Está lidiando con retrasos en la entrega de alimentos durante las horas pico. ¿Cómo satisfacen las expectativas de los clientes?
Cuando la hora de la cena trae una avalancha de pedidos a domicilio, cumplir con las expectativas de los clientes se convierte en un acto de malabarismo de alto riesgo. Para mantener a tus clientes sonriendo a pesar de la espera:
- Optimice sus operaciones analizando los patrones de pedidos y preparándose con anticipación para las horas pico .
- Comunícate de forma proactiva con los clientes sobre los plazos de entrega previstos y los retrasos.
- Dota a tu equipo de las herramientas y la autoridad necesarias para tomar decisiones sobre el terreno que mejoren la satisfacción del cliente.
¿Cómo se mantiene un servicio estelar cuando las cosas se ponen agitadas? Comparte tus estrategias.
Está lidiando con retrasos en la entrega de alimentos durante las horas pico. ¿Cómo satisfacen las expectativas de los clientes?
Cuando la hora de la cena trae una avalancha de pedidos a domicilio, cumplir con las expectativas de los clientes se convierte en un acto de malabarismo de alto riesgo. Para mantener a tus clientes sonriendo a pesar de la espera:
- Optimice sus operaciones analizando los patrones de pedidos y preparándose con anticipación para las horas pico .
- Comunícate de forma proactiva con los clientes sobre los plazos de entrega previstos y los retrasos.
- Dota a tu equipo de las herramientas y la autoridad necesarias para tomar decisiones sobre el terreno que mejoren la satisfacción del cliente.
¿Cómo se mantiene un servicio estelar cuando las cosas se ponen agitadas? Comparte tus estrategias.
Facing delay in food delivery during peak dining hours- - Delay in serving foods to the Guests can have a high drastic negative impact on the dining experiences of the Guests. The Guests always look forward to having pleasant peaceful and quick food and services to be rendered. - It is imperative to assess the core reason behind the delay in serving food, is it due to short manning, higher prep time, unavailability of the ingredients or a sudden breakdown of machinery or any equipment. - The Guests should be approached with an unconditional apology and a realistic time frame for the foods to be served, while they wait, some quick appetizers or welcome drinks can be served as a gesture.
Streamline operations and enhance communication. Optimize the delivery process by refining kitchen workflows, assigning priority to high-demand items, and ensuring proper staffing during peak times. Use real-time tracking systems to keep customers informed about their order status and estimated delivery time. Offer proactive customer service, such as sending updates or compensatory discounts for delays. Analyze peak-hour data to identify patterns and make necessary adjustments to minimize future delays, ensuring a better customer experience.
Has anyone considered hiring third-party staff in the F&B industry? In hospitality, hotels often outsource tasks like beach services or pool management to specialized companies. Could restaurants adopt a similar model during peak hours? Imagine an app where certified workers pick up shifts based on restaurant needs for example, 'Dishwasher needed for 5 hours, $20/hour,' or 'Server needed, payout $X.' This on-demand staffing approach could help restaurants manage busy times efficiently while giving workers flexibility. What do you think?
It all has to do with how your service staff responds to an angry customer who started losing his/her patience due to a long wait to receive their ordered dish. If your staff are cool, smiling, and polite and explain the real situation that due to pressure, the kitchen team is doing their best to make sure that their order will be served in the next - Get exactly the timing from the kitchen before informing the customer about how long it will take- and offer a small appetizer on the house for the customer / Bread, etc.., The customer might cool down and understand the situation. But if the staff doesn't listen and keep ignoring the customer when passing next to their table, don't be surprised when they start shouting and even leave!
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