Você está fazendo malabarismos com prazos em várias equipes. Como você garante que tudo seja feito no prazo?
Quando você é o eixo central de vários prazos da equipe, manter-se organizado é fundamental. Veja como manter todos os pratos girando:
- Defina metas claras e priorizadas. Identifique tarefas urgentes e atribua-as de acordo.
- Use ferramentas de gerenciamento de projetos. Acompanhe o progresso e os prazos em um local central.
- Check-ins regulares. Promova a responsabilidade e resolva os gargalos desde o início.
Como você lida com prazos sobrepostos? Quais estratégias funcionam para você?
Você está fazendo malabarismos com prazos em várias equipes. Como você garante que tudo seja feito no prazo?
Quando você é o eixo central de vários prazos da equipe, manter-se organizado é fundamental. Veja como manter todos os pratos girando:
- Defina metas claras e priorizadas. Identifique tarefas urgentes e atribua-as de acordo.
- Use ferramentas de gerenciamento de projetos. Acompanhe o progresso e os prazos em um local central.
- Check-ins regulares. Promova a responsabilidade e resolva os gargalos desde o início.
Como você lida com prazos sobrepostos? Quais estratégias funcionam para você?
Usha Kidambi
Leader in Drug Development
(editado)Juggling multiple deadlines can be managed by “keeping the eyes on the prize”. Empower each of your teams and set them up for success by 1) communicating “the critical path” cross- functionally, 2) eliminating unnecessary “white” noise, and 3) flagging risks before they become issues. Create a psychologically safe environment where mistakes are acknowledged but the team is encouraged to course correct and move on towards the end goal. Be kind and empathetic. For yourself, create a priority list of “must do” vs “nice to do” daily, and be disciplined to reevaluate your list. Most importantly, take care of YOU, so you lead your team with positivity and energy.
Ensure multiple teams can be coordinated during program deadlines by jot down prioritization plan, implement project management tools, and promote communication with shared GOALS. First, encourage to justify tasks that are foremost essential within timelines that align with the organization’s vision, allocate resources, and make adjustments as per user needs. Embolden the use of tools such as Jira, Asana, Trello, and Zendesk that compel real-time updates to track tasks, visualize immediate attention, address concerns to anticipate delays, and make sure to keep everything in one place. Genuinely foster collaboration just to recognize barriers at the early stage via meeting in person or over the phone that lead to the success of the program.
Juggling deadlines across multiple teams can be quite challenging. I find that clearly defining priorities and breaking tasks into manageable chunks really helps. Regular check-ins and a centralized project management tool like Asana or Trello ensure everyone stays on the same page. Communication and accountability are key to making sure deadlines are met without compromising quality. How do you tackle misalignment between teams?
Responding based on the Legal Controllership, where efficient deadline management is the "heart" of the business... By defining clear goals and prioritizing tasks, the person responsible ensures that no important activity is neglected. Project management tools centralize control (e.g. Trello or the firm's legal software), providing a clear view of deadlines and responsibilities. Regular check-ins promote accountability and allow bottlenecks to be detected early, avoiding risks. In the Controllership, these practices keep "all the plates spinning" without losing focus on results, ensuring compliance.
Gerenciar múltiplos prazos exige planejamento, comunicação e organização. Para garantir que tudo seja entregue no prazo, é importante começar com um cronograma detalhado que identifique as tarefas mais importantes e suas dependências. Priorizar atividades conforme urgência e impacto ajuda a direcionar os esforços corretamente. Acompanhar o progresso regularmente permite identificar atrasos e resolver problemas rapidamente. Manter uma comunicação clara garante que todos entendam suas responsabilidades e os prazos. Além disso, ajustar recursos e incluir margens de segurança no planejamento ajuda a lidar com imprevistos. Essa abordagem torna possível cumprir os prazos de forma eficiente, mesmo em projetos complexos.
Según mi experiencia es clave una buena estructura de operaciones que implica tener bien claros los roles y personal capacitado en las funciones y tares, con procesos optimizados para cumplir con los requerimientos de entrega en tiempo y forma adecuados, y realizar nuestra promesa valor que nos diferencie de la competencia.
Some methods - Each team has set of goals and vision which needs to be understood to each team. - Set the priorities for each team - Have a daily stand up for each team as per process setup. - Prepare a do/doing/done board for each team visible and flashed daily. - Check the resource constraints / availability till the deadline. - Highlighting the risks with updates register- mitigated/in mitigation . - Flash the bottlenecks and if required- prepares task force who will coordinate in neutralizing them. - Communicate for all the changes and appreciate small milestones. - usage of tools with graphic interfaces will help communicate early and clearly.
To ensure everything gets done on time, I prioritize clear communication, set realistic deadlines, and track progress regularly. My personal trick is using my calendar as a project management tool — after every meeting or task assignment, I immediately block time for it, treating it like a "date" with my task. This ensures I allocate dedicated time to each priority, keeping everything on track.
Maybe you don't. I'm sure many responses to this question will provide sound project management techniques and tips to attempt to accomplish this. An underappreciated aspect of project leadership is triaging portfolio priorities and focusing your teams on the most important goals, understanding what can be delayed and communicating these priorities clearly with appropriate support offered. While having multiple programs with overlapping deadlines is not unusual, to prevent crisis mode from occurring, one should examine whether deadlines and milestones were reasonably developed and programs resourced accordingly. Teams become desensitized to timeline crunches when they become the norm. If everything is top priority, then nothing is.
These are rules to follow: 1. Regular Communication with all stakeholders 2. Identifying and Removing bottlenecks 3. Providing support and guidance when path is not clear 4. Trust the team to take decisions and stand behind the team. 5. Protect the team from the outside noise. 6. Make sure that Team understands you will not throw them under the bus.
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