Process Automation Solutions

Process Automation Solutions

Industrielle Automatisierung

Ludwigshafen, Rheinland-Pfalz 23.235 Follower:innen

We engineer a sustainable future through consulting, automation, and digitalization


Process Automation Solutions (PA) is a leading independent provider of complete automation and digitalization solutions for the process and manufacturing industries. Since 1986, we have combined our extensive manufacturing expertise, scalable solutions, industry-recognized experts, and unrivaled commercial capabilities to create an integrated package tailored to customers across a diverse range of industrial sectors. PA serves customers across various industries worldwide, providing design and engineering services, software design, digitalization services, standardization and development, Facilities Management Control systems, controls support and optimization, processing and simulation, panel build and fabrication, robot programming, startup, and commissioning, and much more. Our team of experts has experience taking on some of our customers’ toughest challenges. PA is proud to deliver turnkey solutions that are individually designed for each project, enabling enhanced safety, cost efficiency, and information security for customers around the world.

Industrielle Automatisierung
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Ludwigshafen, Rheinland-Pfalz
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
DCS /PLC engineering, Functional Safety engineering, Business Integration, Operator effectiveness (High performance HMI, Alarm Management), E&I engineering, PA und PA Solutions


Beschäftigte von Process Automation Solutions


  • Process Automation Solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Remco Burgers anzeigen, Grafik

    HSE Manager Europe bij Process Automation Solutions

    As part of ATS Corporation all global entities of Process Automation Solutions have been involved in delivering their part of the data for this new report. Collecting usefull data was not an easy job, many thanks to all colleagues who participated.

    Unternehmensseite von ATS Corporation anzeigen, Grafik

    72.832 Follower:innen

    As our business has grown over the past year, our future has become even clearer. Everywhere we look, we see potential: for safer food, delivered more reliably; for better health care that enables stronger communities; and for innovative solutions that support a cleaner environment. This is a future within our sights. We see the possibility, and we’re entirely focused on making it a reality. ATS’ commitment to sustainability accelerates our journey toward achieving this future. View the 2024 Sustainability Report here:

  • The future of manufacturing is here, and it's digital. Manufacturing leaders around the globe are transforming their operations with digital tools that boost efficiency, reduce waste, and drive innovation. Are you keeping up? Digitalization in manufacturing empowers users to: 🔓 Unlock data insights to optimize workflows and reduce downtime ↗️ Enhance agility to respond faster to market demands 💡 Improve sustainability by cutting resource waste and energy consumption From IoT-connected machines to AI-driven production insights, the tools are ready. The question is, are you? Stay ahead of the competition and lead the digital transformation. Join us today to modernize your operations for the future of industry.

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  • Process Automation Solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    🎆 Willkommen 2025 – ein neues Jahr voller Möglichkeiten! 🎆 Liebe Kunden, Partner und Freunde, wir hoffen, Sie hatten einen wunderbaren Start ins Jahr 2025! 🎉 Das vergangene Jahr war geprägt von großartigen Projekten, wertvollen Partnerschaften und inspirierenden Herausforderungen. Gemeinsam haben wir nachhaltige Lösungen entwickelt, innovative Wege in der Produktion und Logistik beschritten und die Basis für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft geschaffen. Nun blicken wir voller Optimismus auf 2025! Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie weiterhin mit unserer Expertise und Leidenschaft dabei zu unterstützen, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen und die Zukunft Ihrer Wertschöpfungskette aktiv mitzugestalten. 🚀 Möge dieses Jahr Ihnen und Ihrem Unternehmen Gesundheit, Erfolg und spannende neue Möglichkeiten bringen. Wir sind bereit, mit Ihnen zusammen Großes zu erreichen! Auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2025! Herzliche Grüße Ihr Team von BLSG - a PA Business Unit

  • Give the gift that lasts all year. This year, we decided to give back to the community in a way that makes a meaningful impact. We are dedicating efforts to a social campaign that supports those in need and have made a donation was in the name of our valued customers.   After thoughtful consideration, we have chosen to support Street Child, an organization dedicated to providing education to children who have been denied this fundamental opportunity. Their work empowers vulnerable children, giving them the chance for a brighter future. Our contribution will directly support Street Child's efforts in Sierra Leone and makes it possible for more than an entire primary school class to attend school for the first time as part of the West Africa program EFECT (Education For Every Child Today). Sierra Leone is ranked 181 out of 191 on the Human Development Index (UNDP, 2021). Around half of adults (age group 15+ years) cannot read or write (UNESCO, 2023).   EFECT is Street Child's most ambitious program to date. It aims to provide around 96,000 children in underserved communities in West Africa with access to primary education by 2026. The program comprises several modules to achieve a structural impact: building elementary schools, training teachers, providing teaching and learning materials, and generating local family income. For more information, we encourage you to visit:

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  • The manufacturing industry is undergoing a digital revolution, where automation and digitalization work hand-in-hand to unlock unparalleled value. Automation enhances efficiency, while digitalization elevates productivity — but success demands going even further. Here’s the key to closing the loop: collect relevant data, generate actionable insights, and take decisive action. Achieving this requires AI-powered analytics combined with human expertise. While AI might eventually operate autonomously, today’s critical operations still demand human oversight — but not just for individual machines. It's about optimizing system-wide efficiency. How can manufacturers make it happen? 👨🏭 Engage both operations and IT teams from the start 🌍 Take a holistic view of processes, not just individual machines ℹ️ Build capabilities to integrate diverse data sources 📏 Ensure insights lead to measurable real-world improvements The future of manufacturing is already here. Are you ready? #PASolutions

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  • Process Automation Solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Christian Böhlke anzeigen, Grafik

    Bereichsleiter/Director bei Process Automation Solutions COG EU, Chemicals Oil and Gas Europe

    Die #ProcessAutomationSolutionsGmbH ist auch dabei, wenn ein erster wichtiger Meilenstein zur zukünftigen Energiewende in Europa ins Rollen gebracht wird. Durch die Entwicklung einer neuen #HGÜ-Technologie, wird eine hocheffiziente grüne Stromautobahn gesschaffen. Strom wird durch Wind und Sonne erzeugt und dorthin transportiert, wo er benötigt wird. Das Team von PA-Solutions ist stolz Teil der Energiewende in Europa zu sein.   #GeVernova #Tennet #Amprion #transnet #grünerStrom #Energiewende #gridsolutions #smartautomation #ProcessAutomationSolutions

    GE Vernova Enters into Innovation Agreement with German Grid Transmission Operators to Develop Key HVDC Technology for Future Electricity Network

    GE Vernova Enters into Innovation Agreement with German Grid Transmission Operators to Develop Key HVDC Technology for Future Electricity Network

  • Explosions are a major concern in process manufacturing. Preventing fatalities, injuries, and damage is critical for manufacturing success.   ❓How do you ensure safety through proper equipment? ❓What are ATEX or IECEx classifications? How do they differ, and which is right for your company?   Let’s explore #processmanufacturing #safety #ATEX #IECEx

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