Você está lutando contra atrasos crônicos em sua sala de aula. Como você pode resolver esse problema de maneira eficaz?
O atraso crônico pode prejudicar o ambiente de aprendizagem. Para resolver esse problema de forma eficaz, considere estas estratégias:
- Estabeleça consequências claras e consistentes para o atraso para impedir atrasos habituais.
- Envolva-se com os alunos para entender as causas subjacentes e oferecer suporte ou ajustes conforme necessário.
- Incentive a pontualidade por meio de um sistema de recompensas que reconheça e incentive chegadas pontuais.
Como você lidou com o atraso em sua sala de aula? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
Você está lutando contra atrasos crônicos em sua sala de aula. Como você pode resolver esse problema de maneira eficaz?
O atraso crônico pode prejudicar o ambiente de aprendizagem. Para resolver esse problema de forma eficaz, considere estas estratégias:
- Estabeleça consequências claras e consistentes para o atraso para impedir atrasos habituais.
- Envolva-se com os alunos para entender as causas subjacentes e oferecer suporte ou ajustes conforme necessário.
- Incentive a pontualidade por meio de um sistema de recompensas que reconheça e incentive chegadas pontuais.
Como você lidou com o atraso em sua sala de aula? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
There are so many reasons students can struggle with being on time. Get to know your students and understanding why they are late. This can make a huge impact on the student. Life happens and we need to be there for our students through it all. These are the moments that build relationships.
There is no easy answers. First you should have a dialogue with students and families to determine reasons. Next, you should work to reduce and eliminate those barriers. You might need to refer students and families to school-based, district-based supports. They might be social workers, therapists, counselors, etc. Third, follow up with support staff, students and families to ensure they are getting help. Lastly, you must provide hope and opportunity to make up work and assignments. Always ensure your classroom lessons are engaging, enriching and meeting students’ needs.
Chronic tardiness is a symptom, not the cause. Like a physician investigating issues to make a diagnosis it takes time, a solid relationship with students and their parents and most importantly, a classroom that draws students in making them feel safe and excited to learn. Society doesn’t revere public education like it did decades ago. As schools (districts) hire and retain great teachers that deliver consistent quality instruction, the odds of increasing attendance will go up.
Tardiness is the result of giving least priority to study as compared to a more fascinating world of fun and entertainment. The curriculum should align with more hands-on activities than the lecture. In the contemporary era, academic excellence alone rarely brings success in life. Smart tools are to be developed to cater to speedy assimilation of knowledge!
It important to talk to the student to understand why they are late all the time. Sometimes they can’t help it. I had a student who was late everyday, when I talked to him about why he said his mother goes to work early so he had to walk his younger siblings to their school first before he came to school. So I worked out an arrangement with him to make up the time he missed. He came everyday after school without any problem.
Firstly, communicate discretely one-on-one with students who are chronically late to see if it is warranted or at least in their sphere of control. Secondly, establish clear protocols for when students come in late and the expectation that instruction will continue without a large break and that student must jump in and will have the opportunity to make up anything missed later. Thirdly, I love having the daily agenda up and active throughout class so everyone knows where we are at any given time. My favorite tool for that is Classroomscreen.com!
Os atrasos nas aulas podem variar conforme a rotina escolar e o contexto familiar do estudante. Já tive alunos surdos cujos pais, ao saírem cedo para o trabalho, evitavam acordá-los cedo demais, e como não havia quem os despertasse, acabavam se atrasando. Para resolver, envolvemos as famílias e juntos encontramos uma solução. Outros casos envolvem problemas externos, como atrasos no transporte escolar. Quando o atraso estava ligado exclusivamente ao compromisso do aluno, uma boa conversa e a conscientização sobre a importância de respeitar os horários resolveram a questão.
Have some conversations with not only the students, but the parents as well (particularly if they are you get students) to get a better understanding of what may be the reasons. Provide information to students and families on the general importance of timely arrival but also sharing your daily schedule and what students are missing in your class when they aren’t timely and how it affects their learning. Some incentives for improvement may also be helpful. Depending on the situation, it may also be helpful to connect students and their families to the school social worker and/or the school counselor to assist in intervention or to provide some resources to assist in reducing or eliminating the barrier to timely arrival.
Atrasos crônicos impactam a turma! Para resolvê-los: Comunicação: converse com os alunos sobre as consequências dos atrasos e a importância da pontualidade; Regras claras: estabeleça regras e consequências justas para atrasos frequentes; Incentivos: implemente um sistema de recompensas para quem chega na hora; Causas: investigue as causas dos atrasos, conversando individualmente com os alunos; Flexibilidade: se necessário, ajuste o horário de início ou ofereça atividades extras no final da aula.
Present your class to Jesus Christ' Pray consistently with your students. Invite the parents and guardians of your students for continued prayer. If the problem does not end, fast and pray until the problem is gone. It worked for me.
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