Un diagrama SIPOC es una descripción general de alto nivel de un proceso de negocio que muestra las relaciones entre los componentes principales del proceso. Responde a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Quiénes son los proveedores y clientes del proceso? ¿Cuáles son las entradas y salidas del proceso? ¿Cuáles son los principales pasos o actividades del proceso? Un diagrama SIPOC generalmente se crea antes de un mapa de proceso detallado, ya que ayuda a identificar el alcance y los límites del proceso, y a alinear las expectativas de las partes interesadas.
Most people aren't aware of the full system involved in a process. The SIPOC diagram gets everyone on the same page so that real discussions can occur.
A SIPOC diagram is a visual tool that outlines the Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers of a business process. It provides a high-level overview, helping teams understand the essential elements and relationships within the process. In my experience, creating a SIPOC diagram at the start of a project clarified the process boundaries for our team. By mapping out each component, we could see what inputs were needed and who the customers were. This clear framework not only helps define the scope but also identifies potential areas for improvement, making SIPOC an effective tool for process mapping.
La creación de un diagrama SIPOC requiere que enumere los pasos o actividades principales del proceso en orden cronológico, comenzando con la columna del proceso. Usa verbos y sustantivos, y mantén cada paso simple y claro. La columna de salidas debe incluir los productos, servicios o información que se generan en cada paso del proceso. Los clientes deben aparecer en su propia columna, así como las entidades internas o externas que reciben los resultados del proceso. Los insumos deben enumerarse en su propia columna, incluidos los recursos, materiales o información que se requieren para cada paso del proceso. Por último, enumere las entidades internas o externas que proporcionan los insumos al proceso en la columna proveedores. Al crear un diagrama SIPOC, se pueden usar de 4 a 6 pasos para obtener una vista de alto nivel; sin embargo, se puede usar más si se necesitan más detalles.
SIPOC can be a dynamic, hierarchical process modeling approach, used at both the high-level, and for successive, or lower levels of process detail capture. To 'drill down' into the specific details of a process, each process step noted in a 'high', or 'first level' SIPOC can become a standalone SIPOC, where specific steps (Lower Level Tasks or Procedures) within a given process step in the higher level process can be 'mapped' to the specific Suppliers, Inputs, Outputs and Customers.
Un diagrama SIPOC puede servir para una variedad de propósitos, como definir el alcance y los límites de un proceso de negocio, comunicar y validar sus elementos clave, identificar y priorizar oportunidades de mejora y crear un mapa de procesos detallado. Al compartir y discutir el diagrama SIPOC con las partes interesadas, como los propietarios de los procesos, los miembros del equipo, los clientes y los proveedores, puede obtener información sobre las brechas, las ineficiencias, las redundancias o los errores en el proceso. Además, solicitar comentarios de clientes y proveedores sobre sus necesidades y expectativas puede ayudarlo a crear un mapa de procesos más completo con información adicional como roles, responsabilidades, tareas, decisiones, reglas, datos, métricas, etc.
Jeanne Luchini, MBA
Builder and cultivator of high-performing software quality and development teams
When working a process improvement project, I always start with a SIPOC and validate it with stakeholders and those involved in the process. Discussing the SIPOC with customers also helps identify and align customer CTQs.
Creating a SIPOC begins with the end result, or intent in mind. For instance, a SIPOC is often used to described a process as it exists today - the AS-IS or Current State - of the process. Furthermore, a SIPOC should reflect a unitary course of action - the usual, or most frequent way - that business is done. By limiting a SIPOC in this matter, the SIPOC can be built quickly and then used as a frame of reference for important discussions, such as those regarding process exceptions and failure points, or process simplification and/or automation. From such discussions, an entirely new SIPOC - the To-Be, or Future State - model of a given process can emerge.
To use a SIPOC diagram, start by gathering your team to define the process you want to map. Begin with the "Process" section, outlining the key steps involved in the workflow. Next, identify the "Suppliers" providing inputs and list those "Inputs" required for the process. Then, clarify the "Outputs" that result from the process and who the "Customers" are that receive those outputs. In a past project, this structured approach helped us visualize the entire process. By collaboratively filling in the SIPOC diagram, we ensured everyone was aligned and had a shared understanding, which set a strong foundation for further process improvement.
Un diagrama SIPOC puede proporcionar varios beneficios para el mapeo de procesos de negocio, como ayudar a comprender el panorama general de un proceso y cómo se relaciona con la cadena de valor de la organización. También puede aclarar las funciones y responsabilidades de los implicados e identificar las entradas y salidas críticas del proceso. Además, puede ayudar a centrarse en la perspectiva del cliente y en cómo alinear el proceso con sus necesidades y expectativas, así como simplificarlo y estandarizarlo para eliminar el desperdicio y la variación.
The SIPOC diagram provides a holistic view of processes, aiding in understanding their role in the organization's value chain. It clarifies roles, aligns processes with customer needs, and identifies areas for improvement. #SIPOC #ProcessMapping #BusinessImprovement
SIPOC is best deployed as short-form narrative process mapping or recording technique (i.e. short, succinct sentences limited to nouns and verbs). Process discovery using SIPOC should occur in a group setting engaging a cross-section of those who are impacted by, supply inputs, consume outputs, participate in, or otherwise engage in the process itself. SIPOC-based process discovery is driven by a facilitator who guides the discussion along the processes' natural, logical, chronological precedence or order of operation path. It's a way of reducing any given process into a very detailed, yet easily understood model.
Skilled facilitation is so key, Bob, for any type of process capture process that leads to a map -- SIPOC or any other format. I usually ask clients to think about who they DON'T want to have facilitating a session (without naming names!) and then have them propose candidates they would like. My simplest criterion for a good facilitator? Someone who knows how to ask good questions -- and then shut up!
A SIPOC diagram offers several benefits, including providing a clear overview of the process, identifying key components, and fostering better communication among team members. It helps everyone understand the scope and boundaries of the process. In a project I worked on, the SIPOC diagram clarified roles and responsibilities, making it easier for team members to see how their work connected to the overall process. Additionally, it serves as a foundation for deeper analysis, allowing teams to pinpoint areas for improvement and streamline workflows. Overall, a SIPOC diagram enhances understanding and collaboration, driving effective process management.
Un diagrama SIPOC puede presentar algunos desafíos para el mapeo de procesos comerciales, como acordar el nivel de detalle y granularidad de los pasos del proceso, las entradas, las salidas, los clientes y los proveedores. También puede ser difícil capturar todas las variaciones y excepciones del proceso, especialmente si es dinámico o adaptativo. Además, puede ser difícil mantener y actualizar el diagrama SIPOC, especialmente si el proceso cambia con frecuencia o involucra a varias partes interesadas. Además, puede ser difícil medir y monitorear el rendimiento y la calidad del proceso, especialmente si las entradas y salidas son intangibles o subjetivas.
Jeanne Luchini, MBA
Builder and cultivator of high-performing software quality and development teams
With regards to the process steps, I only document the high-level steps in a SIPOC and get more detailed in the as-is process map. When documenting the detailed process map, I always include those involved in the process to ensure it reflects the actual process steps.
I have one client that does the opposite of what you describe, Jeanne: they do create high-level SIPOC diagrams, but for many processes, they also create very detailed, multi-page SIPOCs. To accomplish that level of detail, and to avoid requiring separate process maps, we helped them build a custom, data-driven Visio template. Each of the SIPOC shapes incorporates data attributes that are made visible using Visio's data graphics capability. The result is a set of very attractive, readable, data-driven maps. And because key process data are in the map, there are a variety of reports and other "outputs" from the SIPOC diagram that are extremely useful. This isn't the "right" approach, per se, but it works very nicely.
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