Te enfrentas a un error crítico en la mecánica principal de tu juego. ¿Cómo priorizas arreglarlo?
En el mundo de los videojuegos, un error crítico puede ser un obstáculo. Para volver a encarrilar tu juego, ten en cuenta estos pasos:
- Evalúe el impacto: evalúe cómo afecta el error al juego y priorice las correcciones en función de la gravedad.
- Comunícate con los jugadores: Sé transparente sobre los problemas y los tiempos estimados de solución para mantener la confianza.
- Implemente una revisión: trabaje en una solución temporal para abordar rápidamente los problemas más disruptivos.
¿Cómo aborda los problemas críticos en su proceso de desarrollo?
Te enfrentas a un error crítico en la mecánica principal de tu juego. ¿Cómo priorizas arreglarlo?
En el mundo de los videojuegos, un error crítico puede ser un obstáculo. Para volver a encarrilar tu juego, ten en cuenta estos pasos:
- Evalúe el impacto: evalúe cómo afecta el error al juego y priorice las correcciones en función de la gravedad.
- Comunícate con los jugadores: Sé transparente sobre los problemas y los tiempos estimados de solución para mantener la confianza.
- Implemente una revisión: trabaje en una solución temporal para abordar rápidamente los problemas más disruptivos.
¿Cómo aborda los problemas críticos en su proceso de desarrollo?
If the game has launched and then you discover this bug, then this is what you can do: - Assess how bad it is. Is it a game breaking bug? Or will it cost you a lot of players? Or worse, will it print virtual currencies and cost you a lot of money (in terms of lost sales)? - Create a quick patch to minimise the impact. A quick fix may not solve the actual problem but you can put some checks in place to prevent players from taking advantage. - Try to replicate the bug in isolation to find what's causing it. This can be very troublesome as some of the worst bugs are those that happen in plain sight. - Patch and Communicate: Drop the patch and write a good patch note to let players know what has been changed. Be sure to get feedback
Start by checking if a new version has been released. Confirm if the bug is in the new version. If needed, roll back the update and gather details about the issue. Pinpoint the conditions that lead to the bug to help focus the search for its cause. We should also assess how the fix will impact the game and try to keep the effect as small as possible. One option is to set up a temporary fix to let players continue while we work on a full solution. The team must keep everyone in the loop, so that testers, developers, and game designers can join in whenever needed.
To handle critical issues in game development, implement techniques like automated error reporting to log and report bugs in real-time, helping the team quickly identify and prioritize issues. Use feature flags to disable problematic features without requiring a full patch, minimizing the bug's impact while working on a fix. Schedule emergency code reviews to quickly analyze the affected code and find the most efficient solution. Additionally, develop a rollback plan, allowing you to revert to a stable version if the bug is too complex, ensuring uninterrupted gameplay while resolving the issue.
I dominantly work on small Homebrews for old consoles (NES, Game Boy, etc) but it's still a similar approach I'm sure to a bigger title. - Assessing the Impact: How game breaking is this bug? Is it easily replicated or is it because a person is purposely trying to find the issue? Could you play the game normally without encountering it? Could it be fun for the community to know about it and play with it? - If it's needing to be fixed, patch and mark in patch notes explaining high level the bug and that it's now resolved with a release of an updated version. No matter how hard you try, the word of the exploit/bug will spread so you can't really hide it. It's going to come down to how you present and communicate the issue and resolution.
If it is a game breaking bug it must be fixed ASAP. A game breaking bug, especially if the game already launched, can create a lot of bad press from players and ruin their experience. So: Game breaking = fix ASAP. If it is a minor bug that won't negatively affect the players experience than you can work on a fix alongside other updates and release it on the next planned patch.
First, thoroughly assess the bug's impact, including any secondary issues it may cause. Determine where it affects gameplay, player experience, and the game economy. On the development side, check if it’s a simple value change or a deeper technical glitch—this will guide your response. If it’s a minor bug, you might release a silent update without notifying players. For more complex fixes that require time, consider options like rolling back to a previous build, issuing a force update with a temporary workaround, or using remote configuration to adjust rewards and other critical data. This allows quick control over bug-related issues without a full update.
When a critical bug shows up, act fast is key. First, check how badly it impacts gameplay, if it causes crashes or breaks core features, it goes to the top of the list. Reproducing the bug helps figure out the root cause, so we can fix it properly. It’s also important to keep players in the loop, letting them know what’s going on and when to expect a fix. A hotfix usually comes first to quickly patch things up. Before releasing it, test thoroughly to make sure no new problems pop up. After that, I keep an eye on things to ensure everything stays stable
Risk Managment Check how critical can be to the players and the company Next solve from the bedly to the comum one Fallowing this, we can fallow up asap and get this done
If it's a critical bug, the ideal approach is to address it, no excuses. However, if the game is already delayed and there are bureaucratic issues involving money and the product, it's best to launch it in beta. Now, if it's a solo game, release it and then apply a patch to fix it in the DLL.
1. Communicate the bug to all relevant parties (your team, supervisors, and QA) 2. Understand the bug 3. Decide on an approach 4. Design a solution 5. Apply the solution 6. Monitor the results for a set time 7. Pat yourself on the back
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