Applied Materials Taiwan

Applied Materials Taiwan


At Applied Materials, our innovations Make Possible® a Better Future.


應用材料公司是提供材料工程解決方案的領導者,我們的設備用來製造幾近世界上每顆新式晶片與先進顯示器。我們以工業規模在原子層級進行材料改質的專業,協助客戶將可能轉化成真。在應用材料公司,我們以創新驅動科技,實現更美好的未來。 台灣應用材料公司自 1989 年在台營運,深耕台灣三十五年,厚植技術創新、人才培育與社會關懷。我們擁有獨一無二的設施,包括位於桃園的亞洲設備零組件物流中心、新竹的全球技術培訓中心、台南的顯示器設備製造中心與研發實驗室,以及半導體設備製造中心與維修中心,致力攜手台灣半導體及顯示器產業生態系,推動技術創新與發展。 台灣應材榮獲多項殊榮: • 2024 Great Place To Work® 卓越職場認證 • 2023天下雜誌《永續公民獎》、《人才永續獎》雙冠 • 2023勞動部《國家人才發展獎》 • 數度獲得文化部《文馨獎》、經濟部《技術加值夥伴獎》 • 台南顯示器設備製造中心黃金級綠建築認證 我們期待與您交流引人入勝的半導體產業話題,也希望聽到您的想法。為了維護社群和諧,若有冒犯性評論將被刪除,謝謝您的理解。

10,001+ 名員工


Applied Materials Taiwan員工


  • 【年末回顧】挑戰2024「B應GO」必知9件事,限定托特包等你拿! 準備好迎接2025了嗎?跨年煙火還沒開始,不如先回顧應材精彩瞬間! 應用材料公司在台35周年,致力於四大面向: ▍守護地球:推進2040淨零攻略,加速潔淨能源採用,驅動永續供應鏈 ▍創新進展:積極追求材料工程技術突破,與產業協作成為最具價值夥伴 ▍人才培育:成就多元包容文化及員工職涯發展,深耕校園培育未來新星 ▍目的為先:投入社會公益,從科普、藝文、公民參與及環保帶來正向影響力 測測鐵粉指數,1/7(二)前至臉書貼文留言圖中印象最深刻里程碑,就有機會得到限定托特包: As we conclude 2024, let's take a moment to reflect on the key highlights from Applied Materials Taiwan’s social media this year. From celebrating our 35th anniversary and making notable progress in sustainability to advancing our technological innovations, Net Zero practices, DEI initiatives and community engagements, it has truly been a remarkable year. We invite you to share your most memorable moments with Applied in the comments below.   #MakePossibleABetterFuture #GreatThingsHappenHere

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    【三五同行,成就創新】領航未來,用歡笑聲迎向35周年! 台灣應材家庭日熱鬧登場,八千多位應材人與親友齊聚,在晴朗天氣中用熱情點燃現場,永續尬公益,玩得超有意義! ▍永續大加分— 今年以電子護照取代紙本票券,帶領大、小朋友走進青青草地,體驗精心設計的關卡,參與馴鷹講座,感受生態與自然魅力,驚喜連連。 ▍公益大加分— 現場安排三個公益演出和五個精彩舞台,透過充滿歡笑的互動,傳遞生命的豐富感動,共同慶祝35周年。不僅如此,還匯聚了在地小農及視障按摩,讓大家在關懷土地的同時,也能滿載而歸! 從綠色生活到在地文化,我們用行動賦能永續,打造別出心裁的歡慶時光,為企業家庭日增添獨特意義。 Applied Materials Taiwan's 35th Anniversary Family Day brought together our employees and their families for a memorable celebration. We blended a commitment to sustainability with a spirit of charity, created an action-packed day filled with fun activities. From interactive games to educational experiences, the event was not only a time for joy and bonding but also an opportunity to give back to the community. The thoughtful combination of fun, learning, and empowering local communities made this milestone celebration even more meaningful and impactful. #MakePossibleABetterFuture #GreatThingsHappenHere #AppliedMaterialsTaiwan35

  • 【聖誕快樂】走入科技水晶球,穿越未來聖誕世界! 叮叮噹~聖誕旋律響起,一起踏上充滿高科技的智慧城市。無人機就像聖誕老人,在城市上空翱翔;電動車化身現代麋鹿,載著歡樂與祝福穿梭街頭;機器雪人則成為可靠的交通警察,守護城市每個角落。就算心愛的聖誕禮物弄丟了也無需擔心,透過先進科技都能找回來。   這些可不是科幻電影的場景, 而是應材透過材料工程技術,為世界打造的更美好未來! This year we celebrate our vision to Make Possible a Better Future. Thanks to connected devices and cutting-edge technology, we're heading into a new era of innovation and togetherness. Happy Holidays from our families to yours! #MakePossibleABetterFuture #GreatThingsHappenHere #WeAreAppliedMaterials

  • 【應材苗懂計畫】直擊!教室變成科學實驗室?半導體特攻隊集合   用最有趣的方式激發孩子對半導體世界的好奇心!台灣應材員工們再度化身「半導體特攻隊隊長」,來到台南大社國小展開寓教於樂的一日任務! ▍任務開始,將科技帶進充滿好奇的教室 特攻隊長們透過培訓熟悉教學內容及教材操作,學習將平日工作裡累積的專業知識與經驗,轉化為易懂的比喻,以及如何藉由提問引導學童們好奇進而主動思考,探索半導體的奧秘。 ▍半導體科普 X 積木趣味手作,艱深技術變有趣 我們為中、高年級學童安排循序漸進的課程,第一堂課以呼應國小課綱的電路串並聯、1與0開關概念鋪陳,結合黏土、吹風機等日常生活物品,讓孩子親自動手實驗建立平面電路邏輯,並創造開關迴路。第二堂課再用積木、海綿、簡易電路模擬IC晶片組裝過程,以四大製程打造立體電路,成功點亮燈泡!   半導體特攻隊帶領科技小苗們從觀察、實驗到創造,玩中學認識半導體及其應用,培養對STEM領域的熱忱好奇,以及像科學家般解決問題的邏輯思維! Join us as we follow the Applied Materials Semiconductor Adventurers program and our dedicated employee volunteers to Dashe Elementary School in Tainan! We engage students with hands-on lessons about semiconductor technology. Through real-life experiences analogies, interactive activities, and fun experiments like simulating IC assembly with building blocks and circuits, we make complex concepts accessible and exciting. Applied Materials has been committed to science education for years, aiming to spark curiosity and cultivate technological literacy in kids, turning the classroom into a lively hub of learning and discovery. #MakePossibleABetterFuture #GreatThingsHappenHere #AppliedMaterialsPurpose

  • 【應材永續行動】再生筆電,點亮學習希望 「再也不用排隊,就有筆電能使用了。」 「筆電性能好、又有觸控功能,超棒!」 我們很開心收到來自課輔班師生的反饋。台灣應材捐贈再生筆電行之有年,延長筆電生命週期響應永續之際,更幫助需要課後照顧的學童,有更加完善的數位學習設備,擁抱多元學習資源。 ▍延續筆電生命:點燃未來世代創新柴火 今年台灣應材再次攜手均一教育平台,應材IT團隊細心將公司筆電「賦予新生」,送至彰化、苗栗、台南、高雄等4所課輔班,為學童開啟更多學習可能性,也為科技資源注入美好循環。不只傳承筆電,更傳承科技創新的精神。 "No more taking turns, now we have access to our own laptop during classes!" Teachers and students of the after-school programs cheered on. Applied Materials Taiwan supports after-school programs access to digital learning tools by donating good condition refurbished laptops for years. We continue to partner with nonprofit organization, Junyi Academy, to deliver laptops to after-school programs in Miaoli, Changhua, Tainan, and Kaohsiung, while giving the devices a new mission to support education. #MakePossibleABetterFuture #AppliedMaterialsPurpose

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    TSMC awards Applied Materials the Excellent Performance Award!   At Applied Materials, we believe that innovation is accelerated by collaboration. We are incredibly proud to have received the Excellent Performance Award for Excellent Technology Collaboration from TSMC for the 15th consecutive year at the 2024 Supply Chain Management Forum.   Dr. Prabu Raja, Applied’s President of the Semiconductor Products Group, accepted the award from Dr. Cliff Hou, TSMC Senior Vice President and Deputy Co-COO. We are driven to maintain our innovation momentum and continue being our customers' most valued partner. Thank you for recognizing our commitment to advancing the semiconductor industry together. 連年獲獎!應材再獲台積公司優良供應商卓越表現獎! 在應用材料公司,我們相信協作加速創新!應材連續15年獲得台積公司頒發的供應商卓越表現獎。2024年台積公司供應鏈管理論壇上,應材半導體產品事業群總裁帕布‧若傑博士代表,從台積公司資深副總經理暨副共同營運長侯永清博士手中接過獎項,表彰、肯定卓越技術合作。應材身為全球客戶最具價值的合作夥伴,今後將持續助力客戶技術創新,實現更美好的未來。 #MakePossibleABetterFuture #WeAreAppliedMaterials

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    【應材觀點】快樂做專業的企業文化,聽總裁 Erix 暢聊人才培育 應用材料公司集團副總裁暨台灣區總裁 Erix 日前做客《產業人物Wa-People》Podcast節目,分享他在應材超過30年年資的職涯故事。訪談精華搶先看: ▍橄欖球員的「背號」藏玄機?從球場看職場合作哲學 熱愛橄欖球的 Erix 分享道,橄欖球員的背號從1至15有對應位置,代表相應的責任及需要具備的能力。正如職場,每個人都肩負不同任務,團隊合作的成功之道從自身做起,不讓自己成為團隊中的薄弱環節,而後是信任與協同合作,讓「最容易得分的人去得分」,取得團隊成功! ▍「比上次做得更好」!從職場心態到半導體人才培育 「職場上沒有標準答案,但只要每次比上次做得更好,就能找到更好的答案。」這不僅是Erix 鼓勵青年人才突破框架,更是印證應材在台灣一路推動半導體人才培育的軌跡,從大專院校開課,縮短學用落差,再到「應材苗懂計畫」擴及中小學未來人才,步步擴大影響力。 聽更多精彩內容: 點擊下方圖片獲得團隊合作關鍵心法 完整深度對談這裡收聽: Erix Yu, President of Applied Materials Taiwan, recently joined the "Wa-People" podcast as a special guest, sharing his 30-year career story at Applied Materials. As an avid rugby player, Erix explained that rugby player numbers correspond to specific roles and responsibilities, much like workplace tasks. Successful teamwork starts with trust and collaboration. Erix emphasized that doing better each time leads to better answers, encouraging young talents to reach their full potential. This mindset also reflects Applied Materials' efforts in semiconductor talent cultivation in Taiwan, from college students to elementary schoolchildren, we continuously make positive community contributions. For more exciting content, listen to the full interview here: #MakePossibleABetterFuture #GreatThingsHappenHere

  • 【應材技術報報】從方盒子到曲面螢幕,慶祝30年的顯示器創新旅程! 你還記得九零年代電視劇裡,笨重又復古的方盒子顯示器嗎?短短幾十年內顯示器光速發展,而應材以先進材料工程技術,深耕顯示器製造設備領域 30 年,從陰極射線管( CRT) 、液晶顯示器(LCD),到有機發光二極體(OLED),每次技術躍進都有我們的神助攻! ▍CRT 到 LCD,螢幕元老的華麗升級 1990 年代,顯示器逐漸從 CRT 進化為液晶顯示器(LCD),應材推出化學氣相沉積(CVD)系統,將半導體技術運用至顯示器領域,放大螢幕尺寸並降低成本,推動 LCD 成為市場新寵。同時,我們利用物理氣相沉積(PVD)技術打造低功耗、高效能的顯示器電晶體,並導入 eBeam 電子束檢測技術分析缺陷,進而提升良率及產量。 ▍進擊的OLED,新世代最強顯示器 隨著行動裝置、智慧型裝置需求爆炸式增長,為了滿足小尺寸螢幕所需的高解析度,應材運用低溫多晶矽(LTPS)技術,讓 OLED 顯示器畫質再進級。此外,由於OLED材料較脆弱,應材將 CVD 技術用於 OLED 薄膜封裝,能有效隔絕空氣與濕氣,強化保護。 應材以「整合性材料解決方案™」重新定義顯示器技術,將多個製程整合於一個高真空系統中,幫助客戶實現更快速、節能的顯示器電晶體;為消費者提供更高飽和、寬視角、高解析、輕薄靈巧的螢幕裝置,以及更低的功耗和更長的電池壽命。 Applied Materials is celebrating three decades of innovation in display manufacturing equipment. With a rich history of developing technologies that have driven key display advancements, we've played a pivotal role in the transition from bulky CRT monitors to thin LCD screens, and in the adoption of OLED technology in high-end smartphones. We continue to drive new technologies, aiming to expand OLED displays to a broader range of devices such as AR/VR headsets, tablets, and TVs, promising brighter, higher resolution, and more energy-efficient screens. Here's to many more years of innovation! 暸解應材的材料工程技術 Learn More: #MakePossibleABetterFuture #GreatInnovationsHappenHere

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    【應材食物打包特攻隊:愛心補給,送暖偏鄉!】 ▍ 打包滿滿愛心,發揮優勝團隊 (Winning Team) 精神 在感恩節前夕,應材同仁化身「食物打包特攻隊」前往 #台灣全民食物銀行協會 (下稱全民食銀),短短 2.5 小時,打包超過100箱營養補充品。這些承載滿滿愛心的營養將送往 14 所偏鄉學校,支持 544 位學童健康成長! ▍ 8 年承諾不間斷,偏鄉營養補給GO 台灣應材長期支持全民食銀「偏鄉教室營養補充包」方案,定期配送保久乳、堅果、穀片等營養品。結合營養教育講座,該計畫每月平均幫助400+偏遠地區孩童,每週獲得3次的營養補充。 觀看影片,跟著應材食物打包特攻隊出發! On the eve of Thanksgiving, employees from different business units rallied together to volunteer at the Taiwan People's Food Bank Association. Living up to our Winning Team spirit, we packed over 100 nutritional care packages in just 2.5 hours! Hearty meals, filled with long-life milk, nuts, and cereals, will benefit 544 students across 14 rural schools. The volunteering activity is part of our 8 years of support to the Association’s “Rural Classroom Nutritional Supplement Program", providing essential nutrition and wellness education to those in need. This effort echoes the spirit of our global Fight Against Hunger initiative. #AppliedMaterialsPurpose #GreatThingsHappenHere

  • 【應材觀點】總裁 Erix 重返母校主持「成材產業論壇」,AI 時代「材料創新」成關鍵! 你知道嗎?馬斯克的星艦關鍵材料,竟是大眾乍聽並不陌生的「不鏽鋼」!事實上,材料工程也正重塑AI時代的半導體產業格局🌟 應用材料公司集團副總裁暨台灣區總裁Erix 近日受邀回母校成功大學,擔任由成大材料系系友會舉辦的「成材產業論壇」主持人。論壇舉辦至今邁入第九屆,今年以「先進封裝力挺AI」為主題,吸引重量級半導體產業專家齊聚一堂,從材料角度探討產業新契機! Erix指出,材料工程是各產業基礎,而應材正是材料工程的創新者,持續推進半導體及顯示器產業發展。隨著 AI 熱潮席捲,帶動新材料探索以滿足急遽攀升的先進封裝需求,凸顯新材料、新IC設計,將成為接下來半導體效能成長的新動能。 點擊連結看「成材產業論壇」半導體先進封裝三大關鍵: Erix Yu, President of Applied Materials Taiwan, recently moderated an industry forum (成材產業論壇) that brought together experts, researchers, and academics to explore new opportunities advancing semiconductor materials science and engineering.  Erix emphasized the significance of materials engineering as the foundation of technology industries, and highlighted Applied Materials' role in driving advancements in the semiconductor and display sectors. With the AI boom, the exploration of new materials and IC designs is essential to meet the growing demand for advanced packaging and to fuel the future growth of the semiconductor industry. For more details on advanced packaging discussed in the forum, click here: #MakePossibleABetterFuture #GreatThingsHappenHere

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