Te enfrentas a actuaciones consecutivas. ¿Cómo manejas la fatiga vocal de manera efectiva?
Para los cantantes que se enfrentan a espectáculos consecutivos, mantener la salud vocal es crucial. Para prevenir y controlar la fatiga vocal, ten en cuenta estos consejos:
- Hidrátate de manera constante, con el objetivo de tomar al menos ocho vasos de agua al día para mantener lubricadas las cuerdas vocales.
- Calienta y enfría tu voz suavemente antes y después de las actuaciones para minimizar la tensión.
- Descansa la voz cuando sea posible, evitando hablar o susurrar innecesariamente entre espectáculos.
¿Cómo proteges tu voz durante un exigente programa de actuaciones? Comparte tus experiencias.
Te enfrentas a actuaciones consecutivas. ¿Cómo manejas la fatiga vocal de manera efectiva?
Para los cantantes que se enfrentan a espectáculos consecutivos, mantener la salud vocal es crucial. Para prevenir y controlar la fatiga vocal, ten en cuenta estos consejos:
- Hidrátate de manera constante, con el objetivo de tomar al menos ocho vasos de agua al día para mantener lubricadas las cuerdas vocales.
- Calienta y enfría tu voz suavemente antes y después de las actuaciones para minimizar la tensión.
- Descansa la voz cuando sea posible, evitando hablar o susurrar innecesariamente entre espectáculos.
¿Cómo proteges tu voz durante un exigente programa de actuaciones? Comparte tus experiencias.
This is something that I have felt I have mastered over the years. -Long warm bath/shower, let your body physically rest and recover -Some vocal rest, give yourself a chance to take the day that little bit slower, and limit vocal use where possible. -Hydration, get going with your water, your herbal teas (or decaf beverages) -Some light vocal exercises, like lip trills and sirens, vocalising through straw exercises -For me, electrolytes are my friend; I often will make an electrolyte drink; or if I am on the go, maybe a lucozade sport often does the trick.
“Real World” singing requires a more industrial approach. Back to back gigs are nothing compared to eight shows a week on Broadway or even six shows a day at a theme park. A union session is a minimum of four hours and you are expected to have the same voice at the end as when you started. So, great technique is crucial and fundamental to working as a singer. That’s why it’s important to treat singing as an athletic event. The body is as much a part of the instrument as the voice is. Both need rest and both need activity to stay in shape. We always say in the studio “If it hurts you’re doing it wrong.”
To add to the great suggestions already posted, I’ve found that one of the biggest things to prioritize and become more aware of is the casual use of your voice in-between gigs: Limit the conversations you have, try not to schedule work calls or meetings where you’re the main presenter. If you don’t have to talk before you start warming up for your set, don’t.
All of the advice shared in this forum is helpful. I hope singers will avail themselves of the suggestions. As a performer/singer/actor myself, with 2 shows a day, and constant vocal demands, the one thing I keep in mind is to hydrate, hydrate and more hydration, especially with herbal teas or hot water with lemon and honey that I can sip when not onstage, or between shows. And I agree--limit the casual conversations--give your voice a rest! And use those days off to do minimal speaking. Warm up (tune up) before every singing gig, regardless of how long or how demanding as well. My 2 cents....
Prévoir des moments de repos (sieste sommeil) pour une récupération efficace. Et avoir tout le long de l’année une routine pour entretenir l’appareil vocale
I use a Body-Mind-Soul approach: 1. Only drink warm water to relax the vocal cords and promote better blood flow 2. Cut out all salty, fried, spicy or dehydrating foods or drinks 3. Take some Ginseng in powder or broth form to boost energy and vitality, strengthen immunity, enhance lung capacity and support better vocal projection, stamina and ease 4. Get massages! Particularly shoulders and head to rejuvenate or invigorate. 5. Use some affirmations to calm down the nervous system or reduce Cortisol. Examples: "My voice is resilient, powerful and expressive.", or "I am so grateful for my gift, my solid technique, and my incredible body and mind." 6. Laugh! Watch some comedy clips to boost focus, creativity, relax and reduce anxiety
- Take vocal naps. Absolutely no talking in between performances except when absolutely necessary - Hydrate yourself properly. Keep sipping water throughout the day rather when you are thirsty - A breathing technique I learnt in my Art of Living workshop is Ujjayi breath. It helps calm and rejuvenate the vocal folds a lot faster.
Make sure to stay in shape during off times or times such as during Covid in 2020. At least sing exercises daily, even if you have no performances upcoming. I paid the price in 2020 of NOT doint this, and I suffered a vocal injury after returning to in person teaching, singing too strenuously during just one lesson. I have been able to make a full recovery, but I am much more careful about range and volume, and repertoire choices than I would like to have to be at this point.
-If you dont have to talk, don't. -Do a quick gentle SOVT warm up in the morning. -I've found a vocal mist nebulizer is the most effective way to hydrate the vocal folds and you can use it regularly throughout the day. -Warm up before sound check and take it easy... save it for the show. -Always cool down after vocal use. Reset with some straw-work. -Exercise if possible. -Rest your body and your mind. -Don't talk. -Stay hydrated. -Stretch and breathe -After each show, cool down -Get plenty of sleep -Repeat
I have found that to avoid the fatigue of vocal cords during singing, the inhalation is the most priority of resting the muscle so the new phrase can start as fresh as possible ♥️
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