EuroNatur - Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe

EuroNatur - Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe


Radolfzell am Bodensee, Baden-Württemberg 3.126 Follower:innen

Grenzüberschreitender Naturschutz in Europa


Als internationale Naturschutzorganisation steht EuroNatur, gegründet im Jahr 1987, für grenzenlosen Naturschutz in ganz Europa. Die Organisation hat ihren Hauptsitz in Radolfzell am Bodensee, Deutschland, und ein Büro in Brüssel, Belgien. Rund 40 Mitarbeitende sind für EuroNatur tätig. Mit grenzüberschreitenden Natur- und Artenschutzprojekten in den Bereichen Ur- und Naturwälder, Fließgewässer, Europäisches Grünes Band, Zugvögel, Große Beutegreifer (Bär, Wolf, Luchs) und Interessenvertretung auf EU-Ebene trägt die Organisation dazu bei, die Natur Europas in ihrer Vielfalt zu erhalten. Und die Partner vor Ort sind der Schlüssel zum Erhalt dieser einzigartigen Natur. EuroNatur arbeitet mit lokalen Partnerorganisationen in den Balkanländern zusammen und gibt ihnen die nötige Unterstützung, damit sie die Natur, unser aller Lebensgrundlage, effektiv schützen können. Die Projekte von EuroNatur sind langfristig angelegt und berücksichtigen die Bedürfnisse der Menschen vor Ort. Die Organisation setzt sich nicht nur für den Schutz der Wildtiere und ihrer Lebensräume in Europa ein, sondern auch für eine ökologisch nachhaltige Entwicklung der Regionen. EuroNatur verfolgt damit einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz: die Natur mit den Menschen zu verbinden.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Radolfzell am Bodensee, Baden-Württemberg
Nature conservation, Large carnivores, Migragory birds, European Green Belt, Adriatic Flyway, Dinarc Karst Poljes, Rivers in Europe, Primeval Forests in Europe, Donate for nature, Nature photo competition, Grünes Band Europa, #SaveTheBlueHeartOfEurope, #SaveParadiseForests, #SaveSalina und #EuroNatur


  • Primär

    Westendstraße 3

    Radolfzell am Bodensee, Baden-Württemberg 78315, DE


Beschäftigte von EuroNatur - Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe


  • 📣 LAST CALL Conservation Professionals #mentors Do you consider yourself a nature conservation expert and want to share your valuable knowledge with young professionals? Then the EuroNatur Foundation Mentoring for Effective Nature Conservation is for you! #jobs And here's what you'll get: 🔸 Strengthen your #leadership skills 🔸 Build lasting relationships within the conservation community 🔸 Help young professionals grow and have an ever greater #impact on conservation work across Europe. Sounds good? 📅 Then hurry up and apply before 22 December 2024! (➡️ link in the comments) Leonie Kraut is very much looking forward to getting to know you. ©Grand Nord films - Thibaut Branquart.

    • Join the EuroNatur Mentoring Programme as a mentor or mentee and apply before 22 December 2024!

©Grand Nord films - Thibaut Branquart.
  • Die 48. Naturschutztage in Radolfzell sind gestartet. Sie finden vom 3. bis zum 6. Januar statt und gelten als größte Fachveranstaltung für #Naturschutz im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie bietet eine Plattform für Experten, Naturschützer und Interessierte, um sich über aktuelle Themen und Herausforderungen im Naturschutz auszutauschen. Während der Naturschutztage gibt es eine Vielzahl von Vorträgen, Workshops und Exkursionen, die sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Naturschutzes befassen. Themen wie #Biodiversität, #Klimaschutz und nachhaltige #Entwicklung stehen im Mittelpunkt der Diskussionen. Die Veranstaltung fördert den Dialog und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Akteuren und trägt dazu bei, das Bewusstsein für den Schutz unserer natürlichen Lebensräume zu stärken. Wir freuen uns heute oder in den kommenden Tagen auf Besuch an unserem Stand und gute Gespräche.

    • EuroNatur-Stand an den 48. Naturschutztagen, die vom 3. bis zum 6. Januar 2025 in Radolfzell am Bodensee stattfinden.
  • Application deadline extended until Sunday, 29 December 2024! Join our Mentoring for Effective Conservation (MENC) programme, run in partnership with The Human Edge, and get trained to become a #mentor. Details under Leonie Kraut

    📣 LAST CALL Conservation Professionals #mentors Do you consider yourself a nature conservation expert and want to share your valuable knowledge with young professionals? Then the EuroNatur Foundation Mentoring for Effective Nature Conservation is for you! #jobs And here's what you'll get: 🔸 Strengthen your #leadership skills 🔸 Build lasting relationships within the conservation community 🔸 Help young professionals grow and have an ever greater #impact on conservation work across Europe. Sounds good? 📅 Then hurry up and apply before 22 December 2024! (➡️ link in the comments) Leonie Kraut is very much looking forward to getting to know you. ©Grand Nord films - Thibaut Branquart.

    • Join the EuroNatur Mentoring Programme as a mentor or mentee and apply before 22 December 2024!

©Grand Nord films - Thibaut Branquart.
  • EuroNatur - Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe hat dies direkt geteilt

    🚨 160,000 quails are illegally killed every year in the Western Balkans, with Serbia at the centre of the issue. 🚨 The illegal hunting of Common Quails (Coturnix coturnix) poses a significant threat to this migratory species along the Adriatic Flyway, a critical route from Europe to Africa. Of the 160,000 quails illegally killed annually in the region, up to 60,000 are lost in Serbia’s Vojvodina region alone. Despite international commitments, Serbia has yet to adopt a National Action Plan to stop the illegal killing of birds. Enforcement efforts remain weak. Poaching hotspots are well-known but frequently revisited by offenders due to low penalties and a lack of resources. Allegations of personal ties between poachers, local officials, and hunting organizations undermine trust in conservation efforts. Banned electronic sound lures, which attract birds in large numbers, are still openly sold online, exposing major regulatory loopholes. The consequences of this weak enforcement extend beyond bird populations. The disruption of ecological processes and degradation of habitats critical for migratory birds have ripple effects on biodiversity and local economies that are dependent on these ecosystems. The illegal killing of birds not only diminishes the ecological integrity of the region but also contradicts Serbia's efforts to align its environmental policies with the European Union’s Birds Directive and Environmental Crime Directive, crucial steps for its EU accession.  These findings are part of a case study featured in EuroNatur Foundation’s new Biodiversity Report. It highlights the urgent need for Serbia to adopt stronger laws, increase penalties, and crack down on illegal hunting devices. Without immediate action, migratory bird populations along the Adriatic Flyway could face irreversible declines. BirdLife Serbia (BPSSS) has been at the forefront of efforts to combat these illegal practices, reporting poaching hotspots and working on the ground to protect migratory birds. #flightforsurvival

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  • 👁️🗨️ Continue covering this story #journalists Many of you and your colleagues witnessed and reported on one of the biggest milestones of 2023: The last wild river #Vjosa was declared #Europe's first Wild River National Park (WRNP) after more than ten years of tireless efforts by NGOs such as EcoAlbania and EuroNatur Foundation, Patagonia, activists, scientists and many others. The joy was immense. But there is not much left of it, quite the opposite. The short-sighted economic interests of the Albanian government have undermined the WRNP. The findings of the latest EuroNatur report on Albania and other Western Balkan countries show that it's only on paper. "Our findings reveal a persistent disregard for environmental protection. Protected areas should be safe havens for biodiversity, but mismanagement and neglect are rampant. Substantial policy changes are non-negotiable," stresses EuroNatur Senior Policy Officer Viktor Berishaj. In February 2024, a law was introduced that allows large infrastructure projects in protected areas if they benefit #tourism, such as the controversial Vlora International Airport. If this illegal airport, which violates international conventions, goes ahead next year, it will threaten the Vjosa-Narta protected area - one of Albania's most important ecosystems, of supra-regional importance for the Adriatic migratory route, but also for the local economy, which depends on an intact natural ecosystem. "The EU accession process is a unique opportunity for Albania to focus on essential environmental protection first. We must ensure that this vital ecosystem is preserved and sustainably managed," says EuroNatur's Executive Director Gabriel Schwaderer. Want to know more? Contact us or read more in the report (link in the comments). Credits to Arsen Roshi.

    • Stripping protected areas. The case of Vlora International Airport in Albania. © Arsen Roshi
  • Attention, nature enthusiasts and conservationists across Europe! 🌿 We're excited to introduce a powerful tool designed to help you document and report nature-damaging projects in your local area. This tool is more than just a form; it's a call to action for every citizen who cares about our environment. From infrastructure development to changes in environmental policy, harmful projects can take many forms. But with this tool, you can gather crucial information about these projects and share it with experienced campaigners like CEE Bankwatch Network and EuroNatur. Your efforts can help modify, suspend, or even prevent these projects from going ahead. So, how can you contribute? Identify a project, document its details using our form, and submit your findings. Remember, the more evidence you can provide, the better. This includes project permits, environmental assessments, and links to further information. Let's unite in our mission to preserve Europe's natural treasures. Share this tool with your friends, families, and communities, and encourage them to join the cause. Together, we can make a real difference. 💪 #fornature #conservation Stay connected for further updates and support. Thank you for standing with us in this endeavor.

    Profil von Thomas Freisinger anzeigen, Grafik

    Senior Policy Officer | Biodiversity Finance Expert

    Today we are launching our new tool to help NGOs, citizens and anybody else to methodically approach and document a harmful project they've come across in the EU: the 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐥 If you become aware of a nature-damaging project, you can now: 💠 Read our step-by-step guide; 💠 Download our harmful project documenting tool to help you gather crucial information; 💠 Connect with other individuals or groups that share similar concerns; and plan your next steps. 🖇️ Discover our new harmful project documenting tool and act hashtag #ForNature CEE Bankwatch Network - EuroNatur Foundation - LIFE Programme - EU Environment and Climate

    How to document nature-damaging projects - Bankwatch

    How to document nature-damaging projects - Bankwatch

  • Economy versus nature, really #Albania? Last year, Europe's last wild river, the #Vjosa, was declared a Wild River National Park (WRNP) – a historic moment for nature and people, covered by #journalists worldwide. The vision? To create Europe’s first transboundary wild river national park, including the Greek part of the Vjosa, the Aoos, allowing the river to flow freely from source to sea. But the Albanian government has been eroding the WRNP. In February 2024, a law was introduced allowing large infrastructure projects in protected areas if they benefit #tourism, such as the controversial Vlora International Airport. If this illegal airport, which violates international conventions, goes into operation next year, it will put the #NartaLagoon at risk. This crucial wetland is home to over 20,000 waterbirds, many endangered, and a key junction on the Adriatic flyway. The Vjosa-Narta protected area is of great international importance far beyond Albania’s borders. This is why the EU Commission has strongly criticised this illegal project and called on the Albanian authorities to halt construction, as did the Bern Convention again at its annual meeting last week. As construction continues, the Albanian authorities fail to see the connection between economy and nature. The tourism sector depends upon it. 🔍Want to learn more? See comments. Credits to Xhemal Xherri.

    • The Narta Lagoon in Albania is a hotspot for Europe's migratory birds, which is being threatened by major infrastructure projects such as the Vlora International Airport.
  • 🚨 Albania: Vlora Airport and new law cause great concern – Vjosa National Park at risk! 🚨 #press The #BernConvention Standing Committee has once again urged the Albanian government to halt the construction of Vlora International Airport near the Narta lagoon and the #Vjosa delta, citing violations of international agreements. They also strongly criticised Albania's new law on protected areas, which opens the door to mega-projects such as airports or luxury hotels, even in areas of particular ecological value. The Vjosa Wild River National Park, which was only declared in March 2023 and celebrated as a milestone for nature and people as being unique in Europe, is at high risk from projects such as the Vlora airport, despite its national park status. EuroNatur Foundation, together with Albanian partners PPNEA and EcoAlbania, welcomed the strong statement of the Committee. They emphasise the need to protect the unique Vjosa ecosystem and again urge the Albanian government to stop the construction of Vlora airport and ensure compliance with international environmental standards. Want to know more? 🔗 Find the link in the comments. The construction of Vlora Airport on the Albanian coast continues despite international protests. (c) Arsen Rroshi

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  • KI trainieren und damit Gutes tun! Wie? Mit dieser bemerkenswerten Aktion der CIB Group ⬇️ Eine schöne Möglichkeit, die europaweite Zusammenarbeit im Naturschutz zu fördern.

    Unternehmensseite von CIB Group anzeigen, Grafik

    1.204 Follower:innen

    📢 CIB Adventskalender: Stimmen Sie sich mit uns auf die Feiertage ein – mit dem CIB #Adventskalender für den #gutenZweck und einem Weihnachtsgeschenk für Sie dazu! Und so geht's: 🎄Am Sonntag, den 1. Dezember startet unser Adventskalender auf #CIBcrowdsource, unserer Plattform für #KI-Training. Jeden Tag ein Türchen öffnen, eine einfache Frage beantworten oder ein KI-Training absolvieren. So sammeln Sie #Coins, die Sie im Shop für einen guten Zweck eintauschen können. Und wer ein Türchen verpasst hat, kann es auch später noch öffnen! ❤️ Mit Ihrer Hilfe spendet CIB wahres Geld für den guten Zweck! Die Coins, die Sie in unserem Shop gegen Spenden für gemeinnützige Organisationen eintauschen, werden von CIB direkt an diese Organisationen überwiesen. Auf diese Weise unterstützen wir gemeinsam folgende soziale Projekte: 🌳 PRIMAKLIMA – Bäume pflanzen, Klima retten 🛑 IJM Deutschland – make justice unstoppable! 🧒 Lichtblick Hasenbergl – Benachteiligte Kinder fördern 🌎 EuroNatur - Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe 💡 LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe e.V. 🚀 KulturRaum München e.V. – kulturelle Teilhabe für alle in München 🎁 Holen Sie sich zu Heiligabend unser Geschenk für Sie! Die ersten 100 Teilnehmer, die bis zum 24. Dezember alle Türchen geöffnet haben, erhalten von CIB als Dankeschön einen #AmazonGutschein im Wert von 24 € (bitte beachten Sie die Teilnahmebedingungen). 📢 Anmelden und mitmachen! Den Link finden Sie unten im Kommentar. #adventskalender #ki #crowdsource #spenden #kitraining #letscib

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  • EuroNatur - Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thomas Freisinger anzeigen, Grafik

    Senior Policy Officer | Biodiversity Finance Expert

    Today we are launching our new tool to help NGOs, citizens and anybody else to methodically approach and document a harmful project they've come across in the EU: the 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐥 If you become aware of a nature-damaging project, you can now: 💠 Read our step-by-step guide; 💠 Download our harmful project documenting tool to help you gather crucial information; 💠 Connect with other individuals or groups that share similar concerns; and plan your next steps. 🖇️ Discover our new harmful project documenting tool and act hashtag #ForNature CEE Bankwatch Network - EuroNatur Foundation - LIFE Programme - EU Environment and Climate

    How to document nature-damaging projects - Bankwatch

    How to document nature-damaging projects - Bankwatch

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