Union of European Expert Chambers U.C.E.E.

Union of European Expert Chambers U.C.E.E.

Non-profit Organizations

Brusseles, Brusseles 98 followers

About us

The Union of European Experts Chambers U.C.E.E. are proposing themselves as a high level organization in the European Union and in Countries outside the EU, making their experts available with the intention to help solve the ecomical, social cultural and communication problems with an informal approach, and consequently as impartial as possible, with the attempt to speed up the concerted actions and the search for consensus that are necessary in order to positively and formally conclude questions of international importance. Additionally, they intend to constitute a roll of the European Experts in order to stress the experience of the people on it, enhancing the specialization they got through their professional activity, either as self-employed or as a subordinate employee. Under this strategy, UCEE have set themselves a goal: they intend to become a constant and qualified meeting point between supply and demand of services in the field of intellectual work. The strategy will be the following: 1) Supplying a good support to the European Union through proposals and projects with the purpose to give new impulse to the development of a positive economical, social, cultural, technical, environmental cooperation between the UE Countries and between these and the Countries outside the UE; 2) Establishing a skilled team of international experts that each Committee of the European Parliament and each General Management of the European Committee can attain to, should it be necessary to set up an operating work team about a specific subject under discussion; 3) Organizing conferences, workshops, meetings with the purpose to set up relationships that may help harmonization inside the UE. 4) Making UE and its organization better known in the world The Union of European Experts Chambers is a no profit organization operating in the UE Countries and in the Countries outside the UE. This team of professionals, workers, businessmen that is associative, indipendent and non- party, will be operating in a way based on the principles that are stated in the Declaration of rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe.

Non-profit Organizations
Brusseles, Brusseles


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    Square de Meeùs 38 / 40 Rue du Luxembourg

    Brusseles, Brusseles 1050, BE

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Employees at Union of European Expert Chambers U.C.E.E.


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