Wir hatten die tolle Gelegenheit unseren Sponsor Dornier Group bei einem Kennenlerntag näher zu betrachten. Dabei wurde unseren Teammitglieder die Chance gewährt einen tieferen Einblick in die verschiedenen Unternehmensbereiche zu bekommen. Zudem konnten wir noch einmal konkret erfahren, welche Zukunftschancen es bei Dornier gibt! Wir freuen uns auch in dieser Saison auf eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit.
What about Dornier? 🚀 We had the honor of welcoming the FaSTTUBe - Formula Student Team TU Berlin to our “What about Dornier?” workshop! 🌟 Together we gave exciting insights into our Mobility, Energy and Project Management divisions and talked about the innovative projects we are working on. Our aim: to show that it doesn't always have to be the big players in the industry. At Dornier, you can work on important projects, have a real impact and make a lasting difference - far away from the mainstream! 🌍 The feedback? Overwhelming! The event went down really well. We left a lasting, positive impression and were able to give the students of the FaSTTUBe team an exciting insight into the Dornier world. A huge thank you to everyone who made this event possible. You are the reason why we can achieve so much together! 🙌 #dorniergroup #bettertogether