

Samhällsorganisationer och sociala organisationer

Advancing human rights in business since 2003.

Om oss

Our mission is to empower rights holders and to promote responsible business practices and inclusive growth. We want to achieve this by creating awareness and engagement across three main stakeholder groups: civil society, business actors and public authorities. Our three interrelated intervention strategies are: research and investigation, dialogue and engagement and capacity building. Since 2003 we have published more than 100 reports and briefings and conducted research in over 40 countries, uncovering pressing human rights and environmental issues across sectors ranging from extractives and agriculture to energy.

Samhällsorganisationer och sociala organisationer
11–50 anställda
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Anställda på Swedwatch


  • Swedwatch omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Ami Hedenborg, grafik

    Acting Head of Outreach & Advocacy at Swedwatch, Board member of Reporters without borders Sweden

    Tobaksodling är en högriskbransch. Då är det än viktigare att ha koll på risker - och därmed förhindra människorättskränkningar. Bra granskning av P3 Nyheter! (Intervjuad om Swedwatchs rapport fr 2016 om tobaksproduktionen i Bangladesh)

    Snusbolagen kan ha känt till riskerna på tobaksfälten i flera år - P3 Nyheter

    Snusbolagen kan ha känt till riskerna på tobaksfälten i flera år - P3 Nyheter


  • Swedwatch omdelade detta

    🌍 A Call to Action: Corporate Responsibility in Agriculture Kenya faces a critical challenge as hazardous pesticides—banned in the EU but exported in large quantities—threaten the health of farmers and the environment. This impactful mini-documentary by Swedwatch and Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) delves into the harmful effects of these chemicals and highlights the urgent need for stronger corporate accountability and sustainable legislation. 📽️ Watch and join the conversation: https://lnkd.in/d_AXeURa #SustainableAgriculture #CorporateResponsibility #PesticideHazards #Swedwatch  

  • 🇸🇪 🇪🇺 Sverige kan – och bör – sikta högre för företagsansvar och hållbarhet Swedwatch välkomnar regeringens beslut att påbörja implementeringen av EU:s direktiv om företagsansvar (CSDDD) i svensk lag. Det är ett viktigt steg framåt för att stärka hållbarhet och mänskliga rättigheter. Men vi ser med oro på de direktiv som regeringen har gett utredaren – att utgå ifrån att det bara är minimikraven som ska bli svensk lag. ➡️ Minimikraven räcker inte. Genom att bara implementera de lägsta kraven riskerar Sverige att: – Urholka lagens potential att skydda mänskliga rättigheter och miljön. – Tappa konkurrenskraft och innovationskraft internationellt. – Lämna högrisksektorer och kritiska värdekedjor utan nödvändig reglering. Vad behövs istället? ✅ En omfattande due diligence-process som inkluderar hela värdekedjan – även finanssektorn. ✅ En bredare omfattning som tar med fler företag med stor påverkan på människor och miljö. ✅ Ett inkluderande angreppssätt där civilsamhället, näringslivet och fackföreningar får bidra till processen. Swedwatchs rekommendationer till regeringen: 📌 Sikta högre än minimikraven – ta ett helhetsgrepp för en kraftfull lagstiftning. 📌 Involvera relevanta aktörer i en transparent och inkluderande process. 📌 Säkerställ resurser till en tillsynsmyndighet för att garantera efterlevnad. Med rätt ambition kan Sverige visa globalt ledarskap i hållbarhet och mänskliga rättigheter.

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  • ”Somehow the law is working” As Ian Lundin appears in court for the first time today, Reverend James Ninrew Dong, a plaintiff in the case against Lundin Oil, shares his reflection on the trial and access to remedy. Reverend James’ statements are from our panel discussion "Corporate accountability for international crimes and the right to remedy" hosted by Swedwatch and PAX at this year's UN BHR Forum. Full video: https://lnkd.in/d9DszRgv

  • Swedwatch omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Olena Uvarova, grafik

    Head of the International Lab on BHR at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

    BHR Developments in Eastern Europe in 2024 As the year comes to a close, we will review what has happened in the region regarding Business and Human Rights (BHR) and how global developments have impacted Eastern Europe. Join us as we open the floor to everyone who wishes to share their views, concerns, and achievements in BHR. December 12, 3-5 p.m. Please register https://lnkd.in/ek2X9zhp Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia BHR Association Beata F. Jernej Letnar Černič Swedwatch Ostengroup Swedish Institute Salome Zurabishvili Akaki Kukhaleishvili Bakur Kvaratskhelia UN Global Compact Network Georgia Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Kateryna Buriakovska Jessica Johansson

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  • Swedwatch omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Mathieu Vervynckt, grafik

    Head of Unit Value Chains @ Swedwatch

    ⚗️ While farmers in countries like Kenya continue to be exposed to hazardous pesticides without proper training or protective equipment, the #CSDDD remains ambiguous about the extent to which companies should identify risks associated with the use of their products. 🟢 But not the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises! So here's what EU pesticide producers could do (based on the OECD's 6 steps of due diligence) 👇 1️⃣ Identify the risk of the pesticide product being used in a way that could negatively impact human health and the environment. Meaningful stakeholder engagement is critical to provide information on potential risks for end-users. 2️⃣ Conduct stringent counterparty screening ahead of sales to customers in countries where the risk for improper use of pesticides is greater. 3️⃣ Provide protective equipment or other measures that ensure appropriate equipment is available for the working environment, and stop selling pesticides that require protective equipment to small-scale farmers in hot and humid climates. 4️⃣ Facilitate and enable the remediation of the impacts on the farmers and their families poisoned by the pesticides. 👀 By taking these steps, pesticide companies can demonstrate a genuine commitment to human health and environmental protection, moving beyond compliance to true corporate accountability. Yet the million dollar question remains: will EU member states force them to do so? #TransposeBeyondMinimumRequirements 📽️ Check out this video by Swedwatch Naturskyddsföreningen (SSNC) and Kenya Organic Agriculture Network, which illustrates what happens when companies fail to carry out downstream due diligence ⬇️

  • 💭 A Full Week of Business and Human Rights   The 13th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights addressed some of the most pressing issues concerning corporate accountability and human rights violations, including strengthening corporate compliance with due diligence regulations, ensuring effective remedies for victims, and tackling systemic barriers to justice in global value chains.   For Swedwatch, our event on corporate accountability in international crimes drew significant attention. Hearing a rightsholder’s testimony from the ongoing Lundin trial was a powerful reminder of why accountability matters. 🎥 Watch the full video here: https://lnkd.in/d9DszRgv   Another central theme of the forum was amplifying the voices of rights holders and human rights defenders. Swedwatch hosted a session examining the impact of policies, voluntary measures, and regional regulations on Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendent communities, and (W)HRDs at risk. On the last day of the forum, we held a participant-led discussion exploring how public policy and private enterprise intersect regarding human rights obligations.   We ended the week with a panel discussion in Stockholm, welcoming two human rights defenders from Honduras and Brazil alongside members of Business Sweden and Swedfund International, creating a platform for inclusive and solution-driven dialogue.   The journey toward corporate accountability and sustainable development is long, but collaborative efforts like these forums ensure we continue moving forward. 💬 How do you see businesses playing a role in safeguarding human rights and advancing justice?

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  • Swedwatch omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Mathieu Vervynckt, grafik

    Head of Unit Value Chains @ Swedwatch

    ⚗️ While farmers in countries like Kenya continue to be exposed to hazardous pesticides without proper training or protective equipment, the #CSDDD remains ambiguous about the extent to which companies should identify risks associated with the use of their products. 🟢 But not the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises! So here's what EU pesticide producers could do (based on the OECD's 6 steps of due diligence) 👇 1️⃣ Identify the risk of the pesticide product being used in a way that could negatively impact human health and the environment. Meaningful stakeholder engagement is critical to provide information on potential risks for end-users. 2️⃣ Conduct stringent counterparty screening ahead of sales to customers in countries where the risk for improper use of pesticides is greater. 3️⃣ Provide protective equipment or other measures that ensure appropriate equipment is available for the working environment, and stop selling pesticides that require protective equipment to small-scale farmers in hot and humid climates. 4️⃣ Facilitate and enable the remediation of the impacts on the farmers and their families poisoned by the pesticides. 👀 By taking these steps, pesticide companies can demonstrate a genuine commitment to human health and environmental protection, moving beyond compliance to true corporate accountability. Yet the million dollar question remains: will EU member states force them to do so? #TransposeBeyondMinimumRequirements 📽️ Check out this video by Swedwatch Naturskyddsföreningen (SSNC) and Kenya Organic Agriculture Network, which illustrates what happens when companies fail to carry out downstream due diligence ⬇️

  • 🏦 A Call for Financial Accountability in the Energy Transition As the world pivots to renewable energy, human rights and environmental sustainability must be central to this transition. Our recent policy paper emphasizes the need for institutional investors to adopt a rights-based approach, ensuring that communities, ecosystems, and workers are protected throughout the renewable energy value chain. Our policy paper highlights: ✔️An overview of salient human rights and environmental risks in the renewable energy value chain ✔️Guidance on six key steps for rights-based due diligence ✔️An analysis of critical gaps in EU’s regulatory frameworks and its nexus with investors and human rights Full article and policy paper: https://lnkd.in/dqJUPjyM

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