At this year's ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership Annual Meeting, the International Associations Advisory Council and the Component Relations and Volunteer Management Professionals Advisory Council are joining forces to explore the vital role of components in a globally relevant value proposition.
When developing a global value proposition, the role of components is often overlooked. Chapters, affiliates regions, councils, and communities are closest to the members and therefore form a vital part of the value proposition and the member experience. Yet, the experience and value often differ greatly across components because they tend to be volunteer led, have few resources, and varying levels of maturity. So how does this affect the brand of your association? Is it possible to create a baseline quality level across components? How do you successfully integrate components into your global value proposition to create a consistent member experience? How do you balance this with the need maintain flexibility to cater to local needs and culture?
Join this interactive session to explore these important questions and more on 11 August at 2.30-3.30pm with:
Jessica Lombardo, VP, Membership and Volunteer Engagement, ASIS International
Michiel Gen, Partner - Stakeholder Management, Exempla Management & Consulting
Amy Biedenharn, CAE, Director, Customer Experience, Innovatis Group
Don Whittle, Membership Director, International Coaching Federation