Te enfrentas a la resistencia de tu equipo en las nuevas estrategias de aprendizaje. ¿Cómo puedes conseguir que se suban a bordo?
Encontrar rechazo a los nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje puede ser un obstáculo, pero se puede superar. Para guiar a tu equipo a aceptar el cambio:
- Comunicar los beneficios. Describa claramente cómo las nuevas estrategias facilitarán su trabajo o mejorarán los resultados.
- Involucrar al equipo en el proceso. Dales voz en la elección y configuración de los métodos de aprendizaje.
- Proporcionar apoyo y recursos. Asegúrese de que tengan acceso a las herramientas y la orientación necesarias para adoptar nuevas prácticas con éxito.
¿Cómo has sorteado con éxito la resistencia a las nuevas ideas en tu equipo?
Te enfrentas a la resistencia de tu equipo en las nuevas estrategias de aprendizaje. ¿Cómo puedes conseguir que se suban a bordo?
Encontrar rechazo a los nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje puede ser un obstáculo, pero se puede superar. Para guiar a tu equipo a aceptar el cambio:
- Comunicar los beneficios. Describa claramente cómo las nuevas estrategias facilitarán su trabajo o mejorarán los resultados.
- Involucrar al equipo en el proceso. Dales voz en la elección y configuración de los métodos de aprendizaje.
- Proporcionar apoyo y recursos. Asegúrese de que tengan acceso a las herramientas y la orientación necesarias para adoptar nuevas prácticas con éxito.
¿Cómo has sorteado con éxito la resistencia a las nuevas ideas en tu equipo?
To get your team on board with new learning strategies, start by addressing their concerns and highlighting the benefits. Involve them in the decision-making process, seeking their input to make the strategies more relevant and tailored to their needs. Offer support and training to ensure they feel confident in adopting the changes. Lead by example, showing enthusiasm and commitment to the new approach.
Several times with my team we created a kind of academy where the members would either learn or deliver training to each other. This way everyone learned new skills, as the trainers also learned to become better trainers. We took this approach even in an organization shutdown and transfer activities to a new organization in another country. We called it “flourish: transformation academy”. The majority learned new skills transferring activities, by learning to do process mapping, flowcharting, leading transition teams, etc. At the end of the process they got new marketable skills that got them better jobs they previously had. And instead of having a “student loan burden” they got a “student asset” made of severance package + retention bonus!
Start by communicating the "why" behind the change—share specific ways the new approach can save time or boost their performance. In a recent shift at work, I involved the team by inviting their input on learning formats, which turned skepticism into ownership. Provide tailored support, like workshops or one-on-one sessions, to ease the transition. As Dr. Henry Cloud notes in Boundaries for Leaders, “Clarity breeds trust.” By being transparent and addressing concerns openly, you can foster buy-in and create a path for collective growth.
I would echo some of the other comments here - getting your team involved in the decision making process early is a great way to foster engagement... it allows people to take ownership of the change and in all honesty you will likely wind up with some really good insights. In my experience, candor also goes a long way. Be upfront about what challenges you and your team will face pre and post implementation and remind everyone of why you are changing tack.
Allow them space to resist as long as they can and face the challenges for themselves. Anticipate and trust them to join at their pace, do not manipulate or force anyone to join along when they are yet to learn life lessons and choose to adopt for themselves. I get people on board by liberating them to choose independently and let people leave if they are not willing to be wise, flexible and adaptive. And that's how they become accountable and take ownership for the collective.
Facing resistance from team in learning is common , it can be dealt efficiently by identify their concerns and acknowledge their perspective. Then starting small commute the vision and explain benefits with some evidence. Involve team in little assignments first and provide support through training and available resources.
Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing concerns and suggestions about the new strategies. Active listening helps understand their perspectives and shows that their opinions are valued, reducing resistance and building trust. Involve Team Members in Decision-Making Engage your team in planning and implementing new learning strategies. When team members participate in decision-making, they are more likely to embrace changes, feeling ownership and responsibility for the outcomes. Provide Adequate Training and Support Ensure your team has access to necessary resources and training to adapt to new strategies. Support during the transition can alleviate fears and uncertainties, facilitating a smoother adoption process.
When my team resists new learning strategies, I focus on understanding their concerns and showing how the changes benefit them directly. I explain the purpose behind the strategy and connect it to their roles, like how it might save time or improve client outcomes. I also involve them in shaping the approach, asking for feedback and making adjustments together. As a financial advisor manager, this approach not only builds buy-in but also strengthens trust and teamwork, ensuring everyone feels heard and valued.
Observando y actuando desde sus puntos de dolor como líder es de saber que quizás les agrade tener tiempo libre o realizar sus entregas a tiempo. Podría iniciar por anticiparles qué la probabilidad de integrar un nueva estrategia garantizará ciertos beneficios no sólo para la empresa sino su tiempo, adicional que un conocimientos extra que serviría en futuro. Brindarle el panorama de puntos a favor tanto en la proyección actual como en su futuro
There will be always resistance for something new as no one wants to uncomfortable from being comfortable. Risk benefit ratio should always be explained to the team. Once your team understand the benefit, they enjoy adapting to the change
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