GAIN Management Advisors GmbH

GAIN Management Advisors GmbH

Personalbesetzung und Rekrutierung

Eschborn, Hessen 1.007 Follower:innen

Nur wer tiefe Einsichten in die Branche hat, kann auch hervorragende Aussichten bieten!


THE GAIN MANAGEMENT ADVISORS ARE EXPERIENCED EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANTS with profound knowledge, at least 15 years of professional experience and relevant expertise in their industries. With a passion for the automotive and different manufacturing industries, we are what our name says we are in your search for suitable managers and specialists: a GAIN for your company's success and for your career. OUR CLIENTS AND CANDIDATES BIND US TOGETHER WITH OUR PASSION FOR THESE INDUSTRIES, their products and services. In order to consistently lead people and companies to success, we only place the right and most suitable candidates. In this way, we offer the automotive sector and the manufacturing industries excellent opportunities for the future. WE BELIEVE IN INNOVATION IN OUR FOCUSED INDUSTRIES. These industries thrive on new technologies, visionary ideas, forward-looking developments - and the Executives behind them. As experienced Executive Search consultants, we know that both can only develop together if the right people work in the right company. GAIN Management Advisors work globally for their clients. As Associated Partners, we are part of the Panorama Community with more than 400 experienced consultants in over 25 countries worldwide. An extensive community for your global HR topics!

Personalbesetzung und Rekrutierung
2–10 Beschäftigte
Eschborn, Hessen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Executive Search, Interim Management, Consulting, Automotive Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Direktsuche, Management Assessments, Headhunting, Leadership Assessment und Coaching


Beschäftigte von GAIN Management Advisors GmbH


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