Wie gehen Sie als Vertreter mehrerer Athleten in Vertragsverhandlungen effektiv mit Interessenkonflikten um?
Transparent negotiations:Open communication with athletes and clubs is crucial. This fosters trust and ensures all parties are aware of the interests and limitations involved, preventing potential conflicts.### *Long-term value creation:Focus on building sustainable relationships rather than short-term gains. This approach helps in creating a clear model for discovery, engagement, and evaluation, benefiting everyone involved in the long run.
Wie gehen Sie als Vertreter mehrerer Athleten in Vertragsverhandlungen effektiv mit Interessenkonflikten um?
Transparent negotiations:Open communication with athletes and clubs is crucial. This fosters trust and ensures all parties are aware of the interests and limitations involved, preventing potential conflicts.### *Long-term value creation:Focus on building sustainable relationships rather than short-term gains. This approach helps in creating a clear model for discovery, engagement, and evaluation, benefiting everyone involved in the long run.
Transparencia con los atletas y los clubes. Hemos vivido casos en que un agente no aprueba una operación a menos que se incluya en la misma a otro atleta, pese a que este no haya sido del interés del club en cuestión. Esta falta de ética, que roza el chantaje, es una práctica no extraña en el proceder de bastantes intermediarios de jugadores, lo que expone al club, a los jugadores y a la industria a una depreciación, no solo económica, sino de valores elementales de comportamiento. Con una gestión abierta y sincera, tanto el deporte como sus practicantes profesionales generarán un ambiente de mucha mayor confianza entre todos sus actores.
Be fair. Be transparent. Establish a create value chain. Have a slightly long term pov, instead of just tactical benefits. That will ensure a clear 'Discover, Engagement and Evaluation' model.
Transparency and clear communications are the key elements to avoid any conflict in contract negotiation. If you can hold on this 2 elements with every stakeholder in the scenario. You will operate and work the right way.
I’ve always reiterated that athletes should be prioritized before agents. To manage conflicts of interest when representing multiple athletes, agents have to be transparent with all parties and avoid favoring one client over another. You have to set clear boundaries, disclose potential conflicts. You may have to involve independent advisors to ensure fair negotiations for everyone if things escalate beyond control.
Be honest!!! Open and honest communication between all involved, is always the best policy before moving forward! Being discreet as you do so…is also a good policy!
- confidentiality - prioritization - professionalism - clear communication - seek advice - full disclosure - seperate representation
Sarthak Shah
CEO@Sportcell | Co-Founder & Business Head@flynt.social | Business Consultant
(bearbeitet)Transparency and Trust, simple sounding but at the core of any commercial understanding esp when representing an Athlete. Trust comes from clear Comms over a period of time defining the goals for every individual from a long term purview. Every athlete has a particular perceived commercial value, if over the period of time this basic thought gets established to every athlete, and every contract negotiation / commercial understanding is a step within that pre-defined template, in that case irrespective of the gulf between the respective athlete commercials, the question of conflict doesn’t even originate. To sum up, if it’s a function of pre-determined set values, goals and eventually trust. If done right, there won’t be a conflict!
The athlete will be well-prepared in advance with various options for the negotiation phase. Ultimately, it is his responsibility to assess all the facts and make informed decisions. It's important to remember that the agent represents the player, not the other way around. With this understanding as the foundation, negotiations should be an exciting opportunity for both parties.
Handling conflicts of interest in contract negotiations requires a clear, transparent approach. I’d start by setting well-defined guidelines with each athlete, ensuring they understand how their individual needs and goals will be prioritized without compromising integrity. Maintaining open communication is essential, so I’d keep all parties informed about potential overlaps while safeguarding their privacy and unique interests. Where conflicts arise, I’d address them fairly and impartially, possibly involving a neutral third party if necessary. My goal is to secure the best outcome for each athlete while upholding trust, transparency, and ethical standards throughout the process.
1. Transparência: Comunicação aberta sobre conflitos de interesse. 2. Divisão de Representação: Consideraria dividir a representação entre diferentes agentes. 3. Análise de Prioridades: Entender as necessidades específicas de cada atleta. 4. Negociação Colaborativa: Buscar soluções que beneficiem todos os lados. 5. Códigos de Ética: Seguir um código de ética para guiar decisões. 6. Consultoria Externa: Em casos complexos, contratar especialistas em resolução de conflitos.
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