🎄✨ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ✨🎄 This year, we want to share with you an image of Banyoles’ Lake, a place that inspires us and reminds us of the beauty of our surroundings. 💙 At TECNICAL, we are grateful for your trust in us. We wish you a magical Christmas and a successful 2025. Happy Christmas! 🔔 ..................................... 🎄✨ Bon Nadal i feliç Any Nou! ✨🎄 Aquest any volem compartir amb vosaltres una imatge del llac de Banyoles, un lloc que ens inspira i ens recorda la bellesa del nostre entorn. 💙 Des de TECNICAL us agraïm la confiança que heu dipositat en nosaltres. Us desitgem un Nadal ple de màgia i un 2025 amb molts d’èxits. Bones festes! 🔔 ..................................... 🎄✨ ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo! ✨🎄 Este año queremos compartir con vosotros una imagen del lago de Banyoles, un lugar que nos inspira y nos recuerda la belleza de nuestro entorno. 💙 Desde TECNICAL, os agradecemos la confianza depositada en nosotros. Os deseamos una Navidad llena de magia y un 2025 lleno de éxitos. ¡Felices fiestas! 🔔 #BonNadal #FeliçAnyNou #LlacDeBanyoles #Banyoles #PlaDeLEstany #Nadal #FestiveGreetings #ChristmasGreetings #Navidad
TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada
Ingeniería industrial o mecánica
Campllong, Girona 1673 seguidores
Technology at the service of the food industry
Sobre nosotros
Since it was established in 2001, Tecnical has focused its activities on the design and manufacture of machinery and complete turnkey installations for the the dairy and meat sectors around the world. Likewise, throughout 30 years of professional experience, Tecnical has been specialized in the cheese making process. Our added value is to offer a comprehensive service to cover all customer needs. From the design to the start-up of the equipment, at Tecnical we offer technical advice, technology consulting, personalized programming, maintenance, spare parts, and employee training. Our main assets are flexibility and adaptability according to the particular needs of each manufacturer and product. Tecnical’s facilities cover an area of 7,100 m2 that have been set up and equipped for developing machinery and carrying out FAT tests, which certify the quality of the equipment and guarantee optimal functioning before it is delivered to clients. Our R+D+i Department provides companies in the dairy sector with creative, innovative and efficient solutions that help improve and optimise their production processes. Innovation, together with knowledge and experience, have resulted in a number of patents, including a novel immersion mould washing system and an automatic horizontal cheese pressing system.
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada
- Sector
- Ingeniería industrial o mecánica
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 51 a 200 empleados
- Sede
- Campllong, Girona
- Tipo
- Empresa propia
- Fundación
- 2001
- Especialidades
- Разработка и производство оборудования для пищевой промышленности, Design and manufacture of machinery for the food industry, industria alimentaria, dairy industry, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, ingeniería industrial, ingeniería mecánica, meat industry, food industry, industria agroalimentaria, industria siderometalúrgica, maquinaria para hacer queso, diseño de maquinaria, líneas de producción de queso, tecnología, proyectos ingeniería, diseño a medida y Fabricación de maquinaria industrial alimentaria
Pol. Ind. Les Ferreries
Camí de Riudellots, 1-3
Campllong, Girona 17459, ES
Empleados en TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada
Estem molt orgullosos de vosaltres 🩵 Un any més, alguns dels nostres treballadors han representat TECNICAL a la cursa Oncotrail de la Fundació Oncolliga Girona🔝. Van donar-ho tot i van superar-se de nou, batent el seu propi rècord i arribant a les 21:02H, assolint la 24a posició 🏆. Gràcies a tots per tot l'esforç i dedicació, per superar-vos any rere any, i per fer-ho per una causa tan importat. Enhorabona 💪 #Oncotrail2024 #Tecnical
We proudly announce that Tecnical has received the Innovative SME seal 🎖 , which means that our company is strongly committed to innovation💡and technological development ⚙ , allowing us to differentiate our products and services ✅ . Check it out 👇 #Tecnical #PYMEInnovadora #InnovativeSME #Innovation #DairyIndustry #CheesIndustry #MeatIndustry
It is an honor to be part of this project aimed at optimizing production and improving the quality of the factory’s facilities. ✅ 🧀 We thank Fromagerie Marie Kadé Inc and FROMAGEX for trusting us to carry out this important project. Let's keep moving forward together towards excellence! 🏅 #cheeseindustry #dairyindustry #innovation #Tecnical
Nous accompagnons fièrement notre partenaire de longue date, Fromagerie Marie Kadé Inc dans la construction de sa nouvelle usine fromagère. 🧀 Le projet prend forme et nous avons récemment installé les équipements de TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada pour optimiser production et qualité. Grâce à ces investissements de pointe, Marie Kadé pourra accroître sa capacité tout en maintenant ses hauts standards de savoir-faire et de durabilité. Restez à l'affût pour en savoir plus sur ce projet d'automatisation de ligne de production d'Akawi! We are proudly supporting our long-standing partner, Fromagerie Marie Kadé Inc in the construction of her new cheese factory. 🧀 The project is taking shape, and we have recently installed TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada to optimize production and quality. Thanks to these cutting-edge investments, Marie Kadé will be able to increase capacity while upholding her high standards of expertise and sustainability. Stay tuned for more on this Akawi production line automation! #cheeseindustry #fromagex #equipement #automatisation #dairyindustry #factory
⚙️ The Art of Welding at TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada is essential to ensuring the #integrity and #durability of our structures and products. With precision, skill, and quality, our welders: 🔧 Transform metal into robust and reliable solutions. 💡 Apply advanced techniques to ensure perfect welds. 🛡️ Uphold the highest safety standards in every project. #Tecnical #Welding #Innovation #Quality #Safety
🔧 At TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada, quality and customer satisfaction are our top priorities. That's why we conduct rigorous Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT). These tests are essential to ensure that, upon completion of the manufacturing phase of a production line or individual equipment, all components meet the agreed requirements and the entire installation functions flawlessly. 🌟 With our FAT, we guarantee that every project delivers the excellence our customers expect. #Quality #Engineering #CustomerSatisfaction #DairyIndustry #Tecnical #Innovation
We are pleased to share a recent article from Cheese Reporter that highlights the history, evolution, and current status of Eau Galle Cheese Factory Shop! In the section dedicated to the company's expansion, Steve Bechel mentions the successful collaboration with TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada and our distributor FROMAGEX. In his own words, "they are good companies," which reinforces our mission to provide high-quality technological solutions and exceptional service in the cheese industry. We thank Eau Galle Cheese Factory Shop for trusting us during their expansion process. We are proud to be part of your growth and success, and we look forward to collaborating on future projects. Read the article below 👇 #FoodIndustry #Cheese #BusinessExpansion #DairyIndustry #Innovation --------------------- ¡Ens complau compartir un article recent de Cheese Reporter que destaca la història, evolució i situació actual d'Eau Galle Cheese Factory Shop! A l'apartat dedicat a l'expansió de la seva empresa, Steve Bechel esmenta la col·laboració amb TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada i el nostre distribuïdor FROMAGEX. Segons les seves pròpies paraules, "són bones empreses", fet que reforça la nostra missió de brindar solucions tecnològiques de qualitat i un servei excepcional a la indústria formatgera. Agraïm a Eau Galle Cheese Factory Shop per confiar en nosaltres durant el procés d'expansió. Ens enorgulleix formar part del seu creixement i èxit, i esperem continuar col·laborant en futurs projectes. Llegiu l'article més avall 👇 #IndustriaAlimentaria #Formatge #ExpansióEmpresarial #Innovació #IndustriaFormatgera --------------------- ¡Nos complace compartir un artículo reciente de Cheese Reporter que destaca la historia, evolución y situación actual de Eau Galle Cheese Factory Shop! En el apartado dedicado a la expansión de su empresa, Steve Bechel menciona la exitosa colaboración con TECNICAL Tecnologia Aplicada y nuestro distribuidor FROMAGEX. Según sus propias palabras, "son buenas empresas", lo que refuerza nuestra misión de brindar soluciones tecnológicas de calidad y un servicio excepcional en la industria quesera. Agradecemos a Eau Galle Cheese Factory Shop por confiar en nosotros durante su proceso de expansión. Nos enorgullece ser parte de su crecimiento y éxito, y esperamos seguir colaborando en futuros proyectos. Leed el artículo que sigue 👇 #IndustriaAlimentaria #Queso #Innovación #IndustriaQuesera #ExpansiónEmpresarial
Thank you for the generosity and hospitality of Steve Bechel, Mark Dahlstrom, and Bob Greco of Cheese Merchants for allowing Cheese Reporter to visit the two Wisconsin cheese plants the company is currently vertically integrating. This is a great story and a credit to Cheese Merchants' vision. Cheese Merchants is making major investments in two older plants, Eau Galle Cheese Factory Shop and Dairy State Cheese Co., in small communities, expanding employment and keeping nearby area farm families producing quality milk and much more of it. Before the investment, both plants were facing troubling futures. Now with the investments, both plants will double Parmesan production, cheese Cheese Merchants couldn't find on the marketplace. "We want to grow...to do that we have to have a good partnership with the farmers and the entire community," Grecco said. The entire article is attached and also available at https://lnkd.in/gYs5U9Wv.