Grandi Stazioni Retail is the company that revamps in a new, modern and functional way the advertising and commercial spaces into the biggest Italian railway stations. Roma Termini, Milano Centrale, Torino Porta Nuova, Firenze Santa Maria Novella, Bologna Centrale, Roma Tiburtina, Napoli Centrale, Venezia Santa Lucia, Venezia Mestre, Verona Porta Nuova, Genova Piazza Principe, Genova Brignole, Palermo Centrale e Bari Centrale represent our network in Italy: architectural and dynamical icons, a unique widespread network for retailers, ADV investors and visitors.
The high-speed railway service reduced Italy and the big stations contribute to make it more attractive, becoming milestones in a trip through beauty, shopping and culinary excellences.
Today the railway station is a space completing the travel, where it is possible to live a unique experience developing new opportunities. It is a big square where flows, communication, products and events converge, always in an engaging way.
And time is not only an unstoppable gear anymore: what was a simple wait can become pleasure.
A trip within a trip. Thanks to the experience of the Ownership – the consortium composed by Antin Infrastructure, Icamap and Borletti Group – Grandi Stazioni Retail improves travelers’ experience with an offer that adds emotion and value to the time spent in the station and that offers to investors new business and communication opportunities in exclusive locations, unmatched for position and quantity of flows.
Over 750 M contacts each year: customers of the big railway stations network are protagonists of their own time. Young, personally and professionally realized, with a high spending capacity. They are curious, interested in innovation and trendsetters in consumption choices.
More than 800 shops and more than 1.900 advertising touch points
(such as screens, digital signage, billboards, etc)
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione