Você está enfrentando dúvidas de executivos sobre seu conceito de engenharia. Como você vai provar sua viabilidade?
Ao enfrentar o ceticismo executivo, arme-se com evidências e estratégias para defender seu conceito de engenharia. Veja como construir seu caso:
- Demonstre com dados. Colete resultados quantitativos de testes ou simulações que validam a eficácia do seu conceito.
- Apresentar análises comparativas. Mostre como seu conceito se compara aos concorrentes ou soluções existentes em termos de custo, eficiência e inovação.
- Comunique um roteiro claro. Descreva o processo de implementação, os desafios previstos e os retornos potenciais para tranquilizar os executivos sobre a viabilidade do conceito.
Como você aborda os tomadores de decisão convincentes em seu campo?
Você está enfrentando dúvidas de executivos sobre seu conceito de engenharia. Como você vai provar sua viabilidade?
Ao enfrentar o ceticismo executivo, arme-se com evidências e estratégias para defender seu conceito de engenharia. Veja como construir seu caso:
- Demonstre com dados. Colete resultados quantitativos de testes ou simulações que validam a eficácia do seu conceito.
- Apresentar análises comparativas. Mostre como seu conceito se compara aos concorrentes ou soluções existentes em termos de custo, eficiência e inovação.
- Comunique um roteiro claro. Descreva o processo de implementação, os desafios previstos e os retornos potenciais para tranquilizar os executivos sobre a viabilidade do conceito.
Como você aborda os tomadores de decisão convincentes em seu campo?
Feasibility of an engineering concept is defined through 4 lenses. Affordable & Competitive cost and schedule coupled with executability & operability upon completion to meet the business premise. Cost & Schedule affordability and competitiveness can be demonstrated through benchmarking ideally supported by external agencies to build confidence and identify gaps to further sharpen the metrics through the lifecycle. Executability & Operability can be demonstrated through supporting similar concepts that have been delivered & in operation while taking on board learnings from such projects. If the concept is a first of its kind or novel, then a detailed risks assessment & mitigations on all fronts can demonstrate control & build confidence
Seeking Natural examples for matching situations is the best way to prove your own concept ,Then analytical, laboratory, testing method can be used for formulation and design development for solution of problem.
Show them benchmark datas how it's working in other such products Use a2mac1 for automotive engg If other products you need to develop to make them understand Do cae virtual verification to give evidence for your design
The feasibility of any project depends largely on being able to say what benefits it will deliver. Knowing the priorities, concerns, and motivations of the decision makers will also help in approaching the matter. Build a strong case and be able to communicate it effectively.
To support my engineering concept, I would emphasize its simplicity, effectiveness, and cost-efficiency. I would explain, in clear and straightforward terms, how this solution delivers the greatest benefits in terms of cost savings and meeting strict deadlines, ensuring that the concept is easily understood by both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Engineering concepts are something which are well defined and one should not face any doubts if fundamentals are clear. Difference or challenges may arise due to procedural issues or different practices which are being followed on various organizations. In such case it should be backed up by past successes stories and achievements. However, there could be different ways to achieve certain common goals as long as they are aligned with industrial practices or by established international standards.
Actually I will check first with my Engineering team and if everything was designed as documentation Then I can do the following steps 1. Use simulations to prove and break down technical details with visuals and clear explanations. 2. Reference Standards: Validate using industry standards as (API and ASME) and expert reviews.
Feasibility can be proven through theoretical calculations, case studies, or benchmarks supported by a cost-benefit analysis comparing the concept to existing solutions. When simulations or pilots are unavailable, established engineering principles and comparable industry data can be used to demonstrate practicality and address concerns effectively.
Make an option open based on - conventional solution based on relevant codes and standards. - latest technology that have diagnostic features, extracted more useful data and easier to interface in terms operability, control accessibility, maintainability and etc. - fit for purpose technology in terms of cost and schedule.
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