Ihr Vorgesetzter verlangt Überstunden für unmögliche Fristen. Wie werden Sie diese Herausforderung bei der Programmierung angehen?
Wenn Ihr Vorgesetzter unrealistische Fristen setzt, die Überstunden erfordern, gehen Sie die Situation mit einer Strategie an:
- Bewerten Sie den Projektumfang und identifizieren Sie, was realistischerweise innerhalb der normalen Arbeitszeit erreicht werden kann.
- Kommunizieren Sie Ihre Bedenken und schlagen Sie einen überarbeiteten Zeitplan vor oder fordern Sie zusätzliche Ressourcen an.
- Setzen Sie Grenzen, um die Work-Life-Balance zu wahren, und kennen Sie Ihre Rechte in Bezug auf die Überstundenvergütung.
Wie gehen Sie mit überzogenen Überstunden in der Programmierung um? Erwägen Sie, Ihre Erfahrungen zu teilen.
Ihr Vorgesetzter verlangt Überstunden für unmögliche Fristen. Wie werden Sie diese Herausforderung bei der Programmierung angehen?
Wenn Ihr Vorgesetzter unrealistische Fristen setzt, die Überstunden erfordern, gehen Sie die Situation mit einer Strategie an:
- Bewerten Sie den Projektumfang und identifizieren Sie, was realistischerweise innerhalb der normalen Arbeitszeit erreicht werden kann.
- Kommunizieren Sie Ihre Bedenken und schlagen Sie einen überarbeiteten Zeitplan vor oder fordern Sie zusätzliche Ressourcen an.
- Setzen Sie Grenzen, um die Work-Life-Balance zu wahren, und kennen Sie Ihre Rechte in Bezug auf die Überstundenvergütung.
Wie gehen Sie mit überzogenen Überstunden in der Programmierung um? Erwägen Sie, Ihre Erfahrungen zu teilen.
Two red flags 🚩 in that sentence. Demands and impossible deadlines. Managers should not be demanding anything. Managers should empower and motivate. And if a deadline for a deemed to be impossible then it will be. A pause and a refresh is needed here.
For such complex problems, you need modern solution. 1. Define- Must Have , Good to have and Optional Features for the solution to be implemented. 2. Discuss with your manager to deliver the Must Haves first and start to work on MVP- Minimum Viable Product 3. Approaching Timeline- Deliver the above parts in Agile model 4. For the Good to have and Optional Features, start working on it while the MVP is getting tested in various stages and additionally assign a resource for fixing bugs in MVP.
Reduced scope can be proposed that fits the deadline, emphasizing quality over quantity. Assign the tasks strategically to ensure that no one person is overburdened. Leverage cross-functional teams if available.
As a 4x founder who has had hundreds of technical reports over the years, allow me to give a perspective as the "demanding manager." Push back. Good managers respond well to *objective* pushback. Bonus points if you: 1. Suggest tradeoffs (e.g. I can meet the deadline if we drop X from the scope). 2. Share blocks (e.g. This will take me a lot of time as I'm waiting on Y). 3. Offer suggestions (e.g. Since this deadline is important, I'll burn the midnight oil. Next time if we did Z, I believe we'd able to deliver the whole scope on time and with minimal stress).
Com tempo entendi que prazos impossíveis indicam geralmente: 1- Processo ou forma de trabalho está errado. Ao que tange gestão do tempo. Exemplo: Reuniões excessivas que não agregam em nada e tomam tempo. 2- Falta pessoas na equipe. E na maioria das vezes, era a primeira opção.
There is a time-tested and well-proven solution to this and similar issues: organize, then unionize. Ionic particles succumb to simple magnetic charges. Unions are neutral.
Mastering Impossible Deadlines: A Strategic Approach When facing overtime demands for unrealistic deadlines, tackle the challenge with strategy and composure. Break down the project to identify high-impact priorities, then present your manager with data-driven solutions, such as phased rollouts or additional resources. Foster collaboration by suggesting streamlined workflows or automation to enhance efficiency. If overtime is unavoidable, set boundaries to protect morale and prevent burnout. Celebrate small wins to maintain momentum and provide regular progress updates to build trust. By blending transparency, creativity, and resilience, you can turn impossible deadlines into opportunities to shine.
Primeiro, analise o escopo do projeto e identifique as entregas prioritárias, avaliando o que pode ser concluído de forma realista dentro do expediente normal. Em seguida, comunique-se com seu gerente, expressando suas preocupações e proponha alternativas, como a revisão do cronograma ou a alocação de recursos adicionais para distribuir melhor o trabalho. Se a realização de horas extras for inevitável, assegure-se de que há um acordo claro sobre a compensação ou banco de horas para essas horas adicionais. Além disso, estabeleça limites saudáveis para preservar o equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional, respeitando sua capacidade de desempenho sem comprometer a qualidade do trabalho.
Communicate : Explain the challenges and potential consequences of meeting the deadline. Collaborate : Work with your manager to adjust expectations or break down tasks into manageable chunks. Document : Keep a record of unreasonable demands and their impact to protect yourself.
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