

Kontorsutrustning, detaljhandel

Göteborg, Mölnda 44 679 följare

Think ahead.

Om oss

Tork is a leading global brand in workplace hygiene with products and services for washrooms, tabletop and wiping and cleaning. We are passionate about helping our customers improve their businesses –from raising their bottom line, to making their working life better. Customer needs are what drive our people and our cutting edge innovations. We are all about getting the important details in place, so our customers can focus on what matters most to your business. We offer professional hygiene products and services to customers ranging from restaurants and healthcare facilities to offices, schools and industries. Want to learn more? Visit

Kontorsutrustning, detaljhandel
Fler än 10 001 anställda
Göteborg, Mölnda


  • Tork omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för Tork, grafik

    44 679 följare

    ¡Gracias por un gran año juntos! En Tork®️, queremos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a nuestros colaboradores, clientes y distribuidores. Su confianza, esfuerzo y compromiso nos inspiran a seguir brindando higiene sostenible fuera de casa. Que este cierre de año traiga momentos de alegría y que el 2025 esté lleno de éxitos compartidos. ¡Sigamos creciendo juntos!

  • En esta temporada de celebración, queremos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento por su confianza y compromiso. 🫱🏽🫲🏼 Ustedes son el motor que impulsa nuestro propósito de brindar soluciones de higiene que marcan la diferencia. ¡Que el 2025 nos traiga nuevos retos, aprendizajes y éxitos compartidos!

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  • Embrassons l'esprit de la saison. Alors que nous prenons un moment pour réfléchir sur l'année écoulée, chérissons les moments qui nous ont rassemblés et attendons avec impatience les nouvelles opportunités à venir. En cette saison des fêtes, Tork vous souhaite à tous, joie, paix et prospérité. Que ce temps soit rempli de chaleur et de connexion, en même temps, célébrons nos réalisations et anticipons ce qui est à venir. #JoyeusesFêtes #Tork #SaisonDeJoie #EnsembleNousRéussissons

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Tork, grafik

    44 679 följare

    ¡Gracias por un gran año juntos! En Tork®️, queremos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a nuestros colaboradores, clientes y distribuidores. Su confianza, esfuerzo y compromiso nos inspiran a seguir brindando higiene sostenible fuera de casa. Que este cierre de año traiga momentos de alegría y que el 2025 esté lleno de éxitos compartidos. ¡Sigamos creciendo juntos!

  • Last Thursday, we were thrilled to present the Perfect Toilets initiative. A groundbreaking initiative gaining the momentum in Italy, where seven leading architects were teaming up to address a key issue: access to decent public toilets. The Perfect Toilets initiative, co-sponsored by Tork and the architecture magazine IoArch presented at a conference held at MAXXI in Rome by many industry experts, representatives of local institutions and hygiene professionals, all united behind the goal of improving the conditions of public restrooms. According to our Insight Survey conducted in 2024, 62% of Italians believe that using public restrooms is unhygienic, and 48% experience anxiety at the idea of having to use them. These numbers highlight a critical issue: the accessibility and safety of public restrooms needs immediate attention! The presentation of the projects-in the prestigious setting of MAXXI in Rome-provided an opportunity to promote a national debate with hygiene experts, politicians and local administrators on the concrete possibilities for the construction and maintenance of public toilets designed under the banner of accessibility of personal hygiene for all (disabled, elderly, women, families with children, etc.), health, and environmental and economic sustainability. This is work that can be done in synergy between the public and private sectors, with active and ongoing collaboration between local governments and companies in the sector. On these assumptions and inspired by Wim Wenders' film 'Perfect Days,' the Perfect Toilets project came to life. Architects Sergio Bianchi (Studio Bianchi Architettura) and @AndreaD'Antrassi (MAD) of Rome, Alfonso Femia Femia (Atelier Alfonso Femia AF517) of Milan, Cecchetto & Associati (Cecchetto & Associati) of Venice, Fabrizio Rossi Prodi (RossiProdi Associati) of Florence, @FrancescoBuonfantino (Gnosis Progetti) of Naples, and @ClaudioLucchesi (Urban Future Organization) of Palermo, with architectural historian and critic @LuigiPrestinenzaPuglisi curating the project, each chose a public space in their city and developed their concept for an ideal public restroom. The event revolved around seven innovative proposals from seven architects for five cities, each envisioning a public restroom that is inclusive, safe, sustainable, and welcoming. Their insights into how urban design can foster more inclusive and sustainable spaces were eye-opening, and I left feeling deeply inspired by the collective commitment to improving public infrastructure for all. Know more about Tork Know more about Perfect Toilets initiative :

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Tork, grafik

    44 679 följare

    🌟 Highlights from Our First Panel Discussion! 🌟 On November 6th, we hosted an impactful panel discussion at the beautiful Hilton The Palm Resort, Dubai, UAE, focused on two key topics that lie at the heart of Essity’s expertise: 1️⃣ Technology for Sustainability 2️⃣ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Moderated by The Arab News, our panelists explored how technology can drive sustainable practices and the critical importance of fostering diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments in today’s business landscape. A big thank you to all the speakers, attendees, and partners who made this event a success. Stay tuned for more updates and upcoming events! #Sustainability #DEI #PanelDiscussion #Leadership #Innovation #DubaiEvents #HiltonThePalm #ArabNews #Essity #TorkTeam #Torkmeia

  • Visa organisationssidan för Tork, grafik

    44 679 följare

    ♻️ Transformer et valoriser les déchets, voici le futur de la durabilité. Tork PaperCircle est une solution innovante qui permet aux entreprises de prendre le contrôle de leurs déchets papier. En collectant les essuie-mains usagés et en les recyclant en nouveaux produits, nous ne nous contentons pas de réduire les déchets des décharges, nous créons une économie circulaire qui profite à tous. Rejoignez-nous pour prendre les devants tout en renforçant l'engagement de votre établissement en faveur du développement durable. Avec Tork PaperCircle, vous pouvez avoir un impact tangible sur votre empreinte environnementale sans compromettre la qualité ou la commodité. Redéfinissons ensemble ce que signifie être durable. #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #TorkPaperCircle #WasteReduction Tork

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Tork, grafik

    44 679 följare

    Join us for Net Zero Event 2024 - Europe! Join us for our Tork digital event on November 7th at 1:30 – 3:00 PM CET, as we bring regulatory experts, sustainability leaders and recognized speakers together for an engaging and insightful event. Together, we need to transform to a more sustainable business model if we want to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Register today! #sustainability #netzero

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Tork, grafik

    44 679 följare

    Dans l'épisode précédent, nous parlions d'innovation et de data... Mais comment l'innovation facilite la vie des équipes opérationnelles ? Découvrez maintenant le 4ème épisode ou le panel d'experts Tork nous éclaire sur comment l’innovation se met au service des opérants En savoir plus sur la solution Tork Vision Nettoyage : #tork #essity #TorkVisionCleaning

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