長期經營與成長。 保誠人壽持續整合百年集團的專業資源,深耕台灣;以多元的行銷通路與商品,持續優化客戶體驗,守護更多保戶實現美好人生的願景。 作為三明治族首選的保險公司,以Approachable貼心傾聽、Accessible多元方便、Affordable隨心選擇、Actionable自由規劃,滿足消費者的多元需求。並提供健康與保障、子女教育、資產規劃、樂活退休等不同面向的保障,協助每個家庭建構獨一無二的幸福方程式。
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外部PCA Life Assurance Co Ltd. (保誠人壽)連結
- 產業
- 保險
- 公司規模
- 501-1,000 名員工
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- Taipei
- 類型
- 私人所有
- 創立時間
- 1999
PCA Life Assurance Co Ltd. (保誠人壽)員工
回首2024,每一份努力與成就都化作絢爛煙火,點亮屬於你的舞台🎉 2025勇敢前行,成為最耀眼的那顆星星,照亮自己也溫暖他人🌟 在這聖誕佳節要記得🎅🏻 先照顧好自己(Me) 才能照顧好家人(We) 🎉Merry Christmas & Happy New Year🎉 May every effort and achievement in 2024 transform into dazzling fireworks that light up your stage and inspire those around you. Looking ahead to 2025, may your courage and perseverance make you the brightest star, that not only lights up your own path but brings warmth to others. Take care of yourself first, then you can look after your loved ones. In this wonderful holiday season, wishing you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
保誠人壽獲頒113年度教育部體育署「運動企業認證」,是推廣運動與身心健康的模範企業!🎉 今天在典禮現場,各家企業都出動最華麗的加油團,為自家的企業喝采!運動企業認證由教育部政務次長張廖萬堅頒發,保誠人壽由人資長Annie代表出席。 今年保誠人壽首次參與體育署運動企業認證即獲得此殊榮,肯定長久以來對於員工健康的高度重視。保誠人壽作為三明治族首選的保險公司,主張「先照顧好自己(Me) 才能照顧好家人(We),MeWe一起好幸福!」,維持運動習慣也是把自己照顧好的方式之一,因此保誠人壽透過各種動態、靜態活動,鼓勵員工培養運動的習慣,也關注員工心理健康,致力促進工作與生活和諧,讓保誠人壽成為一個持續實現「MeWe一起好幸福」理念的幸福職場!💕 #保誠人壽 #保障每個人生誠就每個未來 #保誠MeWe一起好幸福 #工作與生活和諧 PCA Life Taiwan has been awarded the 2024 Sports Enterprise Certification by the Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education, recognized for setting an outstanding example in promoting physical and mental health! 🎉 This year marks the first time PCALT participated in the Sports Enterprise Certification. Receiving this honor is a testament to our longstanding commitment to employee well-being. As the insurer of choice for Sandwich Generation, PCALT advocates “ Take care of yourself (Me) first, so you can take care of your loved ones (We).”One way to take care of oneself is to exercise regularly for both physical and mental well-being. PCALT encourages our employees to cultivate exercise habits and focuses on mental health, striving to foster work-life blend and building a better workplace for our employees! 💕 #PCALT #ForeverylifeForeveryfuture #WorkLifeBlend #employeewellbeing
賀!保誠人壽連續三年榮獲由經濟部中小及新創企業署主辦的「Buying Power社會創新產品及服務採購獎」🎉 上週五由客戶暨行銷長 Michelle代表出席,接受經濟部中小及新創企業署李冠志署長頒獎表揚。透過與社會企業的合作,我們展現了負責任採購,以及對於創新企業、在地小農、環境友善農耕、環保印刷並鼓勵創新以提升社會的福祉的支持,也體現保誠積極落實永續發展的承諾🌏 💪🏻 Hooray! PCALT wins the Buying Power Award organized by the SME and Startup Administrations, Ministry of Economic Affairs, for the third consecutive year 🎉 Last Friday, Michelle Liu, our Chief Customer & Marketing Officer, proudly accepted the award presented by GJ Lee, the Director General of the Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, at the 2024 Buying Power Award for Social Innovation Products and Services Procurement award ceremony. By practicing responsible procurement through collaboration with selected social enterprises, not only we supported local economies, we also support eco-farming, eco-friendly printing, and innovation for the wellbeing of our society. The award is a recognition of our commitment to responsible procurement and sustainability. 🌏 💪🏻
【懷舊童趣 幸福WE TIME相聚】 三代同堂的幸福We time 華山歡樂登場🥰 保誠人壽邀請保戶帶著家人們齊聚一堂 體驗專屬台式古早味🤩 透過套圈圈、跳房子等各式懷舊遊戲 以及有趣好玩的肥皂黏土親子手作 讓保戶與家人們回顧舊時光、創造新記憶 共渡充滿台味與童趣的幸福時光💓 最懂三明治族的保誠人壽 持續為保戶創造每個MeWe幸福時刻❣️ #保誠人壽 #三明治族首選 #MeWe一起好幸 PCA Life Taiwan organized a customer event for extended families to enjoy traditional Taiwanese culture. The family members enjoyed playing through various nostalgic games such as ring hopping, hopscotch, and fun soap DIY. Our customers spend a happy time full of Taiwanese flavor and childlike fun together💓 As the Insurer of Choice of Sandwich Generation, PCA Life Taiwan continues to create happy moments for our customers.❣️
作為兒童保護思維領導者,保誠人壽長期投入兒童相關議題和行動,於今日舉辦第五年「i寶 保護兒童 誠就未來」記者會,今年將關注議題在既有的兒童身體健康、心理健康、教育基礎上,今年進一步延伸至「兒童安全素養」。 保誠人壽客戶暨行銷長劉美美在會中分享最新的「保誠兒童幸福指數」結果,顯示兒童評級連續兩年為「幸福」,代表台灣兒童在生長環境中感到幸福。除了持續追蹤台灣兒童幸福程度。現場也透過快問快答互動遊戲,讓合作夥伴們更認識彼此,也加深大家對於保誠在兒童保護倡議的相關作為。 今年度,保誠人壽「i寶 保護兒童 誠就未來」兒童保護倡議行動,與新北市教育攜手局合作,擴大兒童保護行動及思維領導影響力。將「保誠兒童幸福日誌」與動畫和「保誠兒童幸福練習簿」等素材上傳到數位平台,提供孩子、家長、老師以及社會大眾廣泛運用,帶領兒童透過實際練習認識情緒。 保誠人壽將持續與產官學、公益、社會企業等各界夥伴攜手,透過推廣多元活動,幫助孩子在幸福的環境中成長,一起保護兒童的現在,誠就他們美好的未來。 #保誠人壽 #兒童保護 #ThoughtLeadership Leading the changes in child protection, PCALT held its annual "I Love Protection-Protecting Children and Making Their Future" press conference for the fifth time on November 19. As a thought leader in the field, PCALT has been focusing on critical issues impacting children such as physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, and education. This year, the focus expanded to “Children's Safety Awareness & Knowledge”, with an emphasis on three key indicators: physical, psychological, and digital safety. PCALT Chief Customer and Marketing Officer, Michelle, shared the latest "PCALT Children’s Happiness Index" results, which revealed that children have been rated "happy" for the second consecutive year, indicating the growth environment for children in Taiwan remains positive. Through exciting interactive Q&A games, guests learned more about the child protection actions initiated by PCALT and its NGO and social enterprise partners. Moreover, PCALT worked with New Taipei City Education Bureau this year to upload materials such as the "PCALT Children’s Happiness Diary" and its animation videos with supplementary practice book "PCALT Children's Happiness Workbook" to the Bureau’s digital platforms, sharing valuable tools for children with parents, teachers, and the wider community to help them better understand emotions through practical exercises. PCALT remains dedicated to collaborating with partners across business, government, academia, NGOs, and social enterprises to create a safe and nurturing environment for children. Together, we can continue to protect children and make their future.
保誠集團執行總裁華康堯(Anil Wadhwani)最近的訪台行程中,在保誠人壽總經理王慰慈和瀚亞投資大中華區總裁暨台灣總經理王伯莉陪同下,很榮幸能拜會金融監督管理委員會(FSC),與副主委陳彥良博士、保險局局長王麗惠女士、組長陳俐君女士以及證券期貨局副組長張懿心女士,就台灣金融市場的發展交換意見,並探討金融業的創新商品和服務。 今年適逢保誠集團進入台灣25週年,我們持續致力於服務台灣的人民和企業。我們感謝有機會與金管會會面,也期待可以為台灣的金融業成長做出更多的貢獻。 During his recent trip to Taiwan, Prudential plc CEO, Anil Wadhwani, visited the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) and met with Vice Chairperson Dr. Chen Yen-Liang, Insurance Bureau Director-General Ms. Wang Li-Hui, Director Ms. Chen Li-Chun, and Securities and Futures Bureau Deputy Director Ms. Chang Yi-Hsin. He was accompanied by PCA Life Assurance Taiwan CEO Laura Wang and Eastspring Investments Head of Greater China & Taiwan CEO Polly Wang. The group exchanged views on the development of Taiwan’s financial market and discussed innovations for financial products and services. This year marks the 25th year of Prudential’s presence in Taiwan, and we remain committed to serve the people and businesses in this community. Prudential is grateful for this meeting and looks forward to contributing to the growth of the financial industry in Taiwan.
2024年星願娃公益計畫 🌟 以愛相伴 傷痛不再 保誠人壽攜手家扶基金會推出的「星願娃公益計畫」已邁入第25年,長久以來,我們致力守護那些遭受不當對待的孩子,陪伴他們走在成長的道路上,至今已幫助超過3萬3千名兒童與少年遠離傷害的陰影。 今年,我們再次邀請您加入這段溫暖的旅程,響應「星願娃公益計畫」。請與我們一起延續關懷,讓每個孩子都能在愛的陪伴下遠離黑暗與傷痛,擁有彩色的童年。 您的愛心捐款,成就孩子們的美好未來💕 👉 LINE Pay愛心捐款 https://reurl.cc/ZVmDWl #保誠人壽 #星願娃公益計畫 #保護兒童誠就未來 #永續 PCALT Launches 2024 Wishing Doll Charity Fundraising Programme 🌟 For 25 years, PCA Life Taiwan has collaborated with Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (TFCF) to support child protection through the Wishing Doll Charity Fundraising Programme. Throughout these years, we have remained dedicated to protect vulnerable children and help provide a safe environment for them to grow up. To date, we have helped over 33,000 children and teenagers recover from past wounds and avoid being mistreated. We warmly invite you to join our efforts. Your kind donation can help build a brighter future for children who are in need of our support!💕 👉 Donation via LINE Pay: https://reurl.cc/ZVmDWl #PCALT #ThoughtLeadership #ChildProtection #CommunityInvestment #Sustainability
保誠集團執行總裁華康堯日前訪問台灣,特別出席保誠人壽公益夥伴感恩晚宴,感謝長期合作的公益夥伴們與志工小組成員一起攜手推動各項公益活動,為所在社區帶來更好的改變。 這次的晚宴邀請與保誠長期合作的14個公益團體出席共襄盛舉。活動由NGO合作夥伴們拍攝的影片揭開序幕,除了表達對保誠以及保誠志工滿滿的感謝之外,也有許多對未來合作的期待。 保誠人壽致力於打造關懷社區、回饋社會的企業文化,提供員工一年12天的志工假,鼓勵大家在關懷老人、弱勢家庭、兒童保護、打破健康不平等及永續行動等面向出一份力。 華康堯在感恩晚宴與出席的公益團體交流,分享保誠集團在永續及公益領域的願景,以及保誠人壽在兒童保護、理財教育、氣候變遷、金融創新及永續行動等面向的豐碩成果。當天活動更邀請到台北巿視障者家長協會旗下的視障表演團體EyeMusic帶來美妙歌聲,氣氛溫馨熱絡,為晚宴留下完美的句點。 Prudential plc CEO Anil Wadhwani recently visited Taiwan and attended a PCALT Thanksgiving Dinner with NGO partners. He expressed gratitude to all our partners for their joint efforts in promoting various CSR activities and bringing positive changes to the community. PCALT provides employees 12 days volunteer leave per year, fostering a corporate culture of social responsibility by engaging various NGOs in elderly care, disadvantaged families, child protection, breaking health inequalities, and environmental protection areas. At the appreciation dinner, Anil interacted with NGOs, shared Prudential’s vision for sustainability and our achievements in the area of child protection, financial education, climate change, financial innovation, and sustainability. The dinner featured music performance by EyeMusic, a band comprised of visually impaired musicians. Their charming music created a warm and lively atmosphere, which was perfect for the evening.
【集團執行總裁Anil二度來訪與保誠臺灣員工面對面交流並歡慶保誠在臺灣25周年🎉】 11月4日集團執行總裁Anil以及大中華區、客戶及財富管理區域執行總裁Angel到訪台灣參與員工大會,與保誠人壽和瀚亞投資員工面對面交流並一同慶祝保誠集團在台25周年,同時肯定保誠近年來在台灣的快速成長,並和員工們分享台灣在保誠集團的重要地位! 今天的員工大會以輕鬆的互動開場,大家紛紛表達今天的心情是興奮與期待,非常開心能有這次機會與Anil和Angel面對面交流互動😄 在問到大家覺得自己和團隊有那些地方做得好時,許多同事回應「以客為本」,顯示同理客戶、從客戶的角度思考,已經成為每位保誠員工的DNA。大家以此為基礎出發,提供客戶適切的商品與服務;當被問到有那些需要進一步強化時,同事們提到心態的改變,以及要發揮創業家精神不斷地創新與優化。 Anil在員工大會中表示,每次都很期待來到臺灣,除了傳遞保誠集團深耕的訊息,也表達對臺灣員工的感謝。他肯定保誠人壽與瀚亞投資近年來的優異表現,也提醒大家在業績蒸蒸日上的同時,要留意是否能為股東帶來相對應的價值、是否有為我們業務所在的社區、客戶帶來有意義的改變。 透過這次面對面交流的機會,員工與Anil和Angel討論到創新、前景、挑戰與機會等關注議題,他們也與臺灣員工分享集團策略的進展,他也強調保誠獨有的企業文化是在往目標邁進的同時,也要在意如何達成、要用對的方法去做對的事情。因此,保誠提供許多學習課程,包含時下最流行的AI議題,幫助員工精進相關技能與知識,與時俱進。相信在集團持續的支持和保誠員工強大的團隊合作能力下,我們能夠一同再創佳績!最後在喜迎母子夀桃、歡慶25週年活動中結束員工大會。 Our Group Chief Executive, Anil Wadhwani, and Regional CEO, Greater China, Customer and Wealth, Angel Ng, visited Taiwan earlier this week. They participated in an employee townhall where we celebrated Prudential plc’s 25th anniversary in Taiwan, affirmed the rapid growth of our Taiwan business performance, and reiterated Taiwan's important position within the group. Our employees were thrilled to have this intimate meeting with Anil and Angel. The team expressed their pride at putting customers at the heart of everything we do, with PCA Life Taiwan and Eastspring Investments employees showcasing the products and services created that are tailored to our customers’ needs as well as having a flexible mindset and entrepreneurial spirit for improved development. Other topics discussed with Anil and Angel included innovation, prospects, challenges and opportunities. Anil shared the progress of the group's strategy and emphasised that Prudential’s unique corporate culture encourages employees to use right tools, such as implementing AI, to achieve our goals collectively as a team. In regard to business investment, we need to assess whether we can bring value to shareholders and meaningful changes to the communities and customers where our business operates. We believe that with the group’s continued support, and Prudential Life Taiwan and Eastspring Investments’ strong sense of teamwork, we can continue to achieve great success together! The town hall meeting ended with longevity peach to celebrate our 25th anniversary.