The leading omni-channel betting and gaming operator in Central and Eastern Europe, Fortuna Entertainment Group, has moved into new office premises in Prague. In the planning phase, the focus was on optimising the use of space and establishing simple, sustainable and efficient workstations. At the same time, the aim was to also unleash the creative potential of employees by providing ideal conditions for collaborative work. The result was a dynamic environment without fixed workplaces, which accommodates more than 700 employees. For the furnishings throughout the various rooms and spaces – offices, hot desks, focus rooms, quiet zones, telephone booths, scrum rooms, conference areas, reception spaces, lounges and the terrace – the client chose Vitra as a single-source supplier because of the quality of the Swiss manufacturer’s products. The office building was outfitted in late spring 2020 in the midst of the first wave of the Covid pandemic, at a time when production and delivery presented an extreme challenge – but Vitra completed the order on time. Our clients: #Vitra #OurClients
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