Sus colegas se resisten a las prácticas de aprendizaje digital. ¿Cómo puedes superar su rechazo?
La introducción de nuevas herramientas digitales puede encontrar resistencia, pero con el enfoque adecuado, puede convertir a los escépticos en adoptantes. A continuación, te explicamos cómo facilitar la transición:
- Demostrar valor mostrando ejemplos concretos de cómo las herramientas digitales ahorran tiempo y mejoran los resultados.
- Ofrecer una formación que sea accesible y relevante, garantizando que todos se sientan seguros de sus habilidades digitales.
- Aborda las preocupaciones con paciencia, escuchando activamente las dudas de tus colegas y dando respuestas reflexivas.
¿Cómo has persuadido a tu equipo para que adopte las nuevas tecnologías? Comparte tus experiencias.
Sus colegas se resisten a las prácticas de aprendizaje digital. ¿Cómo puedes superar su rechazo?
La introducción de nuevas herramientas digitales puede encontrar resistencia, pero con el enfoque adecuado, puede convertir a los escépticos en adoptantes. A continuación, te explicamos cómo facilitar la transición:
- Demostrar valor mostrando ejemplos concretos de cómo las herramientas digitales ahorran tiempo y mejoran los resultados.
- Ofrecer una formación que sea accesible y relevante, garantizando que todos se sientan seguros de sus habilidades digitales.
- Aborda las preocupaciones con paciencia, escuchando activamente las dudas de tus colegas y dando respuestas reflexivas.
¿Cómo has persuadido a tu equipo para que adopte las nuevas tecnologías? Comparte tus experiencias.
Understand Their Concerns: Listen actively to their reasons for resistance and address specific fears or misconceptions. Highlight Benefits: Showcase how digital learning improves efficiency, engagement, and outcomes. Provide Support: Offer training sessions, resources, and step-by-step guidance to build confidence. Start Small: Introduce simple, low-stakes digital tools to demonstrate value gradually. Share Success Stories: Use examples of colleagues or teams who’ve thrived with digital practices to inspire trust.
The moment you make them realize how digital learning can help them deliver their mundane tasks with accuracy and precision, they all will happily embrace it. They are four steps I shall implement 1. Creating the need for digital learning 2. Why and how they should implement it 3. Proper training will give them the confidence. 4. Pilots roll out with data samples which can be validated for desired output. In today’s era everyone is eager to explore digital technologies more and more but the most important thing here is to impart this learning in day to day activities.
Not just digitisation- any change is met with skepticism. For digital tools to be adapted by teams - 3 things are essential - leadership advocacy - explain the benefits and how it will help ease their lives- save time / reduce effort/ improve engagement and indirectly lead to business - have KPIs and share progress regularly!! Nothing motivates like your own name on a leaderboard!!
A lot of resistance to digital learning exists because much of it isn't a great experience and isn't impactful. Design a high-quality experience that leads to compelling outcomes and you'll start to change minds. Data on the ensuing learning effectiveness always helps, too.
I will start by understanding their concerns through open communication followed by highlighting the benefits of digital learning, such as flexibility and accessibility. I will offer hands-on training sessions to familiarize them with the tools. Sharing success stories from peers who have benefited from digital learning might help. Finally, I will encourage a supportive environment where they feel comfortable asking questions and sharing feedback.
O processo de aprendizagem digital está em nosso dia a dia muito mais do que as pessoas podem perceber. Uma atividade inicial é mostrar a todos que praticas simples que são corriqueiramente realizadas, são praticas de aprendizagem digital, como assistir um tutorial em uma plataforma de streaming, acompanhar um profissional em uma rede social e aprender com as dicas postadas. Esta pode ser uma atividade quebra-gelo para inicio de atividades mais estruturadas e profundas.
To overcome resistance to digital learning, follow this strategic approach: Understand concerns (technical expertise, fear of change, effectiveness), engage colleagues (open discussions, surveys), and address concerns (training, support, showcasing benefits). Build confidence through pilot programs, experimentation, & celebrating successes. Ensure effective change management (clear communication, influencer involvement), technology integration (user-friendly platforms, accessibility), & sustainability (digital learning community, ongoing support). Lead by example, empower champions, and foster a culture of continuous learning. By following this structured approach, you'll drive digital learning adoption & address concerns among colleagues.
I faced a similar challenge while implementing Zoho CRM in my organization. Our sales team, aged 45-55, had been working with pen-and-paper methods for years and were resistant to change. Despite providing engaging content, optimizing user experience, and other creative initiatives, adoption remained low. To address this, I linked CRM usage to their KRAs and introduced zonal team reviews based on analytics. Additionally, we completely phased out paper-based processes. This approach created accountability and urgency. Within two months, everyone adapted to the CRM, and now, one year later, it’s being used optimally.
Age may be one factor. Looking silly or ridiculous, or being slower than others, or asking stupid questions - these are typical worries and in a patient and understanding environment they should dissipate. For all others, I'd say: BRIBE THEM Devise a process where digital learning brings rewards and promises career development. Chances are, the benefits of being part of the process will outweight whatever keeps them from participating. Finally, make sure digital education is appealing. Use the power of visual arts, gamification, VR, whatever possible - there is nothing worse than having to endure three hours of "digital training" in the form of Power Point - like slides!
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