Você deseja fornecer feedback a um membro sênior da equipe. Como você pode fazer isso sem diminuir a autoridade deles?
Abordar um membro sênior da equipe com feedback requer tato e respeito. Implemente estas estratégias para manter sua autoridade enquanto é útil:
- Enquadre seu feedback como uma discussão colaborativa. Concentre-se nas soluções e convide sua perspectiva.
- Seja específico e objetivo sobre suas observações, evitando julgamentos pessoais.
- Expresse apreço por sua experiência, equilibrando suas sugestões com o reconhecimento de sua experiência.
Como você lida com o feedback para aqueles com mais experiência? Concorde com sua abordagem.
Você deseja fornecer feedback a um membro sênior da equipe. Como você pode fazer isso sem diminuir a autoridade deles?
Abordar um membro sênior da equipe com feedback requer tato e respeito. Implemente estas estratégias para manter sua autoridade enquanto é útil:
- Enquadre seu feedback como uma discussão colaborativa. Concentre-se nas soluções e convide sua perspectiva.
- Seja específico e objetivo sobre suas observações, evitando julgamentos pessoais.
- Expresse apreço por sua experiência, equilibrando suas sugestões com o reconhecimento de sua experiência.
Como você lida com o feedback para aqueles com mais experiência? Concorde com sua abordagem.
1. focus on the issue, not the person 2. choose the right time and place 3. start with appreciation 4. use "I" statements 5. Offer solutions, not just criticism 6. maintain a positive and respectful tone throughout the conversation.
What is most crucial here is the trust in the relationship between you and the senior leader. How comfortable is the leader in being vulnerable with you? Are you being judged- often closes the leader. In my experiences, if there is trust, leader is intentional about seeking inputs and making a change which evolves them as a leader- it is the great foundation to start- share and give feedback. The feedback should be objective and u need to listen in too! Perceptions are created thru such moments of truth and credibility is key of you as a partner to enable that feedbk.
1. Frame the Feedback as a Collaborative Discussion Instead of presenting feedback in a way that might seem like a critique, position it as part of a broader conversation. Ask for input: Invite them to share their thoughts first. “I wanted to get your perspective on something. I’ve noticed a few areas where we might be able to improve and would love to hear it. 2. Focus on Solutions Rather than dwelling on problems, steer the conversation toward potential solutions that can be beneficial for everyone. 3. Invite Their Perspective Make sure the senior team member feels respected and their input is valued. This helps prevent any defensiveness and opens the door for discussion.
Talking to senior members especially related to feedback could be challenging in most situations, one of the reliable ways could be a start with a common ground - like the goal to be accomplished, this can help to set the ground for the conversation forward, which takes start from the goal to be achieved and then goes on talk about the steps on the way. One of which could be the feedback meant for the senior members.
Be respectful and polite while addressing areas of improvement, instead of suggesting, invite their inputs. For example- Your leadership in streamlining processes has been excellent, and it’s clear how much progress we’ve made as a team under your guidance. Also, I’ve noticed that some team members seem a bit unclear about priorities, which could be affecting their focus. Perhaps introducing a brief weekly check-in could help align everyone more effectively. What are your thoughts on this approach?
I begin my remarks by praising his work down to the smallest detail. At the end of the conversation, I mention in passing the aspect where he has potential for improvement. This is, of course, done in a one-on-one conversation.
The most important things for me is to respect the engagement and at the same time appreciating his/her experience. Having said that, once u respect the engagement, trust is built and you will be able to recognize and provide the required feedback, whether the individual is a senior, manager or leader.
If your intention is right and you have solid grounds for your opinion then it should not be an issue. You can start by saying that while I respect ur opinion I want to add my part having gone through similar experience. It’s always the team spirit and collective success.
Based on a mutual respect position, be candid, but not personal in your feedback. The focus should be the information and observation without being personal. Frame your response in an empathetic manner and collaborate on solutions beneficial to all.
1. Feedback privately. 2. Start with positives. 3. Be specific. 4. Use collaborative tone. 5. Offer solutions. 6. Seek their input. 7. End with encouragement.
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