Women in Aviation - Middle East

Women in Aviation - Middle East

المنظمات غير الربحية

We are dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of women in all aviation career fields and interests.

نبذة عنا

Women in Aviation - Middle East is committed to its mission and goals of helping women from all over the Middle East take on a more engaging role in the aviation industry. We started more in 2013 with an idea and a small group of dedicated ladies and started growing.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
المنظمات غير الربحية
حجم الشركة
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المقر الرئيسي
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تم التأسيس
Women in Aviation

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في Women in Aviation - Middle East


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    عرض ملف Lucia Laszloova الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Public Relations | Events Management | Strategic Communications | Employer Branding | CSR | Media Relations | Corporate Branding

    And that’s a wrap on #MEBAA2024 at #DWC Dubai Airshow Site ! Together with James Stirzaker as #HADID's marketing team we had a fantastic time networking and connecting with industry peers, discussing innovations, sharing insights, and developing new opportunities. We got a chance to catch-up with Kyle James from Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority #BCAA, exchange insights and talk about the signed MoU to constantly elevate our customer service. I had the pleasure of reconnecting with the President and Founder of Women in Aviation International - Middle East Chapter Mervat Sultan, FRAeS and it was inspiring to discuss her continued contributions to advancing women in the aviation industry.✈️ I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the organizers of #MEBAA, especially to Anton Long for their exceptional efforts in creating such a remarkable and well-organised event. Until next year, safe travels to everyone!😊 #MEBAA #MEBAA2024 #Bizaviation #Networking #AviationExhibitions #PublicRelations MEBAA Show Dubai South

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    عرض ملف Amira Hawatt الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Driving quality @ Jet Luxe |

    It was an absolute pleasure meeting Mervat Sultan, FRAeS the inspiring head of Women in Aviation - Middle East to explore the opportunities for women in private aviation. Highlighting the immense potential for empowering more women to thrive in business aviation . At Jet Luxe, we are committed to creating a platform that not only recognizes talent but also fosters growth and inclusion. Together, we discussed actionable ways to shape a more inclusive future for private aviation—one that supports, inspires, and elevates women at every level. Looking forward to collaborating and building bridges for greater diversity and opportunity in this exciting field. #WomenInAviation #PrivateAviation #Empowerment #DiversityInAviation #JetLuxe

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    عرض ملف Christina Ioannidis الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Transforming businesses & talent; Award-winning International Brand & Marketing Strategist, Customer & Employee Engagement, Consultant, Speaker, Author, Trainer

    Women in Saudi Arabia are breaking into new heights, new frontiers, all while maintaining their strength and grace! I was thrilled to be invited to speak alogside some of the Kingdom's most prolific #aviators - Captains of Commercial Aviation, First Officers and Helicopter Pilots including Hanadi Hindi Dareen AlSaleh Yara Jan at the Women in Aviation General Assembly. There are no words to explain how proud I am to have been in the company of these women who are shattering stereotypes, in an industry where only 5% of the workforce is female. Yes, globally only 5% of pilots are female. However, in the Kingdom, these women are working hard to blaze the trails of women behind them. These women have shown: 1. You may be the first, but not the last 2. You have to take risks - and your support group are what get you through moments of doubt or disappointment 3. You will be thrown lemons - life will put roadblocks in your way. However, you must work with them and overcome them. Yes, as I say, success is an attitude. Only single-mindedness fosters success, as the chips will be down at some point or another. Thank you to Mervat Sultan, FRAeS who invited me to do my magic in this distinguished event. The way is definitely upwards for #womeninaviation! Shout out to the Daksha Patel and the Niche Ideas team for a fantastic event! . . . #inclusiveleadership #womenatwork #womeninleadership #publicspeaker

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    عرض ملف Tania Roca الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Executive Director - Global Aviation & Space at WTW

    It was a real personal and professional honour to meet Ms Mervat Sultan, FRAeS President of Women in Aviation - Middle East today, and be personally invited to join as their Member. I look forward to supporting your extraordinary efforts to date in helping women from all over the Middle East take on a more engaging role in the #aviation industry. MEBAA Show #womeninaviation #middleast #womeninaviationme

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    عرض ملف Dr. Eng. SUAAD ALSHAMSI الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Senior technical project manager | Operational readiness activation & transition (ORAT) expert | Top aviation influencer in Middle East winner 2023 | aviation researcher and lecturer

    بحضور سمو الشيخة روضة بنت نهيان آل نهيان وسعادة يوسف الحمادي سعيدة ان أدير جلسة حوارية عن الابتكار في مجال التنقل الجوي وقطاع صناعة الطيران في معرض ابوظبي للطيران في مؤتمر المرأة في الطيران حيث يُعد الابتكار حجر الزاوية في تطور قطاع التنقل الجوي وصناعة الطيران، حيث يسهم في مواجهة التحديات المتزايدة التي تواجه القطاع، مثل الطلب المتنامي على السفر الجوي، الحاجة إلى تقليل الانبعاثات الكربونية، وتحسين تجربة المسافرين. لقد أصبح الابتكار ضرورة استراتيجية لتطوير تقنيات مستدامة، وتعزيز الكفاءة التشغيلية، وتحقيق رؤية مستقبلية للتنقل الجوي. أوجه الابتكار في التنقل الجوي وصناعة الطيران: 1. الاستدامة البيئية 2. الذكاء الاصطناعي والرقمنة 3. التنقل الجوي الحضري 4. الابتكار في تجربة المسافرين 5. الطائرات ذاتية القيادة كذلك تم مناقشة التحديات وفرص النمو: • التحديات: تشمل التكاليف العالية لتطوير التقنيات الجديدة، وتأمين سلامة أنظمة الطيران المستقبلية، وتطوير أطر تنظيمية شاملة تناسب هذه الابتكارات. • فرص النمو: تفتح الابتكارات أبوابًا لتطوير أسواق جديدة، مثل التنقل الجوي الحضري والخدمات اللوجستية الذكية، مع توفير حلول مستدامة تلبي تطلعات المستقبل. الرؤية المستقبلية: إن الابتكار في مجال التنقل الجوي وصناعة الطيران ليس مجرد رفاهية، بل هو ركيزة أساسية لبناء مستقبل مستدام، آمن، وفعال. ومع تضافر الجهود بين الحكومات، شركات الطيران، ومراكز الأبحاث، فإننا على أعتاب ثورة تكنولوجية تعيد تعريف حدود السماء، وتجعل من الطيران وسيلة أكثر كفاءة ومراعاة للبيئة. AIR EXPO ABU DHABI

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    عرض ملف Dr. Eng. SUAAD ALSHAMSI الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Senior technical project manager | Operational readiness activation & transition (ORAT) expert | Top aviation influencer in Middle East winner 2023 | aviation researcher and lecturer

    بحضور سمو الشيخة روضة بنت نهيان ال نهيان وسعادة يوسف الحمادي رئيس لجنة التنظيمية للرياضات الجوية بمجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية تشرفت بإلقاء كلمة رئيسية عن تمكين الشباب في قطاع الطيران في دولة الإمارات والشرق الأوسط في مؤتمر المرأة في الطيران في معرض أبوظبي للطيران حيث يُعد تمكين الشباب في قطاع الطيران من أبرز الأولويات الاستراتيجية لدولة الإمارات ودول الشرق الأوسط، حيث يمثل الشباب الركيزة الأساسية لبناء مستقبل مستدام ومبتكر لهذا القطاع الحيوي. ومع التوسع الكبير في البنية التحتية للطيران وزيادة الطلب على الكفاءات المتخصصة، حرصت الحكومات على توفير البيئة المناسبة لاحتضان المواهب الشابة وتنميتها. دولة الإمارات تعتبر نموذجًا رائدًا في تمكين الشباب بقطاع الطيران، حيث عملت على توفير مسارات تعليمية ومهنية شاملة تتيح للشباب الانخراط في جميع جوانب هذا المجال، بدءًا من الطيران التجاري وحتى تقنيات الفضاء. أسهمت هذه الجهود في خلق جيل شاب من الطيارين، المهندسين، والمبتكرين القادرين على مواجهة تحديات القطاع والمساهمة في تحقيق النمو المستدام. كما أصبح الشباب في الإمارات والشرق الأوسط نموذجًا ملهمًا عالميًا يعكس قدرة المنطقة على تحويل الإمكانيات إلى إنجازات. وعن الرؤية المستقبلية ارى مع استمرار الاستثمارات في الطيران والفضاء، والتزام الحكومات بدعم الشباب، يبدو المستقبل مليئًا بالفرص الواعدة التي ستمكن الشباب من قيادة هذا القطاع إلى آفاق جديدة، ليصبح الطيران في المنطقة مرادفًا للإبداع والتميز. AIR EXPO ABU DHABI

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    عرض ملف Maha Alajmi الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Physics graduate - King Saud University

    “Problems have evolved, so why shouldn’t our problem-solving skills?” That opening line set the stage for such an inspiring day at the Women in Aviation conference. It is indeed a great environment where women, as said, “could truly thrive.” I’m grateful for the amazing people I met and the connections we made. Thank you Mervat Sultan, FRAeS , Women in Aviation International #WomenInAviation #AviationConference #MiddleEastAviation

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    عرض ملف Capt. Qadar Sarfraz الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Pilot & CEO at Airman's Ground | Disrupting the Traditional Aviation Training Market | The Award Winning DIGITAL Pilot Ground School with 100% passing rate |Speaker |MC| Head of Training |Aviation Safety & Sustainability

    Thank you for always appreciating and standing by my side. 🌸 Our pleasure having a kind and intellectual figure in Aviation, our dearest miss Mervat Sultan, FRAeS May you live long and a healthy life. Ameen 🌸💕💞 #airmansground #womeninaviation #saudi #saudivision #womeninaviationmiddleeast #pilots #womenpilots #aviation #uae #dubai

    عرض صفحة منظمة Airman's Ground، رسم بياني

    ١٬٠٣٩ متابع

    Meet Our Inspirational Leader! We're excited to share a sneak peek from our recent Airman's Ground Digital Meetup, featuring our esteemed guest, Miss Mervat Sultan, FRAeS, President of Women in Aviation - Middle East Watch this short clip to get a glimpse into the insightful conversation during the meetup. 🎉 Capt. Qadar Sarfraz #WomenInAviation #AirmansGround #DigitalMeetup #Leadership #Inspiration #Aviation #saudivision #vision2030 #saudi

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    We are thrilled to share our incredible experience at the AIR EXPO ABU DHABI, where we had the privilege of engaging with some of the most prominent leaders and organizations in the aviation industry. Participating alongside esteemed aviation firms, we explored key trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the future of aviation training. A highlight of the event was the panel discussion hosted by Maximilian Buerger, where our CEO, Capt. Abhishek Nadkarni, joined industry leaders like Torbjörn Wischer from BAA Training, Walter Da Costa from Tecnam Aircraft, and George Triantafyllidis from Egnatia Aviation. The panel delved into the challenges and opportunities within aviation training in the Middle East and beyond, offering insights into how collaboration and innovation can address these pressing issues. We also had the opportunity to connect with inspiring individuals such as Alexandre Alves and Mauro Calvano from Airways Aviation, Wissam Mehyou and Frederico Fernandes from Intercontinental Aviation Enterprises, Rizwan Taj from Airways Aviation, Antonella Mela from Barcelona Flight School, and many others. These meaningful conversations have laid the groundwork for exciting collaborations, and we are eager to explore these opportunities further. Another important aspect of the conference was the focus on Women in Aviation - Middle East, highlighting their dedication and invaluable contributions to the industry. The event emphasized the importance of empowering women and fostering inclusivity in aviation across the Middle East and the globe. We were inspired by the incredible stories of resilience, leadership, and innovation shared by women leaders, reaffirming our commitment to supporting diversity and equality in the industry. AIR EXPO ABU DHABI proved to be a remarkable platform for meaningful engagement, innovation, and inspiration. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals and organizations who made this event an exceptional experience for us. Together, let’s continue to build a brighter, more inclusive future for aviation. #airexpoabudhabi #pilottraining #simulatortraining #ADAE2024

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    عرض ملف sandra Nabirye الشخصي، رسم بياني

    General Administration Officer | Central Baggage Tracing Agent | Customer Experience Associate | Skilled in Operations, Problem Solving, and Customer Relations

    We all have those childhood dreams, don’t we? I’m sure many of you had one, two, or even three while growing up. The most common dreams often involve becoming a doctor, a lawyer, or following in one of our parents’ footsteps. These aspirations, however, seem to be a thing of the past. Today, children’s career ambitions have expanded far beyond traditional roles, ranging from medicine to aviation to IT—and beyond. I was one of those children who dreamed of only the legal field, because I was passionate about Law, rights, Ethics #DEI. I worked hard to turn that dream into a reality. But little did I know that my true passion would lead me down a completely different path. In 2018, during my first year in the UAE, I had the incredible opportunity to work at one of the world’s busiest and most renowned airports, #DubaiInternationalAirport (DXB) and Ccurrently at #ZayedInternationalAirport-Abu Dhabi(AUH). While most people simply pass through or transit airports, I had the privilege of working at a global hub that never sleeps—always running 24/7, even while the world rests. Although it was challenging at first, the experience has been incredibly rewarding, broadening my perspective in ways I never expected. Getting a job is one thing, but shifting your mindset is another. To foster both personal growth and societal development, a change in mentality is key. Along the way, I’ve learned some valuable lessons: 👉 Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments. There’s so much information available, whether through articles, videos, podcasts, or other forms of media. 👉 Confidence is key. It’s normal to experience self-doubt, but seeking mentorship is essential. A mentor doesn’t need to be a famous or well-known figure—it could be someone within your own circle. You may be surprised by how many potential mentors you already interact with daily. 👉 Last but certainly not least, education is fundamental. Education can take many forms—whether it’s a traditional degree like a BA, MA, or PhD, or vocational training that teaches practical skills. Education in all its forms is essential for success and development. I’m also excited to share that I’m now a proud member of the #WomeninAviationgroup #WAIME Seeing young women in aviation, like me, fills me with hope for the future and reassures me that the next generation is in safe hands. I am deeply grateful to everyone who has gave me the opportunity to grow and excel in the corporate world, which at times can feel like a race to the finish line. Special thanks to #MadeleinDeJager for selecting me, and #AndreaS for the support .  I am deeply grateful to everyone who has supported me throughout my career and personal journey. You are all the MVPs, and I look forward to connecting with new mentors along the way.

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